The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 930

Night sky inclines one Zheng, "month younger sister originally knew is she to do?"

"It's not too early! From the last time you were replaced by Ye Qian to the cloud palace, my brother Yun Twilight cold, by exchanging a few words with you, I guess it is her. Later, ye Qian took his brother back to southern Xinjiang. I had to leave the capital. I met the returning troops of Southern Xinjiang in Yuncheng. I exchanged the southern Xinjiang jade seal with Ye Qian. I learned that the Prime Minister of Qin was the one who went out to join the heavenly Saint royal family. I figured these things out. But it's one thing to guess, and another to find someone to verify it. "

"It turns out that sister Yue is here to prove these things to me!" Night sky suddenly.

"Not all of them. 1、 Come to see you. If you are badly hurt, save it. It seems that you don't need it now. 2、 It's about verifying these things, of course. 3、 It's to keep your dead heart alive. " Cloud shallow moon is outspoken.

"Well? Sister Yue is going to help me now? I know that the fourth younger brother once asked for you. You refused and said that you would not help him deal with the seventh brother. Yes? What's going on now? Let seven brothers cold your heart? So come and help me? Are you going to cooperate with me, who is regarded as an abandoned son by my father and Emperor? Or use it? " Night sky raises eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon hangs down eyelashes, "he really cold my heart! But I will not cooperate with you. I can only say that it will benefit and benefit each other. "

"I don't know how sister Yue is going to work for mutual benefit? Can I still have the benefits and benefits you value? " Night sky tilts oneself to raise the corner of the mouth.

"You live to my benefit and benefit." Cloud shallow moon way: "you restrain him, I can take profit from it!"

"Sister Yue said it bluntly. What can I get? " The night sky looks at the clouds and the moon.

"Will not turn into a sword. Although not all cooperation, but I can help you secretly. As you can imagine, I may be a fatal weakness for him The cloud is shallow and the moon is careless.

"It seems that he has really chilled your heart to the end!" Night sky inclines suddenly to sigh a voice, "I thought you would never hit him. After all, you have been good to him since childhood. When I learned that you have been helping him all these years, you don't know how jealous I am. I am the one who would like to be expelled from northern Xinjiang and let go. "

"If it were you, you might not live to the north of Xinjiang." Cloud shallow moon cannot help but hit him.

"Yes! If the seventh brother was the prince, I was the seventh brother. Maybe I can't live to the north. " Night sky inclines to nod, also don't because cloud shallow moon this sentence and exasperate.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak any more. This is the purpose of her coming day. What she should say has already been said.

"After all, the seventh brother is not in Beijing. I have been a prince for so many years, and my father will tell me to do some things. So I still know some things, even if I don't understand them, I can get some insight. You're right. Qin Yuning did what happened to Lingtai temple. A hundred years ago, when the grandfather of prime minister Qin, the elder brother of the royal family of Southern Xinjiang, went to heaven to build the underground Buddhist temple of Lingtai temple. Naturally, she knows the secret channels and information organs of the underground Buddha Hall. It is not surprising that Qin Yuning can learn the underground information mechanism of Lingtai temple from Qin's ancestors. That day, except me, she was her. I guess she wanted to do something to you. As you said, either let me ruin your reputation or kill you. But later, she was found out by Jing Shizi and beat her up with me and fell with you. " Night sky inclines slowly tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon picked pick pick eyebrow, listen quietly.

"The fire burning Wangchun building is inseparable from her. Do you still remember that King Shizi took out the evidence of the fire burning Wangchun building, and his father Longyan was furious? He's just pretending to be angry. Isn't it over in the end? Because he ordered the Prime Minister of Qin to do it, naturally he would not investigate. He would like to use the lavender on my body to remove the delicate, Arnebia he would not personally under my body. Because I see that he is the court clothes, after the next Dynasty will change clothes. On that day, in addition to him, uncle Yun Wang, Ming Fei and Qin Yuning approached me. Naturally, uncle Yun won't, so there will be Ming Fei and Qin Yuning. Imperial concubine is a mother's concubine. Naturally, she won't get too close to me. Besides, I keep my father's concubine at a distance. Of course, it's not her. After I went back to the mansion that day, I changed my clothes and came out to meet Qin Yuning, who was also out of the mansion. She slipped accidentally and I helped her. Therefore, the purple grass on my clothes was undoubtedly from her. " "Since the Prime Minister of Qin is a man of his father's, it's understandable that Qin Yuning was instructed by the Prime Minister of Qin. The purpose of his father's removal of coquetry is to make Leng Shao Zhuo completely turn against you. He also takes advantage of me to take you to prison, to visit the reaction of old king Yun and his mother. I don't want to be led to Rong Jing and night light dye to protect you. But there is still a point, let Leng Shao Zhuo in order to die Jiaojiao hate you into the bone. "

Cloud shallow month blinked an eye, think Leng Shao Zhuo is afraid is now also don't know Jiaojiao is his younger brother in fact?

"Before I had time to change my clothes after I returned to the mansion, the crown prince's side imperial concubine took ginseng soup and waited for me in the main hall. At that time, I didn't understand the purpose of my father, nor did I know that I was contaminated with Arnebia and let her get close to me. That's why she died later, and I understand Night sky tilted a look at Yun Qianyue and saw that she did not speak. He continued: "on the day when you went out of the palace, you met hundreds of hidden guards. I can't tell whether it was the father emperor or the Prime Minister of Qin himself. Naturally, the purpose was to use the magic of Southern Xinjiang to bring the king of Southern Xinjiang to Beijing for questioning. He took the opportunity to kill the king of Southern Xinjiang so that the Qin family could go back to southern Xinjiang to replace him Ye Qian. Because ye Qian has been night light dye, secretly sent someone to protect her, and at the same time protect her people also Rongjing. So the Qin family did not succeed. "Yunqianyue nodded and thought that the prince who had been in the night for more than 20 years was not made for nothing. Today, she was asked to come. Although she had guessed about these things, it was not clear how specific it was. He was the party, so it was clear.

"That's all I can say!" Night sky pour words fall, look at cloud shallow moon seriously, "month younger sister, you just said words do not do accurately?"

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "do you say?"

"You're right. I don't want to. My father has used me for so many years to keep the crown prince for his favorite son. In the end, it was he who used me up and killed me. Don't give me half silk and seven younger brothers a chance to fight openly. Naturally, I have hatred in my heart. " Ye Tianqing stated in a calm voice, "I really want to turn my unwillingness into a sword, and I do not ask you to cooperate with me in an all-out way, because I know that if you help me wholeheartedly, the real winner of my seventh brother and I is really unknown, but I know you will not. If you can help me secretly, I will be satisfied. Even if it is to vent my hatred, I can't let my father easily abandon me like my shoes. "

"No problem helping you secretly! I said it was mutual benefit. " Cloud light moon light tunnel. Night sky can say these words, it shows that there is fighting spirit, his heart is not dead, can be used.

"That's settled!" Night sky inclines suddenly to smile, to cloud shallow moon difficult ground hand.

Cloud shallow moon looks at his outstretched finger to pick eyebrow.

"We don't need a contract in black and white. Pull the hook There is a glimmer of hope in the night sky.

The cloud light of the moon's eyes flickered twice, reaching out to hook with his outstretched fingers.

Night Tianqing tightly clenched the finger of cloud light moon, then released it and gave her a smile. This smile seemed to pull out the cloud and mist, "sister Yue, thank you for coming to see me today. I'm happy. "

"No! How do you recuperate! I'm going. " To achieve the goal, the cloud light moon will naturally no longer stay. Stand up and step out. After two steps, he suddenly reached into his arms and took out a bottle and threw it to the night sky, "this is gelling dew."

Although I didn't look back, the gel was thrown into the palm of night sky. Night sky tilts his head to have a look, and then looks up, cloud shallow moon has already come out of the door, his eye light shows not to give up, a moment later, will Congzhi dew tightly hold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!