The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 921

"Good!" The old emperor waved his hand to Prince Yun, Prince De, Prince Xiao and so on

King Yun led several people to the inner room.

Next, the atmosphere in the inner hall was even quieter than when they went to get the genealogy. Hundreds of people were even as quiet as one or two people. Everyone was thinking about the result. With the emperor's hidden Lord out, Prince de and Prince Xiao follow him, and the cloud palace goes to a cloud Lord. Under many eyes, it is impossible for him to play any tricks.

Cloud light moon sleeve in the fingers slightly curled up, in the sleeve of the clothing material draw a circle after circle.

Rongjing's hand naturally went deep into her sleeve and gently held her hand, but not the whole hand. Instead, she held half of her finger. The slender jade finger flattened Yun's finger and rubbed it gently, as if it were comforting.

Yunqianyue raises her eyes and looks at Rongjing. Rongjing smiles at her tenderly. Her heart warms and she smiles. The feeling of being relied on is really good. There is a big mountain behind, which can block any wind and rain, rainstorm and hail.

Because of their wide sleeves, they sat upright with their hands buried in their sleeves, so that no one else could see anything. Although you can't see anything, the expression of that eyebrow makes some people's hearts twist. For example, cangting pavilion has a dim face, such as night light dye. They hum softly. For example, Leng Shao Zhuo lowers his head, such as night Tianyu. His expression is unpredictable. Only Rong Feng looks at them with a warm smile, and the people around him seem to be warming up.

No one said a word, also no one had any action, were waiting quietly.

After about two sticks of incense, Prince Yun, Prince De, Prince Xiao and Brunei all came back with different expressions.

"How about it?" The old emperor looked at several people, and his tone seemed to be strong. He didn't know whether it was urgent or something else.

Prince de and Prince Xiao looked at each other, and then looked at Prince Yun. They said in unison, "emperor Bing, there is a birthmark behind Brother Yun Wang. From the back to the tailbone, the birthmark is very large."

"Oh?" The old emperor's expression changed for a moment, raised his eyebrows, "really?"

"Back to the emperor, the two old ministers looked carefully and really!" Prince de and King Xiaoqin nodded respectfully.

The old emperor looked at Brunei.

Brunei and several small eunuchs behind him also nodded, "back to the emperor, there are birthmarks."

The old emperor's eyebrows seemed to move for a moment. He did not look back and asked, "hidden Lord, but is it true?"

"Return to the emperor, indeed!" The voice of the hidden Lord is still wooden. Although people do not appear, no one can hear the voice wrong.

Then the old emperor fixed his eyes on Lord Yun, looked at him for a moment, and suddenly got up and came to him.

Yunqianyue's fingers shrunk, and she was gently smoothed by Rongjing. Her lips were slightly pursed and she watched the old emperor walk towards the king of cloud, who hung his head and remained motionless since he came in. No matter from that angle, his whole body breath and complexion were somewhat gloomy.

Everyone looked at the old emperor's actions and couldn't figure out what the emperor had done. The emperor has been waiting for the handle of the cloud palace all these years, but now he has the handle of death in his hand, but he has not caught it. We can imagine the emperor's mood. And a lot of people are secretly relieved. For example, the courtiers relying on the cloud palace, as well as night light dye, Leng Shao Zhuo, Rong Feng and others.

The old emperor came a step in front of Lord Yun, and suddenly reached out and patted him on the shoulder. His voice was slightly ashamed, "Brother Yun Wang, you have been wronged! Today, Yunwu is a member of the cloud palace. When he comes out to accuse you, the cloud palace will bear such sewage. I can't help but let you suffer this humiliation and be tested. "

"Old minister..." Cloud Wang Ye spit out two words, it seems that there is infinite sadness, then no longer speak.

"I know that today's affairs will not stop with you, and I will give you justice!" The old emperor put down his hand from the cloud Lord's shoulder, turned to Yunwu and said, "Yunwu, who in the end instructed you to frame up the cloud palace?"

Yunwu did not move, with his eyes open and staring at the front.

"Yunwu!" The old emperor roared again.

"Emperor, he is dead!" Let's make a sound to remind you.

As soon as the old emperor's face changed, everyone was surprised. They all looked at Yunwu. Yunwu knelt at the corner of the wall, motionless. He looked like he was scared, but when he looked at it carefully, he was stiff in every part of his body, and his face was really dead. It was even more amazing.

"Cousin Cloud from immediately ran past.

"Don't touch him. He has been poisoned by a kind of poison, which has been soaked from the inside out. If you touch him, you will be poisoned Rong Jing once again makes a sound to remind the cloud to leave.

Cloud from originally ran to cloud Wu near, but at this time the pace is born a meal, can't believe the tunnel: "how can? He... " He seemed to want to touch Yunwu with shaking hands, but he couldn't reach out. His eyes were wet and red, "cousin, he He was not OK just now... "

"He's got a carrion pill. This kind of poison can poison people in an hour and rot in half a day, and every part of the body will be contaminated with poison. If the corpse is contaminated, it will also be poisoned, ranging from muscle decay to life and death. Just like him, his whole body will rot after death. " Rong Jing light way.The cloud stepped back in horror.

"Wu'er!" The second master was so angry that he wanted to kill Yunwu. At this time, he also ran over and cried out in pain. Like Yunli, he did not dare to touch him, but he shed tears. "You have a good life, but who ordered you to do evil? Now that's what happened? You How can I be worthy of your dead grandfather and father... "

"King Shizi! What the hell is going on here? " The old emperor seemed to be surprised.

"Jing also wants to know what's going on!" Rong Jing shook his head and looked at the two old men and a woman on the ground. He seemed to sigh, "I took this poison earlier! They die the same way! It seems that the people behind this are really cruel and cruel. No matter whether they frame people up or not, since they have taken this kind of rotten corpse pill in the early morning, they will all die. "

"This is lawlessness The old emperor seemed to be very angry, "who is so cruel?"

Rongjing no longer speaks, the guests seem to be shocked, Qi Qi silence.

"Isn't someone successful in this hall? Who was close to Yunwu just now The old emperor asked what he thought of.

Some of them looked at the cloud and the moon, and some looked at the Cang Pavilion. Everyone remembers that yunqianyue used hypnosis on Yunwu earlier, and was stopped by cangting. They were closest to him at that time.

"Jing just said that this kind of rotten corpse pill will be poisoned only if it is taken an hour ago." Rong Jing reminds the old emperor, "does the emperor, Cang Pavilion and these three people come here for an hour?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!