The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 914

Everyone was shocked when they heard the speech!

Cloud shallow moon thought, as expected was poked out of this one thing, Yunwu said a secret, she thought of it! Who ordered Yunwu? It's impossible to get out and say it yourself. A sneaker, but not a fool. What can he do without good? Is it the old emperor or the Cang pavilion? She looked at Mr. Yun and Mr. Yun, who was drowsy with his eyes closed and didn't seem to hear him. However, Wang Yun's face was frightened and obviously could not believe it.

She looked back and suddenly laughed, "this is fresh! Why didn't I hear that! Yunwu, don't talk nonsense. Although the emperor's uncle promised to spare you from dying, you can only say what is useful. If you say useless and absurd words, you can't cut off ten heads! "

"What the villain says is true, and there is no half empty word!" Yunwu immediately said: "villains dare to guarantee their lives."

"Oh? Such things as that? " The old emperor looked gloomy and looked at the old king, "Uncle Wang, what do you say? If I remember correctly, forty years ago, a venerable Celestial Master in the imperial palace of heaven observed the astronomical phenomena at night and said that if the purple micro star and the Long Tan star were brought into the world together, there would be twins in this capital city. The birth of twins and the arrival of heaven indicate that the divine power of heaven has been exhausted. The way to solve this problem is to kill the twins in order to keep the peace and prosperity. It is not your opinion that Tiansheng will prosper for another hundred years. However, no twins were born in Beijing. At that time, both my father and the man Dynasty were very strange. The Heavenly Master is the elder brother of master Lingyin. How could he make a mistake? I've been puzzled. Now Yunwu has such a statement. Is it true that the twins were born in the cloud palace? "

"Nothing! Emperor, how can we take it seriously? If there are twins in Prince Yun's mansion, how can you hide the emperor's eyes and ears? The former Emperor was the emperor and benevolent monarch. The wise man was accompanied by the king, and he knew the ability of the former Emperor and the emperor to be king. But the cloud palace has always been loyal to protect the monarch. If there are twins, how can you keep it for your own private He opened his sleepy eyes, took a look at Yunwu and sighed, "Yunwu's grandfather told the old minister before his death that the child was not in a right mind. However, he almost drowned him because of his mistakes in that year. Later, he managed to survive a disaster. From then on, he regarded him as a treasure and overindulged him. Only in this way did his grandfather tell me to take good care of him. He moved to the cloud palace from the side branch of the cloud palace. The cloud palace treated him well. The old minister didn't know who ordered him to frame up the cloud palace. Please make a thorough investigation to the emperor, and you must return the old minister to be innocent! The old minister has been loyal to the emperor all his life, and now there are plaques given by the emperor. I don't want to live in the evening. "

"Yunwu! Do you have evidence for that? Or the basis? This is no small matter! If you talk nonsense, I have just promised you not to die, but what's the matter! If there is no truth in the defamation, I will certainly kill you! " The old emperor lowered his face and showed his dignity.

Yunwu quickly kowtowed on the ground, "back to the emperor, the villain said every word is true, if not, heaven strikes thunder! It's hard to die. There used to be twins in the cloud palace. One was raised in the cloud palace and became the son of the cloud palace. The other was fostered in my home in Yunxian County. My grandfather raised him. He was my third uncle. My father is the eldest, and my second uncle is also the father of Yunli. My third uncle is actually the twin son of old lord Yun... "

"And the evidence?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is cold.

"Evidence..." Yunwu took a look around, even busy way: "this matter my father and my second uncle all know."

"Your grandfather is dead! Your father died early. Is your second uncle Yunli's father? How can I use the The old emperor asked in a deep voice.

"Second uncle is here!" Yunwu nodded quickly.

"Come on, go and pass on Yunli's father, uncle Yunwu!" The old emperor gave a big drink.

Immediately someone answered the voice of Xi Tang, and all the eyes followed the man. For a moment, Xi Tang was silent.

"Yunwu, in addition to human evidence, do you have any material evidence?" The old emperor asked in a deep voice.

Yunwu shook his head and said: "what the villain said is absolutely true. Emperor, if my grandfather was not kind to the cloud palace, how could the cloud palace let us, a separate branch, move from Yun county to the capital? This is the evidence. "

"Yunwu, have you never read a book? Don't be ridiculous! Is that evidence? Who taught you that! " Cloud shallow moon sneers.

Cloud Wu seems to be very afraid of cloud shallow moon, the body shivers for a while, dare not look at her.

"Emperor, Yunli's biological father has brought it to you!" Then the man came back and came in with an old man in a robe.

The old man was a little older than King Yun. After coming in, he quickly knelt down to the old emperor.

"Are you Yunli's father? I ask you, have twins ever been fostered in your house? Is Yunwu's third uncle? " The old emperor asked in a deep voice before anyone could speak.

The old man was stunned and shook his head in a hurry. Even if he saw the emperor for the first time, he did not panic and fear, "back to the emperor, my father has three sons, elder brother, I and my third brother. The third younger brother is my parents' own, and my eldest brother and my mother's compatriots, how can they foster my family in the cloud palace? That's ridiculous. "

"Is that true?" The old emperor's face was deep.

"Back to the emperor, I dare not have a half empty word." The old man shook his head.

"Second uncle, you are nonsense! Clearly, the third uncle is... " Yunwu immediately yelled."Asshole! I've been sneaking around all day, not doing good deeds, but now I've got such nonsense. It's better to let you drown in the water! How dare you talk nonsense in front of the emperor? Tired of living? " The old man denounced Yunwu.

Yun Wu shrunk his neck and said, "second uncle, it's because your son has become the son of the cloud palace that you will cover up this matter. Originally, the third uncle was not born to my grandfather. At that time, my grandmother was seriously ill for half a year. Where can I get pregnant? Third uncle's birthday does not match! If you don't believe it, compare the genealogy with the eight characters of the third uncle's birthday, and you'll find out at a glance. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!