The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 927

In this world, how many people can be compared with the power of the scenery to act so that they can not be detected? However, how many people are there to destroy Lord Rong's mansion with the support of a huge hidden force? Let alone how many people can see the secret of the cloud palace and make use of it?

Very few.

And then one by one, it's just that person.

She had thought that one day she and he might return to the bridge, but never thought that one day his sword would stab her. After all, is it because Tiansheng imperial court is a treasure to him. Sooner or later, he will be in charge of Tiansheng emperor's palace. So he should take measures to disintegrate the cloud palace without mercy, or should we say that she completely chills his heart and must use such extreme methods to put her and the cloud palace to death in order to have a happy heart?

Anyway, he did. In the past, if it was only a matter of blocking, and did not really damage the cloud palace, then today's thing is that he completely attacked her and the cloud palace. He almost beat her to death.

So what reason does she have to shrink back?

No more!

From now on, there will be no more!

Cloud shallow moon is smiling, in the heart then rises the thick desolation feeling. After five years of talking at night on the wall, both men and women have no guess. Five years have passed, and they have helped each other secretly. Now ten years have passed, and it turns out that things are different from people, and everything should not be mentioned. How she failed?

"Cloud light moon, smile more ugly than cry! Don't laugh Rong Jing pulled the body of Yun Qianyue and held her in her arms. It seemed that her strength was very heavy, but her starting point was extremely light, "you are the most soft hearted woman! I'm afraid that one day you're too soft to be tough. Now it's OK, isn't it? At least your backbone has been borrowed by others for ten years, and now it's back! But I know how hard I've been waiting for this decade. "

Cloud shallow month received a smile, soft lying in the Rong Jing Huai, the voice is a little stuffy, "not comfortable in the heart!"

"It's human nature to feel uncomfortable. The world can live up to the Tathagata and Qing?" Rong Jing smiles and raises his eyebrows. "Although I know you are frustrated when you come back from the skyscraper cliff, you still don't want to oppose him in my heart. So I'm willing to take a step back in everything. I don't want to argue, I don't want to plan or even want to see it. In fact, you don't understand that as long as you are with me, it will be sooner or later. Can you say that you are not waiting for this day? "

"Yes! Is waiting for this day. But it's not happy at all when it comes to it. " Cloud shallow moon murmur.

"Silly girl, originally this is not a happy thing, how can we be happy?" Rong Jing rubbed the head of Yun Xiaoyue with a smile. As soon as his voice turned, he said with a smile: "but it's a happy thing for me. At least, I don't have to worry about your weakness of heart to become a sharp sword for others to deal with me in the future. From now on, I will put your backbone in my arms, and others can't take it away."

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile, buried head raised, "originally this matter you are the biggest winner!"

"Well, you can say that!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"What a deep and patient plan!" Cloud shallow moon looked at him, pretending to be angry, "wait so long to wait for me to turn back, let childe, you are not easy?"

"I've been working hard for several times. I've tried my best, patience and endurance to wait for this day. If I'm not the biggest winner, don't you think it's a loss? " "It's not easy!" he sighed

Cloud shallow moon angrily retreats, angry at him, reaches out to hold his forehead hand in front of her body, press on his pulse, carefully pulse, let Jing Mou Guang warm and moist look at her, no longer speak. After a while, cloud shallow moon let go of his hand, praise way: "recovery is also good!"

"It wasn't as good as that, but after meeting uncle yuan, he knew that I was seriously injured, so he helped me, and this pair of body got better soon." Rong Jing smiles.

"He is very good to you Cloud light moon tone a little sour.

"Because I'm the one you like, how can he not be nice to me? It's not easy for people like that to be nice to them. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon hums a, think of what, suddenly way: "I want to go to the palace, you rest here, or follow me to the palace?"

"For Miss Qin of the prime minister's residence?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, cruel way: "the old emperor won't let night sky incline to achieve this marriage, I just want to make it happen to him."

"I'm afraid Miss Qin is not in the palace now! When the seventh prince comes back, do you think he won't do it? " "Miss Qin in the prime minister's residence is of great use. She is not only Miss Qin of the prime minister's residence, but also a lineage of the southern Xinjiang who separated from the government for anonymity a hundred years ago. The seventh prince will not let go! It's too late for you to go now! "

Yun Qianyue frowned and thought for a moment: "because the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang and you have saved the king of Southern Xinjiang, and you have the king of ten thousand incantations in your hand. Although Ye Qian and you have not made an alliance, it is more important than the covenant. She has no effect on night Tianyi. So if ye Tianyi wants to check and balance Southern Xinjiang, it's natural to start from Prime Minister Qin and Qin Yuning! "

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded, "a hundred years ago, there was a great rebellion in southern Xinjiang. Some people in the same lineage defected to the Tiansheng royal family, which led to the disintegration of Southern Xinjiang and the submission of Tiansheng. Later, the mutineers changed their names and became the present Qin family. In the past hundred years, although the kings of Southern Xinjiang knew the truth, they could not get rid of their dissidents. Naturally, they were annoyed. On that afternoon, ye Qian cast a curse on the chopping platform outside the gate. Why did ye Qian and Qin Yuning get hurt and die? Naturally, they took this opportunity to fight internally. Qin Yuning has purple grass, and has the first chance to deal with the king of ten thousand mantras, and is less injured than ye Qian. This also shows that Qin Yuning is also proficient in southern Xinjiang incantation. After all, he is a lineage of Southern Xinjiang, which is the same as ye Qian'sCloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, "does night Tianyi still want to take advantage of prime minister Qin and Qin Yuning to seize Southern Xinjiang?"

"It's not impossible! After all, they are the same lineage, and master the skills that are not handed down in southern Xinjiang. Otherwise, why do you think ye Qian gave up nanlingrui and chose cloud Twilight cold. Nanlingrui, the crown prince of nanlingrui, naturally can't give up Nanliang to go to southern Xinjiang with her, while yunmuhan can go with her to Nanjiang. There is also a little bit of yunmuhan who is the real prince of Nanliang. If you get him, you and yunwangfu will support you and Nanliang. Do you really care about your son when you are the king of Nanliang? " Yung King Road.

"I knew Ye Qian had a deep mind. This method of killing three birds with one stone is really excellent." Cloud shallow moon like sigh like praise, "abandon South Lingrui, protect the country. I'm afraid I can't do it

"Well? If you were to be ye Qian and I to be nanlingrui, although Ye Qian couldn't do this, you wouldn't let Nanjiang collapse. What would you do? " Rong Jing asked with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!