The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 929

After Rongjing left, yunqianyue went to the mirror and took a look. Seeing that she could still go out to meet people, she walked out of the door. Just to fly away, is to see Ling Lian and Yi Xue back, she looked at them.

"Miss, are you going out of the house?" Ling Lian asks softly, just now she is seeing cloud shallow moon to leave action.

"Well, I'll go to the second prince's house! Did you send your brother to xifengyuan? Nothing happened in the West Maple Garden? " Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"No!" Ling Lian shook her head and said in a low voice, "in addition to the hidden guards in the mansion, there are eight waiters arranged by the young lady for the son of the world. Besides, sister Huasheng takes Fengyan and canglan to guard the West Maple Garden in person. Nothing can happen. "

"Good! Where there is an accident today, the West Maple Garden should be as solid as gold, and no mistakes can be made. " Cloud shallow moon nods, mention canglan, she asks in a low voice, "Cang LAN knows Cang pavilion?"

Ling Lian nodded, "I know! But the young lady can rest assured that the seven of us have been separated from the seven aristocratic families since we were young, and we are all red Pavilion people. If Cang Shao Lord deals with the little Lord, Cang LAN will not be soft hearted to him even if he has the same blood. "

"Well, I'm not worried about that!" Cloud shallow moon nodded and asked, "cloud Wu and other four bodies burned?"

"According to King Shizi's orders, he was burned by his hidden guard!" Ling Lian nods.

"Well, you'd better go to the front room and take care of it until the banquet is over. However, in the past, the people behind this event will not start. But be careful. " Yunqianyue waved to them.

"Miss, you are going to the second prince's house. Let's go with you! Anyway, jingshizi is back, and he is in the front hall. Nothing will happen. " Yi Xue, who has never spoken, immediately said.

"My martial arts have recovered! Nothing will happen! You don't have to worry about it. Just take care of the house! " Cloud shallow moon do not want to say again, toe light, floating body left shallow moon Pavilion. Ling Lian and Yi Xue see cloud shallow moon is determined not to let them follow, but under helpless had to go to the front hall again.

Out of the cloud palace, the streets are lined with running water mats, and the people are eating happily. After a general look at the cloud, the moon did not want to see it, and went to the original Prince's house, now the second prince's house.

No words all the way, came to the second prince's house, cloud shallow moon also does not conceal the body shape, floats the body to fall outside the main hall. In the past ten years, she almost broke through the threshold of this mansion, and now she found the main hall where night Tianqing lived.

"Who are you?" As soon as she fell, there were dozens of figures in the dark, and in an instant several swords pointed at her.

"It's me! I've heard that the second prince has been assassinated, so I'll take a look at his injuries. " Cloud light moon voice quiet tunnel.

Dozens of people were born with swords. One of them was obviously the leader of the hidden guard. He took a look at Yun Qianyue and told the palace, "the second prince, the lady of the cloud palace..."

"Sister Yue, come in!" The man's voice did not fall, night sky tilt voice from the temple, some hoarse.

As soon as the leader of the hidden guard waved his hand, dozens of people immediately withdrew their swords and returned them. They all retreated.

At this time, two maids came out from the inside and stood on both sides of the cloud after a ceremony and opened the curtain. The cloud is shallow and the moon is walking towards the main hall. Following the curtain set off by the two maids, the hall was empty, without the so-called scarlet and happy words. There was no one except the two maids. There was a strong smell of blood in the hall. The curtain was closed and the sight was dim. He was lying on the bed at night, covered by the curtain. His face looked pale even in the dark shadow.

The cloud moon stepped into the threshold, did not approach the night sky tilt, but went to the bed, stretched out his hand to open the window. When she comes to the warm bed, she turns around and blows away the bed

Night sky tilts to shake head, the face is bleak, the eye light does not have a look, "the great doctor has seen it!"

"Depressed by the blow?" Yun Xiaoyue waved, and a square stool fell steadily from the front of the table to a foot in front of the bed. She sat down with her skirt and raised her eyebrows.

Night sky inclines silent for a moment, light voice way: "I didn't expect you can come to see me! You can still step into this room. "

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrow, smile way: "according to you so say, I can't come?"

Ye Tian Qing shook his head, his face was dim and his voice was obscure. "No, since I knew that you were only acting on me these years, and the person you really like is Jing Shizi, I didn't expect that you could come to me again. Before, you always liked reading backward on that soft couch, and I would like to throw you out. What I hate the most is like a dream far away. But I think about it most these days. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the past, then I must no longer dislike you and treat you better. "

"I'm not here to reminisce with you!" Cloud shallow moon smile.

"I know." Night sky just gathered in the eyes of a wipe of light faded, closed his eyes, "sister month, I used to think that I was superior, despised you, but now I mixed up like this, you should laugh at me?"

"If you laugh at me, I won't come!" Cloud light moon road.

"It's also true that people you don't like have a look in their eyes." Night sky inclines also bleak smile."I don't think there is a trace of marriage in this hall. Is it not prepared, or is it all withdrawn?" Yunqianyue does not want to accompany him to do meaningless memories. If the relationship between her and yetianqing is really serious, it is that she has made use of the disguise of yetianqing in recent years.

"He beat all the children in Qin Yuning's stomach. Do you think he will let me marry? It's enough to be stupid once. You can't be stupid again. " "Night sky inclines tone to have faint anger," I know big marriage does not succeed, why bother to arrange? "

Cloud shallow moon know he said who he is, now even the father does not call, visible is completely cold heart. She smiles. "How much do you know about Miss Qin?"

Night sky tilt eyes suddenly squint, "sister month, are you coming to see me today? Or do you want to let me know what I'm talking about

"Whatever you think! Anyway, I'm here Cloud light moon road.

"I know no less than you. Otherwise, you think I will choose Miss Qin from the official daughter of the Royal Palace of cloud for the sake of choosing Miss Qin of the prime minister's residence? Oh Sister Yue, I used to be a prince. If I do it again, I will still choose Qin Yuning and take this road. " Night sky inclined to smile, this smile makes his face more pale.

"As for the box of cakes that Princess Qingwan sent me, I was attracted by the passion. Then I bought the colorful lotus and led me to pray for blessing tree. Later, she took the opportunity to open the underground Buddhist Hall of Lingtai temple. She intended to accompany me to fall down and kill me. If you can't kill me, you may be able to use my urge to make a decision. Then I'll ruin my reputation. You have to marry me. She thinks she can get Rongjing. When Rong Jing and I escaped from the underground Buddhist temple, she arranged for 100 corpses of hidden guards to assassinate me and Rongjing. In fact, the main thing was to kill me. She did all this, didn't she? " Cloud shallow moon calmly asked with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!