The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 918

"I think it's suspicious. I'm afraid I can't find out why." The filial piety prince also immediately said.

The old emperor nodded and looked at the second master, "as Yunwu said, master Lingyin is not here. Second master, this statement is not enough evidence. "

"Uncle! Does it prove that the brother's third uncle was not born by the family leader's wife? Can it be explained that he is the twin son of the cloud palace? That's ridiculous! " At this time, brother shangyun said with a sneer. Who has the ability to go underground and ask him who he is? Don't talk nonsense here. "

"The moon girl said well too!" The old emperor's face was not good.

"Emperor, I remember!" Suddenly, Yunwu's eyes brightened and he said in a loud and excited way: "I overheard the conversation between my grandfather and the second uncle that one of the twins had a birthmark on his back, and the other had no birthmark. The one with birthmark is the son of the cloud palace. The one without birthmark is the third uncle. "

The second master's face changed.

The hand that cloud old Wang Ye covers on chair to stop to tremble, cloud Wang Ye's hand also seems to tremble.

When yunqianyue woke up, she glanced at him and said in a cold voice, "Wenwu, you are really impatient to live! What does that mean? "

Yunwu's eyes were still shining, and he said in a loud voice: "naturally, it can explain the problem. My third uncle's death is very suspicious. He has been doing well, and he died suddenly. And I heard that during that period of time, it was when Prince Yun's son was ill in bed. It was hard to be sure that he would not be replaced by another son of the palace. "

"Who taught you that?" Cloud light moon gently knocked on the armrest of the chair, forced to resist the impulse to not pull out the broken snow, a sword will Yunwu stab a heart cold. How could she have been unaware of such a disaster? Let him come out and hurt his family?

"No one Teach me It occurred to me Yunwu seems to feel the murderous spirit of cloud shallow moon, and quickly shakes his head. He had been forced to the corner of the wall by the moon, and at this time the whole person had almost pasted on the wall.

"What a surprise Cloud shallow moon cold smile, eyes swept a circle, from the presence of people's faces one by one. At this time, she was sure that there must be a top master in the secret to guide Yunwu. Unfortunately, there are too many people today, and the breath is too mixed. Even if she releases her breath to explore, she can't find out who it is. Cang pavilion has not moved, the breath is quiet, there is no leakage phenomenon, it seems that he is not.

"Such things as that?" The old emperor seemed to be shocked by Yunwu's words.

All the guests were surprised, and they all set their eyes on the king Yun.

King Yun's face turned white, and he quickly got up and said to the old emperor, "emperor, this is pure nonsense. How can such things be possible? How can I be... "

"Don't worry, Brother Yun Wang! Since it's Cha! Just check it out. Since this cloud Wu talks about you, if you are not, immediately verify that is. Is it to see if there are birthmarks on the back? It's not difficult! " Prince de suddenly said.

"Good! Brother Dewang is right! Don't worry, Brother Yun Wang. It's really not difficult. " Prince Xiao also quickly agreed.

"This But how can I undress in public? What is the standard? " Cloud King Ye shivers body way.

"Brother Yun Wang, since you are a man, what are you afraid of? Why don't you check it out? Let's do it! " The old emperor also said.

Yunqianyue's fingertips are a little white, and she is paying attention to it. However, today's incident has come too suddenly. She thinks that her grandfather is ready, and indeed appropriate, since he has concealed the truth from the world. At least, the evidence has been rejected. Without evidence, the old emperor could not do anything, but he did not expect to have birthmarks. She couldn't think of any good ideas for a moment, but calmly said in a cold voice: "the emperor's uncle, the land of heaven's holiness and propriety, upholds the rule of rites. Now you listen to the words of a yellow mouth child who is furtive and slandering his ancestors. Let my father undress in public? What is the reason? My father is the Lord of the palace of cloud. This is not a small matter, but a big thing to face? How can my father get a foothold in the dynasty? Isn't this the face of Da Yun Wang Fu? "

"Yes, uncle Huang! The little girl is right Night light dye also immediately echoed.

"Emperor, this is to make the old minister die of shame..." King Yun knelt on the ground, looking sad and angry.

The old emperor was refuted by Yun Qianyue's reasonable and powerful words. He lost his words when he looked at Prince de and Prince Xiao. None of the ministers who had admonished earlier were speaking at this time.

"Ah..." Cang Pavilion suddenly low smile, "this is not simple? The emperor will send two close people to the inner room to have a physical examination for Lord Yun! It's not much about slapping and insulting King Yun and his mansion in public. If something goes wrong, it's natural to solve the problem. Miss shallow moon, do you think that's the truth? "

The cloud shallow moon looks at the Cang Pavilion fiercely, the Cang Pavilion faces the cloud shallow moon's eye light light and smiles.

"Miss, jingshizi is back!" At this time, Ling Lian suddenly returned to the cloud behind the moon, pasted in her ear quietly.

Cloud shallow moon in the eyes of the fierce moment scattered, sitting body Teng to stand up, no longer pay attention to the Cang Pavilion, looking out of the hall.

All of them were startled by the actions of Yun Qianyue. Seeing that she had just turned chilly, they all looked at her with joy in a twinkling of an eye. The old emperor and the three kings, as well as night light dye, Cang Pavilion and others follow the crowd to look out of the hall.Within a moment, I saw a beautiful figure in the white robe of crescent moon coming slowly outside the hall. Zhilan Yushu and cloud top Gaoyang are like poems and paintings. They are elegant and elegant. They are just the scenery. In a moment, the light of his friends came in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!