The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 917

"Oh?" The old emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at the three people behind yetianyu.

"Ye Tianyu, you don't look like a good person! Is it so easy to bring dogs and cats here? " Night light dye looked at cloud shallow month one eye, see her face light, make a voice sneer, "can't be you and this matter have what connection?"

"What can I have to do with it?" Night day Yu shakes his head, complexion is serious, "I listened to what they want to report to father emperor, think such thing is fresh! Instead of letting them talk nonsense when they meet people outside, it is better to follow their wishes and bring them to their father and Emperor. This is not a trivial matter. There is no room for carelessness. If it becomes a big thing, it will be troublesome if it is out of control. "

Night light dye cold hum a, "you pour will take into account the overall situation!"

"You are not looking for my father? This is it Night day Yu ignores night light dye, side opens body, to behind three humanity.

The night sky Yu words fall, only listen to "Pu Tong" three rings, three people all kneel down in fear, kowtow, trembling voice: "grass people kowtow The Emperor Long live the Emperor Long live, long live... "

"Who are you? Do you have anything important to tell me? " The old emperor asked.

The three men did not dare to look up. They shivered for a moment. An old man on the left said, "tell the emperor, the little old man is a doctor in Yunxian County. Forty years ago, he visited the wife of the leader of the local branch of Yunxian County. The lady suffered from dystocia when she gave birth to the second young master. She finally saved her life and could not bear any more children. However, it is said that her illness has been cured. A year later, there was a third young master. The young man was always puzzled. When he heard about the twin son of King Yun's mansion, he felt that there was something strange about it, so he came to report to the emperor. "

"Oh?" The old emperor uttered a sound with a heavy tone.

"Emperor Bing, the little old man is also a doctor in Yunxian County. Like Zhang Dafu, he visited the wife of the leader of the local branch of Yunxian County 40 years ago, and the medicine of that lady has been prepared by the little old man. The lady gave birth to the second young master, who is now the second master, and can not bear any more children. Where can there be any three young masters? " Another old man immediately said.

"Emperor Bing The civilian woman was the daughter of her mother-in-law who delivered to the wife of the BanZhi clan leader in Yun County 40 years ago. My mother delivered the birth to the second young master. At that time, the second young master, who is now the second master, was pulled out of the lady's stomach. The lady nearly lost her life, and later her life was saved. But the midwives all know that such dystocia, so much blood, and people are dying, where can they get pregnant again? Let alone three young masters The lady in her fifties said immediately.

"Is that true?" The old emperor was waiting for the three people's words to fall and asked in a deep voice.

"The grass people say every word is true!" The three men kowtow in a hurry, all of them agree.

"Do you have any evidence that you have seen the lady or delivered the baby?" The old emperor asked again.

"The two of them brought the records of their visits at that time!" The two old men immediately said.

"The woman brought me a piece of jade that the master of the clan had given to my mother. It was a good jade with the lettering of the cloud palace engraved on it. My mother passed it on to me as my only daughter. I've been reluctant to sell it and keep it The woman said immediately.

When the three men spoke, they brought out their own evidence.

"Brunei, present it!" The old emperor gave orders to Brunei.

Brunei went down in a hurry, took over the things of the three and handed them to the old emperor.

The old emperor took a look at the jade first, then opened the yellowing paper book for a moment, and said to his father, "second master, since these three people are from Yunxian County, do you know them?"

The second master's face turned white, and his body trembled slightly, but he was still strong enough to calm himself, "go back to the emperor and know him."

"Then it is true?" The old emperor asked again.

"It's not true! Although my mother had dystocia, she later met a miracle doctor, who was recuperated and gave birth to three younger brothers. Can't Can't you say that my third brother is not my mother's own because of these three people? There is nothing strange in the world. Emperor, this is strange! There must be someone who wants to harm the cloud palace. Otherwise, how could these three people suddenly come to the capital to testify? "

"Well? miracle-working doctor? What kind of miracle doctor can cure the clan leader's wife The old emperor raised his eyebrows, calmly shook his sick book record in his hand, and said, "I have carefully looked at it. After Yunfu's second master's life, his body is not in good shape. He has a lingering bed every day, and his life is limited. In this way, he can have a baby in October and give birth to a baby? It's too much of a fantasy! "

"This..." The second master took a look at the old master Yun, lowered his head and said, "the miracle doctor is master Lingyin!"

"Oh? Master Lingyin The old emperor was stunned and then said, "master Lingyin's medical skills are good! At that time, King Shizi was in danger. Master Lingyin saved his life with a helping hand! But the second master is sure that master Lingyin once cured the master's wife? Why don't you hear the tone of the three people

"Second uncle, don't talk nonsense! When did master Lingyin cure her grandmother? " Yunwu immediately refuted.

"Forty years ago, you didn't come out of your mother's stomach at that time. How do you know?" The second master scolded.

"The grass people have not heard of such things!" The two old men and a woman quickly refuted."Master Lingyin's whereabouts are vague, and he doesn't like to publicize himself. He never wants to be famous for his good deeds. Sometimes afraid of worldly entanglement, do not want to reveal the whereabouts. What's so strange about you? " The second master angrily denounced the three people, "where do you want to be known about our family affairs? Become the gossip that everyone talks about? Who in the world are you and the other three under orders? Want to frame up the cloud palace? What's more, my mother's condition may not be so serious. It's just that the quack doctors and shallow minded women feel that they can't be saved. "

The three men were unable to answer for a moment and stopped.

Cloud shallow moon mouth hook hook, the second master's words are really powerful. He is now the leader of the side branch of the cloud palace. She has been doing nothing because of this branch. Now it doesn't seem to be true. How can you be a real coward with the blood of the descendants of the cloud palace? What's more, her grandfather was willing to send a son to Yunxian at that time, wasn't it without consideration?

"Anyway, master Lingyin is not here. What the second uncle says is reasonable!" Yunwu panic tunnel.

"Evil son!" The second master rebuked Yun Wu and turned to the old emperor and said, "emperor, please be aware! These three people are not enough evidence. "

The old emperor also seemed to take a look at the second master squarely. Obviously, he didn't expect that the man who began to be submissive had such a powerful momentum at this time. He nodded and looked down. "Brother Dewang, brother Leng Wang, you and others have not spoken. What do you think of it? "

"This..." Prince de and Prince Xiao did not seem to know how to speak.

"But it doesn't matter!" The old emperor said.

"Emperor, this matter is very suspicious. We should investigate it carefully and thoroughly." Prince de pondered the way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!