The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 925

Yun Xiaoyue snorted coldly, "although my brother doesn't know that he is my father, he can see him every year. Although you don't know that he is my father, you can see him every year. I'm the child that no one wants. He doesn't come to Beijing these years, but he can't avoid me when he comes? What a nuisance

Rong Jing's face was warm and warm, "you are more cunning than I am. Uncle yuan is afraid to see you and can't get rid of it! So it's gone! "

"Can I still keep him from going?" Cloud shallow moon facial expression is not good, the heart is depressed, "what father! Fortunately, I knew that he was his father. My brother was angry and wanted to kill people. I coaxed him for a long time before I coaxed him. Now I am so angry. "

Rong Jing Wen Yan smiles and pats cloud shallow moon's body, like coax a child, "darling, I coax you, he certainly has some bitterness, otherwise it is impossible to avoid you. Anyway, now he's here. You can ask him later. "

"Don't ask!" The moon shook her head in dismay.

"Why not? Let him take out the greatest value to compensate you! " Yung King Road.

"I don't want to compensate. After all these years, what can I do to compensate for the loss of my parents? It can't make up for a thousand times and ten thousand times to fill the pavilion with valuable jewels. " Yun Qianyue's eyes are wet. No one can imagine the surging mood in her heart at the moment when she came back from the examination of Prince De, Prince Xiao, and Lord Yun. I never thought he would appear in the cloud palace again. It is worthy of all these years that the old emperor could not find out that even if the king of cloud was changed, he really acted like the king of cloud. He was so weak and had such an expression that he even behaved and walked the same way. How could he be half as weak as the national master of Nanliang? If she had not known that Lord Yun had no birthmark on him, she would have come back with a birthmark. This kind of birthmark was born from the body and could not be forged if she wanted to forge it. She could hardly identify two people.

"Silly girl, it's because of this that I have to compensate. You have two parents in the world for you to squeeze. What's wrong? I can't find anyone to squeeze and compensate. " Rong Jing gently touched the head of the moon, infinite love and melancholy.

"It's true!" Cloud shallow moon angry a little less, reached out to push Rong Jing a, hate hate hate way: "compare what? In this way, you will be responsible for squeezing him for me in the future. The harder you are, the better. "

"Good! I'll squeeze him for you. " Rongjing smiles.

Yun Qianyue returns to Rongjing's arms with satisfaction. Although she is still uncomfortable, she is relieved by the sentence. Yes, her parents are still alive. Maybe she can't see her for some reason. She wants to compensate, but she can find someone else. Unlike Rongjing's parents who died early, they can't find anyone to compensate. Squeeze them hard, it's OK to think about it.

"When did you find out about it and tell him to come along?" Yunqianyue has figured it out, and her tone is more relaxed.

"Half a month ago." Yung King Road.

"Isn't that the mid autumn day?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Well! I left early that morning when I met a man sneaking into the cloud palace from the side door. I had no coat on, but only a pair of trousers. I guess I lost the game. And the guard of the side door seems to be used to it, it is easy to let him in. I then casually asked the person of the side door, the person of the side door said this person is cloud Wu, the cousin of cloud Li Shizi. When I first came to the cloud palace, I was still more restrained. Now I go out late and return early every day, and I go out to gamble every day. But I have to leave the door for him every day Rong Jing continued: "I know that the side gate leads to the side branch of the cloud palace in the West courtyard. I think that you don't pay much attention to the affairs in the mansion, and they all leave it to two maids. Surely, I don't know such things. If I do, where can he go out to gamble every day?"

"Yes! I gave them to jade bracelets and green branches in the tube. The two men knew that I was not very sad about the affairs in the mansion, and they would not bother me unless there were big and small things. But they don't know that he leaves late and comes home early every day Cloud shallow moon nods.

"The watcher said that he went out to gamble every day after dark, and came back just after dawn every day. I'm very surprised. Although you are good to the other branches of the cloud palace, there is a fixed amount of money for each person. Although the side branch of the cloud palace is a big family in Yunxian County and has some savings, it costs a lot to move. You can't help gambling and losing every day. What's more, I also know that now the second master, that is, Yunli's father, is a minor leader of the clan, and he is quite upright. Although Yunwu was raised in his name, he was regarded as a parent-child. But it is impossible to give him a lot of money to connive at such behavior. Obviously, he didn't know about it. He didn't win and he lost every day. Where did the silver come from? " Rong Jing's tone was gentle, "so I ordered the hidden guard to check. It is said that Yunwu has been sneaking around in Yunxian County. He didn't do any serious work. When he came to the cloud palace, he began to be restrained. Later, he took advantage of himself as Yunli's cousin and threatened the gatekeeper of the side door to keep the door for him, and he was not allowed to disclose it. "

"Sure enough, everything has its roots." Cloud shallow moon lip petal tightly purses, "that found his silver two sources?"

"Yes, but no results. The people in the casino knew that he was the cousin of Prince Yun's family, so they lent him credit. Every day on credit, there are many accounts, no less than 40000 Liang. " Yung King Road.

"Can a cousin of a prince of cloud's mansion owe so much money on credit?" Cloud shallow moon frowns, "the casino is not afraid that the cloud palace doesn't recognize the account, and then take the IOU and don't give the money? After he was exposed, the cashier would not have let out such a large sum of money. If I didn't report to him, would you? A black sheep, I will help him withdraw money to pay his gambling debts? Joke"The cousin of Prince Yun's family is really worth so much money. But there is also another reason. You should know that the largest casino is the property of the prince of filial piety. You can borrow up to 30000 Liang silver on credit for the children of the big houses in the capital. This has been the rule since the establishment of casinos. All the dandies in the capital would gather there, and they would lend them on credit as long as their names were recorded. You know, there is no one in the capital who doesn't buy the face of the prince of filial piety, and no one dares not to return the money of the house. Therefore, those ministers can only take care of their own children. If not, the people from the prince of filial piety will come to the door to collect money with the account books and hand print contracts. They do not dare to offend them, and they can only take the money obediently. " Yung King Road.

"That's a little reason! In recent years, Shao Zhuo's family has not been defeated completely, which is also related to the daily income of the gambling house. " Cloud shallow moon facial expression is heavy, "but cloud palace and filial piety palace have always been wrong, Yunwu went to that gambling house to dare to credit? And isn't the maximum credit of 30000 liang? Why can't he have forty thousand taels? "

"Casinos don't dare at first! He reported to Prince Xiao. As for Prince Xiao, I don't know what he's thinking. Maybe he wants Yunwu to lose a lot. When the time comes, the people of Xiaoqin's house will come to ask for money, which will humiliate the face of Prince Yun's house. Maybe it's to take the opportunity to return the favor of saving cold shaozhuo. When the time comes, Yunwu owes a certain amount of money and gives you face in vain instead of asking for money. If you can't pay for a big favor, you should return a small one first. After all, Yunwu is a relative of the yunwangfu family. If something goes wrong, you can't ignore it? " Rong Jing said slowly: "in this way, the gambling house gave him credit. Thirty thousand taels of credit was enough a month ago, but at that time, Leng Shao Zhuo was in the street to block your sword and recuperate in the cloud palace. Outside, it was reported that you and Leng Shao Zhuo were on good terms, and that they would accompany the bed to take care of them every day. Yunwu still went to play as usual. The people in the casino were not sure whether to continue to owe on credit, so he went to ask the prince of filial piety, who waved his hand, which is now 40000 Liang. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!