The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 913

"Dye boy! Step back The old emperor roared.

Night light dye stood still, looking at the old emperor and said, "Uncle Huang, do you know who is Yunwu? It's the most useless bastard in the branch of cloud palace. He is a man who is a thief and a rooster. What's important about him? I'm afraid it was ordered by someone to roll out and splash dirty water, right? You are wise and wise, but you can't listen to such villains

"I said," go back! If you listen or not, you have to say it first and then make a judgment! " The old emperor drank again.

"Uncle Huang, I have something important to tell you. Just now I got the news that the second prince was assassinated by the bride when he was greeting Miss Qin in the prime minister's residence. The dagger didn't go into his chest, and his life was worrying. What's more, the woman was the one who changed her appearance into Miss Qin, but the real Miss Qin's whereabouts were unknown. It's a big deal, too Night light dye ignores the old emperor to roar, the clear voice way.

"What? Second prince assassinated? Miss Qin's whereabouts are unknown? " The old emperor stood up, shocked.

All the guests were startled at the words.

Yunqianyue thinks that this is a good acting skill! How can the capital hide from the old emperor? Then the hidden guard behind him is really a dry meal. And how many people in the room have no eyes or ears? Don't even know such a big thing? But now everyone is shocked and can win the Oscar.

"Nature is true! How can I cheat you, uncle Huang? " Night light dye nods.

The old emperor asked anxiously, "what's the matter with Tianqing? But it's very bad? What happened to the prime minister's office? "

"The nephew doesn't know! Does the emperor's uncle take a look at the second prince's mansion? " Night light dye shakes her head.

"I will drive the second prince's house immediately!" The old emperor nodded and left immediately. He was about to leave in a hurry. It seemed that he did not care to ask Yunwu lying on the ground.

"Don't worry, Emperor!" The imperial concubine seized the old emperor's sleeve and stopped his steps. She said in a soft voice, "the emperor's haste is useless! Isn't the fourth Prince here now? Send the fourth prince to the second prince's house. The second prince must have suffered minor injuries. If he was seriously injured, how could no one come to tell you? I'll wait for you here! Why do you have to do something yourself? What's more, there's still a secret that hasn't been solved! It's better to listen. The Prime Minister of Qin is the Prime Minister of a country, commanding the civil and military officials. Miss Qin is gone, so he has a sense of propriety. "

"You're right, too!" Hearing this, the old emperor stopped and kneaded his forehead. "I heard that Tianqing was injured. Miss Qin is too anxious to be missing." Then he looked at the guest seat and said to Ye Tianyu, "Tianyu, you can go to the second prince's house now to see Tianqing's injury. By the way, he will check with me exactly what's going on!"

"Yes, father!" The night day Yu stands up, respectfully answers the voice, walks outward.

The old emperor sat down again and saw that night light dye looked at Princess Ming badly. He waved to night light dye, "dye boy, you and Tian Yu go to the second prince's house together. Since you have got the news, why didn't you report it to me earlier? "

"Princess Ming said it's OK! Since the fourth Prince has gone, what else can I do? " Night light dye shakes his head, "who serves the wedding ceremony not to participate, must go to see stained with blood? Bad luck! I'm not going! "

"You You're getting worse and worse! " The old emperor said angrily.

Prince De's sitting body immediately stood up and pleaded with the old emperor, "this little devil is this virtue! The emperor, forgive me Words fall, and turn to night light dye scold, "since don't go to second prince's house, still don't retreat? It's getting worse and worse! Don't forget your last name

Night light dye face a dark, open mouth, just want to speak, cloud shallow moon suddenly way: "a little thing just! Why is it so boring? Yunwu, can you talk? If you can speak, get up and speak! Let's all hear what you can say! After listening to your new story, let's have a good dinner

Lying on the ground, Yunwu's body moved. It seems that he can't get up. It can be seen that night light dye's kick is heavy.

"Night light dye, sit back quickly! You are dressed brightly today. If you don't know, you'd like to wait here to worship! " Cloud light moon to night light dye wave hand.

Night light dye see cloud shallow moon opened mouth, then also no longer speak, some stuffy ground turned to walk back to guest seat.

"It's no wonder that the relationship between ranxiaowang and Xiaoyue is extraordinary. Today, I see it, and it's really extraordinary. " Cang Ting suddenly burst out a smile, the words are quite meaningful.

People looked different when they heard the speech.

"Of course, this little Wang and little girl have known each other since they were little, which is better than the relationship between some shady people and her!" Night light dye glances at the Cang Pavilion and snorts coldly.

Cangting's face was smiling, as if he didn't hear the scolding words of night light dye. He looked at Yun Wu lying on the ground, and his voice was gentle and shallow, "ran Xiaowang kicked him down. I'm afraid that he will be kicked to be unable to speak? It seems that we can hardly hear this important secret today. What is the secret? Yunwu is a branch of the cloud palace. Does his secret mean that there is something hidden in the cloud palace that is not known by the emperor and the public? "

The so-called one stone arouses thousands of waves, which is probably the case! When people heard the speech, they all looked at Mr. Yun and Mr. Yun as well as the moon. They speculated.Cloud shallow month hears speech, Mou light burst out fierce color, looking at Cang Pavilion, smile cool thin, "which mansion does not have a few sections of secret? The Cang family, one of the top ten aristocratic families, has countless mysteries since 100 years ago. Young master, do you want me to count you and your Cang family in front of all the guests today? In particular, there is a secret Xin that I still remember, often feeling. That's the former owner of the Cang family of the broken bridge in Lanling, a few decades ago... "

Cangting face color a change, but did not stop the cloud shallow moon, but the smile of the corner of the lips to take back, looking at her coolly.

"Moon girl!" The old emperor interrupted Yun Xiaoyue's words and said to Yunwu on the ground: "Yunwu, get up and tell me what you want to report? I can't delay today's wedding banquet because of you alone. If you don't have ten heads to cut off "From now on, no one is allowed to say more than Yunwu! Otherwise, I will let the hidden guard seal his mouth! Including moon girl and dye boy, don't think I can't cure you! I'll let you not take me seriously. "

Cloud shallow moon stopped, seem to hear, but did not seem to hear, facial expression does not see respectful, but also do not see disrespect.

Night light dye looked at the old emperor, picked up the wine pot and filled it with wine. His face was a little dim.

When people heard this, they kept silent. Cang Ting smiles, the expression on the face and cloud shallow moon, night light dye almost the same.

"Yunwu, can you still talk?" The old emperor looked at Yunwu on the ground.

"Back to the Emperor The villain can... " Yunwu got up difficultly. It seemed that he was frightened by the old emperor's deterrence. He even said, "what the villain wants to say is that there is a secret in the cloud palace, that is Forty years ago, a pair of twins were born in the cloud palace. The twins should have been killed, but now Today's cloud Lord has kept the secret There is also a man who once fostered in my family... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!