The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 920

Mingfei's face was not good. She was about to speak again. The old emperor coughed softly, and she immediately swallowed what she was going to say.

"Emperor, it's getting late. King Shizi came back again. Ma luodun didn't wash the wind and dust, so he must be tired. Today, the guests have been waiting for a long time. Let's deal with the matter first! Let's get to the table. " Prince de took the opportunity to remonstrate.

"Brother Dewang is right!" The old emperor seemed to think of it. Looking at Rongjing, he seemed to have no choice but to say, "King Shizi is back at the right time now! There's really another big thing here. I'm in a dilemma for a while. Just when you're back, you can give me some ideas and opinions. "

"The emperor, please say that if Jing has a good idea, he will try his best to share his worries for the emperor." Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"Moon girl, you come to tell King Shizi!" The old emperor looked at the moon.

Yunqianyue's earlier coldness is gone. After a glance at Yunwu, two elders and a woman who are still kneeling on the ground, she tells the story of Yunwu carelessly. Her narration is simple and objective. Without any feelings, the matter will be explained quickly.

"It's a big deal indeed!" After hearing this, Rongjing nodded and said with a smile: "since the emperor wants to listen to Jing. May I ask these witnesses a few words first? "

"Accurate!" The old emperor nodded.

Rong Jing sat still and looked at Xiang Yunwu with light color. "Yunwu, what's your surname?"

Yunwu seems to have seen Rongjing for the first time. Although he is a thief and a thief, Rongjing's reputation is well known all over the world. Naturally, he also knows that in the face of such a person, although he does not have the cold and murderous spirit shown to him by Yun Qianyue, he just sits there, calm and elegant, and looks at him in a light color, but he is afraid from his heart. Just a simple word, let's His whole body and fingers and toes were shaking.

"Hard to answer?" Rongjing smiles.

Yunwu's body trembled even more.

"Isn't Jing Shizi asking nonsense? What's Yunwu's family name Cang Pavilion sounds warm and warm, and the twelve bone jade fan in his hand is shaking. To a spectator, but not a good-looking one.

"Oh, it turns out that the little Lord is here today!" Rong Jing seems to have just seen Cang Pavilion. He smiles deeply and raises his eyebrows slightly. His tone is gentle, "I'm asking him, and Cang Shao answers. Is Cang Shao Lord really Yunwu? But not the little master of the Cang family? "

"Cang Pavilion can only be Cang Pavilion! It's just that Jing Shizi wasted his time asking about something that everyone knows. " Cang Ting also smiles.

"Since you can't see it, you can't close your eyes!" Rong Jing's voice didn't fluctuate. He ignored Cang ting and asked Yunwu again, "Yunwu, what's your surname?"

"Little The villain's surname is Yun! " Yun Wu shudder voice hard to spit out a word.

"So your surname is Yun!" Rong Jing said that he knew it, and then turned to the other three people with a faint smile. "The three people came to the capital from Yun county. It must have been very hard on the way! After all, there was a flood some time ago, and it was hard to walk. And there are many mountain roads and many rough roads. It's hard work! I don't know if I have family with me? After all, I'm so old! "

Hearing this, two old men and a woman turned pale and trembled violently.

"Don't the three have any family?" Rong Jing asked again.

The three people's bodies were shaking violently, even more severe than Yunwu's.

"Some time ago, the flood disaster in Yunxian County was also very serious. In the name of yunwangfu, miss Jianyue donated 30000 taels of silver to Yunxian County in order to take care of the side branch of yunwangfu, which once lived in Yunxian County. Baodeyun County dike repair. At least Yunxian will not be flooded again in five years. " Rong Jing Wen Sheng Dao.

They were all stiff.

Rong Jing no longer asked the three people, turned to ask the cloud Lord: "Uncle Yun Wang, you are the son of the cloud palace. Have you been the cloud king of the cloud palace?"

"Of course King Yun's tone did not hesitate.

"Here it is! Since it is, what are you afraid of being certified? A man is a man, and he looks down to heaven and earth. Do something and do nothing. Although the state ceremony is heavy, the name is heavy, the face is heavy, and the bearing is heavy, they are all not important to Qing Qing's life. Today, if the cloud palace is wronged, it will collapse and the lives of thousands of people will be overturned. Maybe the nine tribes are involved, that is, the lives of thousands of people will not be protected. Compared with your face and cloud Palace's face? Is it too light? " Rong Jing smiles faintly.

"King Yun's face was ashamed," said King Shizi

Rongjing turned to the old emperor, "emperor, you are the emperor. I think you can see the reason from the question of Jinggang. Today, the cloud palace is very happy. What do these people want to testify against? Jing doesn't need to say more. Just ask you one thing. If Uncle Yun is not brave enough to prove his integrity, he is the son of the cloud palace. If he was framed, would you give him justice to him? "

"Nature!" The old emperor nodded and his voice was majestic.

"Good! Then the emperor will send someone to take uncle Yun Wang to verify his body! King believes that uncle Yun is the son of the family. " Let Jing Wen smile, words fall, hands spread, turn to cloud shallow moon, "I make the decision like this, do you have any opinion?""No!" The moon shakes her head. She believes in Rong Jing. Since he said that he should be tested, she should be tested.

The old emperor looked at Rongjing and yunqianyue, and then asked, "can the hidden Lord be there?"

"Go back to the emperor, your subordinates are here!" A dim shadow behind the old emperor answered.

"If you go to the inner room with the Lord Yun, you must look carefully!" The old emperor gave orders to his descendants.

"Yes The figure replied dully.

All the guests, civil and military officials were surprised. It was the first time to see the leader of the royal family's hidden guard. It can be seen how much attention is attached to this matter? Think about it. It's related to the birth of twins 40 years ago, the great fortune of heaven, and even the great events of the cloud palace. How can we ignore it? For a moment the crowd was silent.

"Brunei, you should take some people with you!" The old emperor gave orders to Brunei.

"Yes, Emperor!" Brunei responded immediately.

"Brother Dewang and brother Leng have been officials in the same Dynasty as Brother Yun Wang for several years. How can we not have two brothers Wang now? Go to witness with brother yunwang! There are many people who can see clearly, so as not to Wrongly Judge Brother Yun Wang. " The old emperor was also loyal to Prince de and filial piety.

"Yes Prince de and the king of filial piety got up in a hurry.

"Uncle Wang, can I arrange this properly? Do you follow along? Or send two people from the cloud palace to follow it? " The old emperor turned his head to ask the old king Yun.

Cloud old Lord raised his eyelids, glanced at the old emperor, shook his head, "body is not afraid of the shadow is crooked. The emperor will deal with it! Go to a hundred people. My son is still my son. It can't change. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!