The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 922

"My brother and sister-in-law have worshipped heaven and earth for less than an hour now." Cloud shallow moon looked at Cang Pavilion, Cang Pavilion is to her, eyes color is pure, she cast eyes, light way. One hour in the ancients was equal to two hours in modern times.

"I also feel that there are so many people with advanced martial arts skills in front of the public. No one can take advantage of this opportunity. It seems that the people behind them are really like what king Shizi said. They didn't intend to let them live in the first place! " The old emperor seemed to calm down his anger and asked Rongjing, "King Shizi, what do you think of this matter?"

"The body should be burned as soon as possible, and the matter will be thoroughly investigated later!" Yung King Road.

"Well, I said that we should be fair to Lord Yun's house and Brother Yun Wang. It seems that someone really wants to frame up Lord Yun's house. Since Jing Shizi has returned to Beijing, how about leaving this matter to King Shizi? Be sure to find out who's playing the trick The old emperor said.

"Jing Zunzhi!" Rong Jing nodded.

The old emperor walked up to the head, and his steps seemed to be getting older. He suddenly turned back and said to King Yun: "Brother Yun, today you and my children's family are going to be married. If you come to the head, we'll have a few more drinks. I'll compensate you. "

"I'm afraid!" The cloud Lord hung his head and continued to work.

"Oh, come here! Today was originally a happy event, but made such a pile, how much affect some mood. Don't you refuse! I married my daughter for the first time in these years. How can I drink the wedding wine? It can't be mixed up any more The old emperor was very kind.

"That minister is better than respectful to obey orders!" Lord Yun no longer refuses.

They went up one after the other.

"Somebody, take this body to the backyard of the palace and burn it." Rong Jingwen called out.

Outside the lobby came several men in black, apparently hidden guards, with leather gloves on their hands. Soon the four people on the ground, including Yunwu, were carried down.

Cloud light moon looks at jade bracelet and green branch. The two immediately understood, and quickly waved to order people to clean the hall again and put on the banquet.

The gust of wine and vegetables, can be regarded as dispelling some of the earlier haze and silence.

Yunli also followed the hidden guard carrying the corpse to the outside. Yunqianyue took Rongjing and stood up and followed him out. After leaving the Xi hall, she called out to him, "brother, today is your great joy. It's not appropriate to see the burning dead again. Besides, it's useless to see a dead man. The princess is still waiting for you in the boudoir. "

Yunli stopped, a face of pain, "but Younger sister, he is my cousin. Although I am now the son of Prince Yun's mansion, I have the same blood as my cousin. Although he was a child, he was sneaky, lazy and rascal, but he was not so bad. Now he is forced to do harm to the cloud palace and the father king. "

"I know! But he is also responsible for his own fault. Why did the people behind the cloud palace find him when there are so many people supporting him? It's also about him. Now if he dies, he will die. If he doesn't die, you don't think that he can still live if he sets up today? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrow, "I know you attach importance to love, or you think again, if we cloud palace was framed by him today, what will happen? Not only a thousand people in the cloud palace, but also more than 200 people from other branches, as well as those who rely on the cloud palace, all of them collapse and disintegrate in an instant. If nine ethnic groups are involved, how many people? Brother, do you think he should die! It's not lucky to be able to turn things around today. "

Cloud away from a step back, face pale ground nod. The bright red clothes on him made him pale.

"Let the second uncle go to his funeral! Don't go Cloud light moon tone gentle down, cloud from the heavy feelings and righteousness, also not in vain she put him up to do cloud palace son and brother. If he is cold-blooded and merciless and hates Yunwu without half a silk of pain, she will feel bad.

"Miss moon is right! I'll go! You are the bridegroom's officer today. The seventh princess is good to you. Although today's affair is stirred up by Yunwu, it almost damages the cloud palace. If he doesn't die, the emperor will spare him, and I will kill him as an unfaithful and unfilial animal. Now that he is dead, I will send him on a journey. You are good to the princess. Don't wait. Today is the happiest day of a woman's life. " The second master also came out at this time, and took the words of cloud shallow moon to cloud away from the road.

Cloud from looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, and looked at two masters one eye, is finally nodding.

The second master stretched out his hand and patted the cloud away from his shoulder and walked back to the hospital.

"Ling Lian, Yi Xue, you send elder brother to West Maple Garden!" Cloud shallow moon to behind the same with the Ling Lian and Yi snow command.

Two people answer, see to cloud from, cloud from no more words, to the West Maple Garden.

Yunqianyue looks back, and the hall is already full of music, pushing cups and changing cups. It seems that the earlier things have not happened. She clenched Rongjing's hand, did not speak, and took him to the shallow moon Pavilion.

"King Shizi came back from Tianyi first. Why didn't he sit in it?" A familiar voice came from the left.

Cloud shallow moon and Rong Jing stopped to follow the sound, only to see that it was night Tianyi who entered the mansion with dust. Cloud shallow month did not speak, Rong Jing light smile, "the seventh Prince return is not late, just opened the banquet, catch up! Jing's health is not as good as that of the seventh prince. He is very tired these days. Don't drink wedding wine! The seventh prince should drink more"Good to say!" Night Tianyi smile, turn to cloud shallow moon, gentle call, "moon! Do you like the bell of a hundred birds

"Like it! Today, the elder brother and the seventh princess are very happy. If the seventh Prince drinks more, we will not accompany him! " Cloud shallow moon light nods, words fall no more words, pull Rong Jing continue to walk to shallow moon Pavilion.

Ye Tianyi didn't speak any more. He watched them leave together. Soon, the corridor bridge and waterside covered their figures. He took back his sight, gently flicked the dust on the bullet, and walked steadily into the wedding hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!