The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 915

Yunwu said a word, proud to see the old man change his face.

"Yunwu, I always thought that you were just sneaking around and making a little fuss. My father used to make mistakes. It's no harm. I can't believe that you have insulted your grandfather and grandmother and framed your third uncle as a biological? You're a bastard

"Second uncle, I'm telling the truth!" Yunwu glared at the old man across his neck and refused to yield.

The old man seemed to be angry and courageous, staring at Yunwu. Obviously, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I'm afraid it would have been a slap in the face. He turned to the old emperor and crawled on the ground, affirming: "emperor, don't listen to the nonsense of yellow mouth children. My third brother is indeed my mother's brother. He caused trouble since he was a child, and Yunli was clever since he was a child. Now he saw that Yunli had become the son of the royal family. He held a grudge and slandered him. It's disgusting. I hope that the emperor can be very clear and don't listen to his nonsense. "

"Emperor, what the villain said is true." Yunwu also quickly knelt on his knees, and his tone of voice was so sincere that he was afraid that the old emperor would not believe him. He said, "the emperor can take out the genealogy of Lord Yun's house and my family. It's easy to see. "

"It's true that each has his own opinion! I can't tell the truth from the false! " The old emperor looked at the two men kneeling in front of the hall and looked at the sleepy old lord Yun, "Uncle Wang, what do you say?"

"The old minister still said that. If the emperor believes in the words of the Yellow mouthed child, check it! Find out is not the old minister bow down to plead guilty, if not, the emperor will give an account to the old minister. Such things as being stabbed and slandered in the back have been countless. The emperor must understand. The old minister will surely find out the mastermind behind the scenes and will not give up Cloud old Lord does not look at the old emperor, hum.

The old emperor was calm and silent, as if thinking about how to judge.

"Emperor, I feel that there is no fire without wind! Since Yunwu came out to testify, there must be something strange about it! I think the emperor will make a thorough investigation. " A courtier stood up and respectfully addressed the old emperor.

"The emperor, I think it's time to investigate!" Another courtier stood up.

"Emperor, since there is such a thing, I think it's time to investigate. If there is no such thing in Lord Yun's house, it will naturally be fair to him. If there is such a thing, the palace of Lord Yun will deceive the former Emperor. This is a big crime and must be punished according to the crime. " Another man stood up and said.


Next, more than half of the ministers in the court, who were originally happy to watch, stood up to remonstrate.

"Look, your majesty, so many people suggest you to check, so you can check it! Check the integrity of the wedding. Today is the wedding day of Yunli and Qier! " Ming Fei's gentle voice rang out. After a group of people's admonition, she spoke in good time.

The old emperor did not shake his head or nod his head. He looked at Wang Yun, "Brother Yun Wang, what do you think of this matter? I'm really in trouble! I don't believe in the cloud palace, old Uncle Wang and brother Wang Zhongjun. It's true that Yunwu is also a member of your cloud palace! He came out to testify, so that I can't do anything in my heart. "

King Yun's face turned white and stood up. Instead of answering the old emperor's words immediately, he looked at the cloud and the moon.

"By the way, and moon girl! What do you think, moon girl? Do you want me to check or not? " The old emperor followed the eyes of King Yun to look at the moon. His eyes were deep.

"Check!" Cloud shallow month spits out a word coldly, pick eyebrow, "why not check? We have to find out the truth about these things. " She approached Yun Wu.

Cloud Wu see cloud shallow moon coming to him, kneeling body can not help but retreat back.

Cloud shallow moon sees him retreat, footstep does not stop, step by step approach.

"Moon girl, since you want to check, Yunwu can't kill it!" The old emperor reminds yunqianyue.

"Of course not! Instead of killing, he should live well. I have to find out the person behind the frame to die. " The voice of cloud shallow moon is like breaking frost and snow, forcing Yunwu to the corner of the wall. Yunwu has no way to retreat. She looks at her with a pale face and looks at her in horror. She stops and squats down. Her eyes are fixed on Yunwu's eyes. Her voice is calm, "say, who instructed you?"

"No No one... " Yunwu shook his head.

"No one?" Cloud shallow moon Mou light shoots out the light of pure and secluded, will cloud Wu pupil Ren lock, "say!"

"Really It's really not No.... " Yunwu did not dare to look at the eyes of yunqianyue, but could not help looking at her face. When she saw her quiet eyes, her shaking head stopped suddenly.

"Say, give you a chance! As long as you say who is behind you and what benefits have been given to you, I will guarantee you a long life. Otherwise You're dead. You know, when people die, who gives you any good, you're useless. Nothing is as important as living. " The voice of the moon is still calm. So squatting in front of Yunwu, talking about life and death, such as what to eat today, what tea to drink? It's as simple as the weather.

"I..." Yunwu seems to have turned into wood carvings, the voice of fear into na na.

All of a sudden, a folding fan flew out of the guest seat. The folding fan snapped across the middle of Yunwu and yunqianyue. The twelve bone jade fan opened, and the jade pendant on the tail of the fan made a slight and crisp sound, which just covered Yunwu's face. A gentle voice was smiling and said, "Miss shallow moon, this is not right! If you use soul capture to a person who doesn't have the slightest martial arts skills, it's hard to avoid losing the truth. You've got to fight to make a moveYunqianyue turns her head and sees Cang Ting standing beside her and Yunwu. The folding fan in her hand is beating gently, blocking Yunwu's eyes. She picks her eyebrows carefully, and her tone is a little scattered, "Cang Shao Zhu can't sit still? I think who is the leader behind that? It turns out to be the little Lord! "

"That's not true! I was born in the Cang family, one of the top ten aristocratic families. I have many defenses against heresy. Seeing the full house of guests, no one stopped Miss shallow moon from using sorcery on the witness. He came out to rescue him. If it is said that the young master is the master behind him, he can bear the responsibility of meddling Cang Ting laughed. Slowly.

"Is it?" Cloud shallow moon lightly looked at Cang Pavilion two eyes.

"Nature! My family is very strict. Naturally, I can't see such magic tricks as Miss shallow moon. " Cang Pavilion smile.

"Moon girl! How can you use Dementor on Yunwu The voice of the old emperor came from behind, implying anger, "when did you learn the soul capture technique in southern Xinjiang?"

Yunqianyue slowly stood up, looked back at the old emperor and asked, "uncle, is the soul capture technique of Southern Xinjiang a magic art?"

It seemed that the old Emperor didn't know how to open his mouth for a while and choked there.

"Lord Cang! Is soul capture in southern Xinjiang magic Cloud shallow moon asks to Cang Pavilion again.

"The mantra in southern Xinjiang can't be called Zhengshu, can it?" Cang Pavilion does not answer questions, smile does not change.

"Little Lord, you are so worried! It's just hypnosis! Let people in the most relaxed state of mind to say the most real idea. It's far worse than Dementor! If it's Dementor, it's too late for you to stop me now. He died a long time ago. " Cloud shallow moon light sneer to the Cang pavilion a smile, turn to walk back to the seat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!