The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 919

Guishuyu is prosperous, and the bright moon reflects its splendor. As a stranger, white jade is flawless.

This is Rongjing! In the eyes of thousands of people, I am leisurely and elegant.

Cloud shallow moon looks at Rong Jing, eyebrows and eyes with a touch of stupidity, want to run quickly in the past, but the foot seems to have a root like motionless. This moment, this kind of mood has no words to say. Her eyes were also looking at him without blinking, and all the people or things around her had disappeared, leaving only a touch of white crescent moon in her eyes.

It seems that in a flash, Rongjing came near, ignoring the numerous eyes gathered at the scene, slowly raised his hand, and naturally smoothed a wisp of green silk in front of yunqianyue's forehead to her ear. After finishing this action, he saw that yunqianyue was still looking at him as if he were happy. His beautiful Phoenix eyes slightly lifted up, and he gently laughed, such as the blooming flowers, and the pleasant voice was like a clear spring and pearly jade Landing, "how do you look like this? It's like you haven't seen me before

"You..." Cloud shallow month opened a mouth, difficult spit out a word, "when did you come back?"

"Just now! He came here without leaving his clothes undone and without stopping. He did not enter the house without washing the dust Rong Jing is smiling, and his tone is gentle as wind Yin. When he sees the cloud shallow moon, he laughs again and again, "happy silly?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon fixed her mind and had already forgotten all the people around her. She took a step forward and grabbed his sleeve. Her white fingertips clasped tightly. Her voice was hoarse. "It's just right to come back!"

More than just right? It's just right! With him in, the heart can be stable in an instant.

Rong jingruyu's hand gently patted Yun, and the light moon held the fingertip of his sleeve, just touched it slightly, then took back his hand, slowly turned around, and gave a smile to the old emperor, "emperor, Jingxing has not disgraced his life, the floods in the 18 Eastern States and counties have been cured, and now people's livelihood is settled down."

"Good! Good! Good! It's hard to see the son of the world! " The old emperor looked at the two men, and the light in his eyes was hidden. He was very happy. He said three good words: "I knew that there was king Shizi. The people in the 18 Eastern prefectures and counties would be safe and sound."

Rong Jing did not say anything with a smile. He was neither proud nor humble about the praise of the old emperor.

"King Shizi, what reward do you want for your hard work and great contribution to me? As long as you say, I'll take care of you. " The old emperor seemed to be overjoyed and spoke out.

All of them were shaken by Rong Jing Pu's coming in. At this time, they all woke up.

Cangting looks at the cloud and the moon is still holding the sleeves of Rongjing tightly. The action is not intimate, but naturally relies on. The two people are not too close, but the feeling is that they are so harmonious and intimate. His eyes are slightly narrowed, and his thin lips are gently pursed.

Night light dye skimmed her lips, looks like some unwilling, but can't do anything about it.

"It's my duty to share the worries for the emperor." Rong Jing shakes his head, meaning no reward.

The old emperor was greatly relieved and sighed: "if everyone has the talent of King Shizi, how can I worry?" After that, he waved his hand, "King Shizi came back just in time. Today is the wedding of the seventh Princess and Yun Shizi. Since you don't want a reward, I'll give you three cups later."

"Good!" Rong Jing smiles genially.

"Come on, please, jingshizi..." The old emperor waved to Brunei.

"Uncle, how can he have dirty eyes if he hasn't combed and washed? Near the holy body? Just sit here with me Cloud shallow month does not wait for the old emperor that seat to say to finish, then pulled a Rong Jing to sit beside oneself.

Rong Jing half silk resistance also has no, obediently next to cloud shallow moon sit down.

The old emperor's words stuck in his throat for a long time. After a moment, when there was no reprimand or dispute, he nodded and said kindly, "OK! Jingshizi, Zhou Ma laodun, will take good care of me by the moon maid. "

Cloud shallow moon smile, the heart is cold, the old emperor is magnanimous today. "Thirsty?" she asked Rongjing

"Thirsty!" Rongjing nodded.

Yun Xiaoyue handed him a glass of water.

Rongjing reached out to take it, gently raised his hand and drank it down. It seemed that he was thirsty.

"Hungry?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Hungry!" Rong Jing nodded and said in a low voice, "but I don't want to eat anything else. I just want to eat your dumplings!"

Cloud shallow moon does not hesitate to nod, "then you bear a moment, there is a big deal to deal with, I will go to make dumplings for you."

"Good!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

The two were talking in a low voice. They did not avoid others. Although their voices were light, they were too quiet. So their voices were heard clearly. Everyone can't help but sigh that Jing Shizi and miss Xiaoyue get along very well. The two people sat there, no special close action, warm voice shallow words, but let people feel like a picture of love, everywhere is full of misty rain.

"My concubine, do you remember that miss Qianyue was engaged to the seventh prince? It doesn't seem very polite for Jing Shizi to be so close to miss Xiaoyue! " Princess Ming suddenly opened her mouth, her voice was soft and soft, and her words were naturally addressed to the old emperor.

"The red dress of the empress Ming Fei today is not polite! What should I do? You're all wearing them. Do you want to take them off now Cloud shallow moon looks up to see Ming Fei, shallow smile.Ming Fei's face was stiff, and her beautiful eyes had a faint hatred.

"The four palaces are like one family, all brothers and sisters. Where are so many scruples? Just dyed boy is not with the month wench together from outside to come back? Growing up together as children, it's OK to be more polite. " The old emperor answered with a smile, as if the two people's deep solicitation had never existed.

"I'm stupid. The emperor said it! Not only dye little prince, fourth prince, fengshizi, even today's cold little prince are good to miss shallow moon! King Shizi is not in the capital city. Maybe I don't know. In order to save Miss Xiaoyue, Leng Xiaowang has been injured for more than ten days in the cloud palace! It is said that the young lady of the moon is with her every day and takes good care of her. It's not that much to worry about. " Ming Fei smiles at Rong Jing Dao.

Leng Shao Zhuo has not spoken since he came today. Now when he is mentioned, he can't help but lift his heart and look at Rongjing. See Rong Jing Wen shallow smile, face without anger, he some uncertain, look to cloud shallow moon. That kind of vision is afraid to implicate her, and seems to hide something.

"The Empress Dowager is in the deep palace and can know the world safely. It's not easy! No wonder you have been loved by the emperor and uncle for so many years. A woman with no skills can't do it. " Cloud shallow month smile, looked at cold Shao Zhuo one eye, "hit so many years, always I bully him, to him a little bit good also is right." She ignored the princess and said to the filial piety King: "Uncle Leng, do you think so? You don't want us to go on beating and killing again, do you? "

"Nature! Naturally, I don't want to, Miss shallow Moon said it! Dog son these years did not know the matter son, now magistrate son is a good thing. Naturally, I'm happy to see you. " Prince Xiao didn't know whether he was flattered by the voice that Yun Qianyue never called, or was surprised by the involvement of Leng Shao Zhuo by the imperial concubine. In short, this time, he was called fast along the steps of yunxiaoyue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!