The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 924

"What were you thinking about when you were going to get married?" Rong Jing asked softly.

"Miss you!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words.

Rong Jing's arms tightened, and he bowed his head to kiss cloud's light moon hair. His joy seemed to come from his chest and abdomen, full of laughter, "I'm very happy."

Cloud shallow moon pushed him away, "almost made a mistake, you are still happy?"

"Do you think of me when you plan your wedding? Do you also think about what we should do if we have a big wedding?" Rong Jing asked with a smile.

"Well!" The cloud is light and the moon is dull. Just think about it! When did they get married? Never thought that one day I can't wait to marry myself out. Some of them are not promising!

The smile of Rong Jing's eyebrows and eyes are bent up, like a bright moon, "it shows that I'm really heavy in your heart. Heavy to let you be willing to settle down in a corner, do not want to be disturbed, just like preparing your own big marriage, shielding all the complexity outside. How can I be unhappy? "

"You are very heavy in my heart Cloud shallow moon a smile.

"It means that miss Qianyue's heart is alive!" Rong Jing reaches out and points the heart of cloud shallow moon and smiles.

Cloud shallow moon mouth slightly draw, open Rong Jing's hand, hard to kill his heart, the tone suddenly some ferocious, "honest account! Where did you get him back? Don't say you happen to meet or come back by chance. There are not so many accidents in the world! Or do you always know where he is? "

"What a pain Rong Jing looks at his chest, his face is aching.

Cloud shallow month finger withdraws immediately, can't help kneading to him, lift an eye to see his eye light is full of smile, she stares, "say

"Do you think I only have snow lotus in Tianshan Mountain to survive in the past ten years?" Rongjing sighed, "even if there are master Lingyin's medical skills, Tianshan snow lotus, hot spring pool, warm jade bed, and my martial arts, these are subsidiary conditions, which can't play a fundamental role. How can I persist for ten years?"

Cloud shallow month a Zheng, immediately stop hand, look at Rong Jing in a positive color, "how to say?"

"Uncle Shiyuan comes to the Rong Palace once a year to help me improve my skills to resist the growing cold and poisonous diseases. Those three days are my support for the whole year." Yung King Road.

"What time of year?" Cloud shallow moon surprised to ask.

"Before and after Qiqiao Festival!" Rong Jing said, "because this is the time of the most severe cold poison every year."

"I've always been very concerned about Lord Rong's residence. I basically know what you're doing in the mansion. I'm almost familiar with your going out of the mansion, but why didn't I find out? I seem to go to the Rong Wang mansion every year on Qiqiao Festival, right? " Cloud light moon frown.

Rongjing chuckled and said in a warm voice, "Uncle yuan deliberately avoids you. I don't want you to see the painful process of expelling poison. Naturally, I'll hide it from you. It can be done without you noticing. "

"So you already knew he was my father?" The moon's face sank. His father comes to Tiansheng capital to resist cold poison every year? Why never see her? There was no complaint to him, but anger rose in my heart at this time. But this person knew for a long time, but did not tell her, let her anger even more.

Rong Jing shook his head, "I didn't know it earlier, but I only knew it recently!"

"You don't know? My father's name is yunshaoyuan. You call him uncle yuan for ten years? Don't you know? " Yunqianyue gives Rongjing a look that you cheat the ghost.

Rongjing reached for his forehead and sighed, "I don't know. I only know that he is the national master of Nanliang. This is not what he told me, but I guess after he came and walked in the Rong palace several times. Every year, the national master of Nanliang went to live in Nanliang for two months. When he left, he was about the Mid Autumn Festival. He had such a high level of skill. There were few people in the world. According to his time of departure from Nanliang, coupled with his words, deeds and rumors, I guess he is the national master of Nanliang. He was very secretive. He improved my skills and helped me resist cold poison. After three days, he even left without taking a rest. This is always the case. So I thought he was secretive because he was afraid that others would know his identity as the national master of Nanliang. Then there would be a lot of trouble. You know, the emperor hated Nanliang Guoshi to the bone. How can I think of him as your father when I haven't thought about you? "

"When did you know that recently?" Cloud light moon less angry.

"Not long ago, when the national master of Nanliang came to the capital, he went to his aunt's ronghua palace, and I suspected that you had a strange look in your eyes. Later, because you had driven me away from the stubborn disease of cold poison, he didn't disclose any information to the public. Uncle yuan thought that I was still suffering from cold poison, so he went to the Rong palace to help me. Later, let Prince Rui leave you a letter. I knew he was your father Yung King Road.

"After knowing that, what kind of coercion did you use to make him tell you where he was staying?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"He won't tell me! Who is uncle yuan? You think I can intimidate him? " Rong Jing suddenly laughed, some proud, eyes cunning way: "I know he is going to go, so I took the opportunity to get lost in his clothes. This kind of fragrance is colorless and tasteless. It was developed by me. Qingti can smell the fragrance and trace it without being noticed by him. "

Cloud shallow moon blinks an eye, see Rong Jing rare complacent, she laughingly way: "Mi Yi Xiang, you are specially developed to deal with him?""Well!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile, "I've always been curious about him, and I haven't tracked him for so many years. No matter whether I sent someone to track him or myself, I lost all the people and couldn't find his whereabouts. I want to know that in addition to Nanliang, there are three grottoes of cunning rabbits. So, we developed that kind of fragrance. "

"Qingti was not detected by him after him? Such a cunning man Yunqianyue thinks of nanlingrui's mention of Nanliang Guoshi's itching and helpless appearance. He tries his best to tie him up with him, but people still have a way to leave. Qingti's tracking won't be detected by him?

"Of course not! Because he left for a day, I let qingti look for fragrance! He didn't know I was following him. It takes three days for the fragrance to dissipate. At that time, qingti had already found him. " Rong Jing said with a smile.

"Cunning!" Cloud shallow moon raises an eye to look toward shed top, as expected Rong Jing is more cunning than Nanling Rui.

"You can't deal with Uncle yuan without being crafty. I have never seen anyone more cunning than uncle yuan. It took me so many years to find out where he is Rong Jing points a cloud with a smile. The moon is on the tip of her nose.

"Why does he want to help you improve your ability to expel poison? Did you ask him? " The cloud and the moon receded sight from the roof of the shed.

"Yes! And he said, my father is an old friend. Can't bear to see his only blood damage. At that time, I thought that Nanliang Guoshi and my father were old friends, so I helped me. I never thought that he was the king of cloud. " Rong Jing mentioned his father, the smile on his face was collected a little bit, "I can live to this day, Yuan uncle's contribution is indispensable." , the fastest update of the webnovel!