The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 928

"Me..." Cloud shallow month with the hand support chin, smile looking at Rong Jing, "if I abandon you, what will you do?"

"Dare!" Rongjing vomited out a word, "then I will destroy the southern Xinjiang first!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly laughs, "good overbearing means! Fortunately, nanlingrui is not you. My brother is kind-hearted

Rong Jing snorted, "it's better to say that love is not deep than to be kind-hearted."

"It's not that love is not deep, but ye Qian is chasing after the night light dye. In recent years, I'm afraid that he has lost his heart!" Cloud shallow month received a smile, shallow sigh, "brother is cold heart, cold heart just."

"Am I behind you in years shorter than he?" Rong Jing disagreed and asked persistently, "what do you do?"

Yunqianyue looked at him and said, "I will merge Nanjiang with Nanliang. In any case, the southern Xinjiang has always been attached to Nanliang, as a family. Nanlingrui is the crown prince of Nanliang and the future emperor. Then ye Qian is the only successor in southern Xinjiang. What's wrong with the two successors being one and the two countries being one? In the end, the army was bloodless and saved the country of Southern Xinjiang. Let the common people in southern Xinjiang not suffer. Nanliang is now the second largest country to be subordinated to Tiansheng. Even if the Prime Minister of Qin and Qin Yuning have Tiansheng as their backing, how can they fight against the merged two countries

"Cloud light moon, as expected, is the way you will think of!" Rong Jing took a deep look at the cloud and the moon, and said with a dull voice and a smile, "your method is to keep the southern Xinjiang, but the southern Xinjiang is merged into the Nanliang, in fact, it is still the name of the southern Xinjiang."

"This is about the difference between Ye Qian and me. The world is going to change, the waves are scouring the sand, and the small country in southern Xinjiang is going to topple sooner or later. Do you still expect it to dominate the world with an inch of land? Can you control the world with a simple spell? Absolutely impossible. Since it will overturn sooner or later, the southern Xinjiang will return to the big wave sooner or later and will no longer exist. How can I not make myself complete? " Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

Rong Jing said with a deep smile, "you're right! In this way, I met you. It's really a blessing. Nanling Rui met Ye Qian. It's really not a blessing. "

Cloud shallow moon suddenly droops the head, some gloomy, "I in that life, is also a leaf Qian."

"Well?" Rong Jing accepted the smile.

"In my life, I put my country in the first place, and my faith could be above everything else. Including relatives and friends, love of life. You can give up everything, even my life. " Cloud shallow moon low way: "small seven is that I gave up. How can I not be a Ye Qian

The scene is silent, and the atmosphere condenses for a moment.

"That's why I agreed to let Ye Qian take away the cold cloud at dusk, and I'm willing to fulfill Ye Qian's belief in safeguarding Southern Xinjiang. But I don't want my brother to suffer, so when I saw that he was interested in LAN Yi, I connived at his behavior. " Yunqianyue raised her head, looked at Rongjing and said in a soft voice, "I can live hard. It's not easy to get it. Therefore, in this life, I want to live myself and seize what I want. Whether it's love, or relatives, or friends. Therefore, if I choose, I will naturally choose to be with you, even if my family and country are overturned, at all costs. "

"It turns out that I am the lucky one. I feel sorry for yuzishu." Rong Jing looked at the cloud shallow moon, silent for a long time, suddenly chuckled, gentle and solemn tone, "certainly not negative Qing Acacia."

It's hard to see the face of Rong Jing with a solemn look and a light mood. He said jokingly, "you're really lucky, and I'm also lucky. I'm not lucky to meet you. "

Rong Jing grinned and rubbed Yun's head with a smile. It was not a gentle touch, but an attempt to confuse her hair. She said, "it's good if you have this epiphany."

Yunqian Yuemo waved off Rongjing's hand and glared at him with a smile, "speaking of nanlingrui, there are still three days left for a month? At that time, he pleaded guilty to the blue family. I'm definitely going. Just such a brother, can't let him be eaten by Longtan tiger den array. "

"I'll go with you!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "not only can't he be eaten by Longtan tiger's den, but also marry his sister-in-law!"

"That's the best!" Yunqianyue wants to have a night's rest today and set off tomorrow. Three days later, we can reach the blue house. Just in time.

At this time, there are footsteps to the shallow moon Pavilion, from far to near, walking in a hurry.

Yunqianyue looked out of the window. Not long after that, she saw Brunei running in a hurry. Her eyes flashed slightly and she looked at Rongjing. "The old emperor is still waiting for you to drink those three cups of wine! Someone has come to invite you. "

"Well!" Rong Jing received a smile, light tone.

"Don't you want to go? Just say you're too tired to rest. " Cloud shallow moon inquires.

"Go! It's enough to have you who don't buy the emperor's face. More is not a good thing. " Rong Jing said faintly: "besides, I should have a drink with the seventh prince, shouldn't I? By the way, keep an eye on Uncle yuan for you. Don't let him run again. "

"Then go!" Cloud shallow month thinks this time he delivers a door by oneself, she can not let him go back, squeeze enough to say again.

"Where is Miss moon? Is jingshizi here? " Brunei went to the courtyard and stopped regularly, not close to the door of the main room.

"What's the matter?" Cloud shallow moon to Rong Jing pointed to her head, the meaning is self-evident.

Rong Jing reluctantly reached out and tied the tangled hairpin to her and smoothed the scattered green silk."Back to miss shallow moon! The emperor asked the servant to ask King Shizi whether he was tired after a pause? If you are tired, please invite King Shizi to the front hall. The emperor says that the front hall is busy, all the civil and military officials are there, and the seventh Prince is back. How can there be no king Shizi? The emperor and King Shizi have agreed to offer him three drinks. " Brunei said respectfully.

Rong Jing gave yunxiaoyue's hair a little bit better, put down his hand and said in a warm voice: "good! I'll go now

"The servant is waiting for you outside!" Brunei, seeing the promise of Rongjing, turned out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

"I don't like to see the people in front of the banquet. Don't go! Anyway, the Emperor didn't name you to go. " Rongjing slowly stood up and smoothed out the folds of the white robe pressed by the cloud and the moon. The jade finger flicked the dust that did not exist at all, to the cloud shallow moon road.

"Well! I don't want to go to the wedding banquet. Since Qin Yuning is no longer in the palace, I don't need to go again, but I can go to a place. " Cloud shallow moon thought for a while.

"Second prince's house?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Well! Although he didn't hurt his life, it was very serious. The doctor in Tai hospital is not as good as you. You can show him. By the way, a living second prince is better than a dead one. " Rong Jing nodded his head and said, "but don't stay too long. Come back early."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon smiles to agree.

Rongjing went out of the door and went out of the pavilion of light moon. Brunei was waiting at the door. Seeing him coming out, he hurried to see him. Without asking why Yun Qianyue didn't go, he accompanied him to the Xi Tang in the front hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!