The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 923

Yunqianyue pulls Rongjing around the veranda and waterside pavilions. The noise of the front hall and Xi hall is left behind. They return to the shallow moon Pavilion without any words. Today's maids and wives are called to the front hall to help with the wedding banquet. The pavilion is quiet and silent.

Yunqianyue released Rongjing's hand and said softly to him: "you go in and have a rest. I'll go to the kitchen to make dumplings for you."

"I'll be with you!" Rong Jing shook his head.

"Are you not tired?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"I'm not tired to see you!" Rong Jing looked at her with a smile.

Yunqianyue clearly sees Rongjing's eyes reflecting her figure. She nods with a smile and grabs his hand again. Her tone is relaxed, "let's go! Let's see if you are better than Rongfeng and Yeqing dyed dumplings

With a smile, Rongjing goes to the kitchen with the cloud.

They come to the small kitchen, clean hands, mix noodles, stamp stuffing, roll skin, and make dumplings with yunqianyue.

Rongjing's dumplings are naturally excellent, better than Rongfeng and night light dye, and even better than she has practiced for many years. Cloud shallow moon staring at the dumplings made by Rongjing for a long time, and some are unconvinced and say, "you are so capable, do you want others to live?"

"You hope I can't do it?" he said

Cloud shallow moon a choke, shake head dejectedly, "still can some good!"

"Yes! I can do it. You will be lucky if you marry me. " Rong Jing was not satisfied with his smile.

Cloud shallow moon rare to see such a proud look, can not help laughing.

Two people's dumplings soon finished, cloud light moon frame fire, Rong Jing palm pot.

Yunqianyue looked at Rongjing, even in a hot and hot place like the small kitchen. She couldn't help saying, "we'll open a dumpling restaurant when we're wandering in the world. If you go to the front of the door, you can see that our business is booming and the flow of people will not stop. "

"It's our family!" Landscape correction.

"Yes, it's our family!" Cloud shallow moon smiles happily.

Rongjing's lips were raised, and the pot was stirred gently with a spoon to let the dumplings spread. Seeing the dumplings' stomachs turning round and bright, and jumping in the water, he seemed to be in a good mood. He fell a kiss on the cheek of yunqianyue and moved it away gently, like a dragonfly brushing the water surface and scratching the soft traces.

Cloud light moon's face suddenly a red, with the steaming water vapor, a time than the pot dumplings are also clear and moist.

Rong Jing looked at her, and suddenly threw the spoon, stretched out his hand, and held Yun Qianyue in his arms. He lowered his head to kiss her lips. Cloud shallow month a Zheng, quickly reached out to block his hand, angry and shy way: "a while dumplings boiled rotten!"

"Boil it and cook it!" Rong Jing stares at cloud shallow moon's hand, indicating that she has taken it.

"It's useless to cook it!" The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

"Work in vain, work in vain!" Let the light of the eyes gather on the dark tide.

"Then you won't have to eat!" Cloud shallow moon clearly looking at the dark tide in the eyes of Rongjing, some of the heart beat violently.

"Then eat you!" Eyes, more thin, a little light.

Cloud shallow moon whole face is red, angry way: "I am also hungry!"

"You eat me too!" The view is close to the cloud, the moon is shallow, and the lip is dark and hoarse.

Yunqianyue couldn't stand the heat of the small kitchen. She felt that her whole body was going to burn, her eyelids drooped, and she didn't dare to see the scene. Her voice was weak. She said, "you're wrong. Today is the wedding night of my brother and sister-in-law. It's not ours."

"Well?" Rong Jing's eyes flashed.

"If you don't let me go, the dumplings will be rotten!" Cloud shallow moon reaches out to push him.

Rong Jing gazed at the cloud and the moon was half ring. The dark tide in his eyes faded away. He let go of the cloud and said with a light smile, "that's another day!"

Cloud light moon raised her head, face red as haze, see Rongjing again picked up the spoon to stir the pot, she red face to get the plate. After a while, the dumplings were put on a plate, and they went out of the small kitchen and went to the room.

Back in the room, they sat at the table, neither talking, eating their own meals. Although the atmosphere was silent, it was warm, and the air was surging in the middle, which was warm as spring.

After dinner, yunqianyue cleaned up the dishes on the table and sent them back to the small kitchen. When he came back, he saw Rongjing's nest on the soft couch, keeping his eyes closed. The sunlight outside came into the room and hit him. The white robe of crescent moon was like snow lotus blooming in the warm sun, with some warm colors. She walked in front of him with light steps. As soon as she was about to sit down, she was held in his arms and bent down to give him a long kiss.

Cloud shallow moon's heart again pounded up, slightly trembling lips to cater to his kiss. How many days and nights of missing, into the white shadow, she felt that this life will melt in this white shadow. In response to that poem, there is no mausoleum in the mountains, and heaven and earth are united, but they dare to break away from you.

For a long time, the clothes were half back, the clouds were loose, the sweat was slightly drenched, the osmanthus fragrance was strong, and the breath in the house was stained with lingering flavor. Rongjing slowly let go of the cloud and shallow moon, buried her head in her neck socket and gasped gently.

Cloud light moon is also a light breath, like drunk like crazy.

After half a sound, Rongjing raised her head with a low head, such as jade's hand gently clasped the scattered clothes of cloud and moon. Her eyes were staring at her, and her voice was gentle like water, "what can I ask you?""Ask you what?" Cloud shallow moon lift eyes, such as water eyes, such as a layer of veil.

"Nothing to ask?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon shallow smile, "ask you to take who to come back together? Or do you know who's plotting in the capital for thousands of miles away and bring back who? Why didn't you come back so late

Rongjing low smile, smile soft shallow, "I sometimes prefer you stupid some, again stupid some, completely rely on me!"

"I'm stupid enough!" The cloud is light and the moon is hanging down, and her face is a little dark.

With a smile, Rongjing slowly folded up his arms and held Yun Qianyue in his arms. He said in a low voice, "you are not stupid, but you don't want to plan. This situation has already been like this. When we uncover the veil, we can see that there are no bones or blood behind us. I know you don't want to see it. "

Yunqianyue was stunned and then opened her smile. She buried her head in Rongjing's arms, smelled his elegant breath, took a breath, and said contentedly: "yes, you know me, but I'm so stupid. If I don't plan, I don't look, I close my eyes and I don't listen, I think the world is peaceful. Today, I nearly hurt the cloud palace."

"Today is not your fault!" Rong Jing shakes his head.

"It's my fault! If I do not close my eyes and listen, how can I let Yunwu be used? Although his death is not worthy of regret, he is after all the same as the cloud palace. He has the blood of the cloud family. Seeing the pain of Yunli, the second uncle is sad. My grandfather must have been in a bad mood. I regret that I should not focus on the wedding of Yunli and neglect the affairs inside and outside the palace, which almost made a big mistake. " Cloud shallow moon shakes head, low voice way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!