The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 916

Cang Ting was stunned and pulled open the folding fan that blocked Yunwu. He saw that Yunwu was looking at his fan with wide eyes. He turned his head, coughed slightly, and suddenly laughed, "everyone says that Miss shallow moon is a dandy who has never learned or learned anything. It turns out that she has been involved in so many things. Hypnotism has never been heard of, or for the first time. "

"The ignorant are not guilty!" Cloud shallow moon does not look back, a sneer.

"No one is perfect, there is no end to learning. It seems that ignorance is not the next point! " Cang Ting closes the twelve bone jade fan and walks slowly back to his seat.

"It seems that the little Lord is not enthusiastic about this matter!" Night light dye suddenly interposes a sentence, looking at the Cang Pavilion sneer, "let a person want not to doubt that Cang Shao Lord is the person behind that, intentionally trap people, it is impossible!"

The Cang Pavilion stepped forward, looked at the night light dye, picked a good-looking eyebrow, and said with an implicit smile, "why didn't you say that I fell in love with Miss shallow moon at first sight? So you are more concerned about her and cloud palace? Maybe it's not proper to investigate the sewage. Naturally, I want the palace of cloud to be pure and clean. "

Night light dye face a cold, cold voice way: "I see not necessarily!"

"If you don't need to see it, I can understand Miss Xiaoyue's feelings! No, or miss shallow moon can understand it Cang Pavilion sits down with a smile. From the beginning to the end, Erya's smile was kept, without exposing himself to the discomfort of the public.

Night light dye coldly looked at the Cang Pavilion, just want to fight back, then listen to cloud shallow moon cold voice way: "emperor uncle, what are you still hesitating about? Check it out! Now my brother came in a hurry from his new house and left his sister-in-law alone in the boudoir. That's your daughter. You don't love your daughter, I also love my brother! Big marriage is only once in a lifetime. After today, there will be no tomorrow! "

When they heard this, they saw that Yunli rushed back to the auditorium in a red robe. It was obvious that the seven princesses were sent to the bridal chamber and then rushed out!

"Sister!" Yunli came to see his father and Yunwu kneeling on the ground. He expected that something bad would happen in his heart. When he came to yunqianyue, he stood still, a little nervous.

"Yunwu said that forty years ago, there were twin sons in the palace of King Yun. One of the twins was the father and the other was the third uncle of the side branch. Brother, you grew up in Yunxian County. Do you hear such ridiculous things Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Cloud from a Zheng, immediately shook his head, "never heard of it!"

"Here it is! I haven't heard of it either. But Yunwu kept saying that there were such things. Now we are waiting for the emperor's uncle to check it out! " Cloud light moon road.

Yun Li turned back and said respectfully to the old emperor: "emperor, I really haven't heard of it! The third uncle of the minister was already in the war more than ten years ago. Now my grandfather's legacy is just my father, Yunwu and me. "

The old emperor nodded, "Qing and other people insist on their own words. I have no way to judge! I believe that there will be no such thing in the cloud palace, but it will inevitably block your mouth. There are different opinions. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to find out the matter today. If Yun Wu talks nonsense, the crime should be punished. I will give justice to Lord Yun's house! "

Cloud from hang down his head, back in the side.

"Uncle Wang, just now Yunwu said that there was a genealogy and eight characters of the birth date to testify. Can you take the genealogy of Lord Yun's house and have a look at it?" The old emperor turned his head and inquired about it.

Cloud old Lord raised his eyelids, "since the emperor has the heart, naturally you can have a look! The genealogy of the cloud palace is not something to be seen! " Words fall, he said to cloud shallow Moon: "smelly girl, you go to ancestral hall to bring genealogy!"

"You can't let her go. Who doesn't know her What if she does something? " Yunwu yelled at this time.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is cold.

"Then go away! Li'er doesn't know martial arts. The emperor sent two people to go with him to get the genealogy! " Cloud old Lord saw cloud Wu one eye, changed one's mouth to cloud to leave a way, "does the emperor have an opinion?"

"Bring the genealogy of Wang Zhifu as well." The old emperor said.

"Well! Is the genealogy of the branch of the cloud palace in the hands of several clan leaders? The second master has nothing to take! The emperor also sent two men to follow. Only by comparing the two, can we know whether it is true or not. " Cloud old Wang Ye looks at the cloud Li Sheng father road kneeling on the ground.

"Accurate!" The old emperor nodded and waved his hand behind him. Several people came out immediately after him, respectively keeping up with Yunli and his biological father.

The party went out of the wedding hall.

Yunqianyue sneers in her heart. Since her grandfather has the courage to steal a job and hide from the world, how can he make a mistake in his little genealogy? Nature has been prepared for it? But does she know that the person behind the cloud palace knows? So there must be backers behind the genealogy. She's waiting. Let's see which Buddha is going to be that heavy blow.

Everyone in the hall was silent and waiting.

About two sticks of incense time, Yunli and his father came with the genealogy of cloud palace and branch respectively. They were presented to the old emperor one after another. The old emperor made a color to Brunei after his death, and Brunei immediately went down to take over the genealogy.

When the genealogy was opened, the old emperor looked through them one by one. After reading this, he said to Yunwu: "Yunwu, this genealogy records that there is only one son in the cloud palace, and the birth date is half a year different from that of your third uncle. What do you say? "

"Emperor, that must be wrong. I remember listening to my grandfather and uncle secretly! Third uncle is not my grandfather. " Yunwu looked pale at the genealogy, "this genealogy must be fake!""Do you want any more evidence?" Asked the old emperor.

Yunwu shook his head in fear.

"No evidence, no nonsense! Uncle Huang, I'll tell you! How can we believe what they say? He is probably jealous of Yunli's rapid development. He has become a son of the world and married a princess. Now he wants to frame up the palace of cloud, and then frame Yunli. " Night light dye sneers, "such a villain, should drag out to chop!"

"Emperor, villains dare not speak falsely. Every word is true The villain... " Yunwu made a statement again.

The old emperor seemed to be impatient, "come on, will Yunwu..."

"Father emperor!" Night day Yu's voice suddenly spread, a light cry, people have come in from outside. He was followed by two old men, about the age of the ancients, who looked like doctors. There was also a woman, about 50 years old.

"Are you back? How is Tianqing's injury? " Stop asking the emperor.

"Back to my father, the second brother's injury is a little serious, but he didn't stab at the key point. He was in danger of saving his life. The son minister specially came back to tell his father that the Prime Minister of Qin is now taking people to look for Miss Qin's whereabouts! " Ye Tianyu replied respectfully.

"Well! Nothing is better! " The old emperor nodded, "who is behind you?"

Night Tianyu looked back at his back and suddenly laughed, "it's strange to say that this is a strange thing. When he came out of the second brother's residence, he met these three people. They said that they were doctors who had treated the wife of the clan leader who was a branch of Prince Yun's house in Yunxian County, and another was a midwife. He said he had something important to tell his father. Ask me to bring them. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!