The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 912

People have long been accustomed to the immoral behavior that cloud shallow moon doesn't give the emperor face. So no one was so surprised that they all secretly squeezed a handful of sweat. They thought that something might happen to the cloud Palace today. Just hope you don't hurt yourself. Amitabha.

"Asshole!" The old emperor was furious, "moon girl! I'm not old and I'm not old enough! It's just about the things before cloud left! "

"Then the emperor's uncle will understand! To avoid misunderstanding. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is picking her eyebrows lazily.

The old emperor snorted and asked Yunwu, "what do you want to report to me?"

"Yunwu, you have to think about it before you report it. Don't get angry with Tianwei. You don't know how to die." Yunqianyue looked at Yunwu carelessly, and his eyes were cold and radiant. "The emperor's uncle was a son of heaven, different from others. What's more, he married his daughter today, and you stirred up the wedding banquet of the princess, but you're going to put it out for beheading! "

Yun Wu's face showed a frightful color, and for a time his body was stiff there.

"Moon girl, what are you scaring him to do?" The old emperor glanced at yunqianyue and said to Yunwu: "Yunwu! I have always been easy. If the matter you reported is really important, I will certainly reward you greatly. "

"Emperor The Emperor If you tell me, you Can you spare me from death? Villain What the villain reported is really important. " Cloud Wu smell speech white face trembling voice asked.

"Good! I promise you! As long as you report something important, you will not die. Not only will you not die, but you will be rewarded. " The old emperor nodded and promised happily.

When Yunwu heard the speech, his eyes lit up, but he didn't have any fear. He immediately came to him and said, "what the villain reported is..."

"Yunwu, did your grandfather love you very much since he was a child?" Mr. Yun, who has never spoken, spoke at this time.

Yunwu stopped talking immediately and looked at Mr. cloud.

"My old man remembers that when your grandfather died, xiaowuzi was actually very clever and smarter than Yunli. Unfortunately, he didn't teach him well." Mr. cloud seemed to think of something and sighed: "when he went there, the most worrying thing was you, boy. Tell me the old man, if the next branch of Lord cloud's residence moves in, he should take good care of you. Now that you have been here for a few months, are you not worried about food and clothing? Moon girl didn't treat you badly, did she? All the collateral relatives of the cloud palace have now returned to the cloud palace, which can be regarded as the people of the cloud palace. After that, it will be a family, life and death together. The month wench this smelly wench has equally good, treats equally

Yunwu's goatee trembled and his head dropped suddenly.

"Well, go on! Since it is an important matter, we must report it to the emperor carefully. The emperor is at his wits' end, and he seldom goes out of the palace. If the seven princesses were not married today, the emperor would not have come to the cloud palace. " Mr. Yun waved his hand and closed his eyes as if sleepily.

"Yes, Yunwu. If you have anything to do, please tell me. All the guests are waiting for you to tell us before they can start The king of cloud echoed.

But Yun Wu hung his head and said nothing.

"Yunwu! If you have anything to do, please let me know as soon as possible! " The old emperor looked at Mr. Yun and Mr. Yun, and his voice was heavy.

"Little The villain... " Yunwu hung his head and didn't dare to lift up. He kept shivering. He seemed to be struggling violently in his heart. He trembled for a moment and didn't say a word.

"Ah..." All of a sudden, a slight smile came from the guest seat, and then a gentle and smiling voice rang out, "it seems that he was just scared by Miss shallow moon! Emperor, please let him wake up. Anyway, it's still early, and everyone is not hungry. I'll wait for a moment to drink the wedding wine. "

Cloud shallow month hears familiar voice to turn head to look, see Cang Pavilion sitting on a table guest seat. All around him were courtiers who supported the seventh prince. And he sat in the chairman, as if become the main brain, her eyes shrink, straight looking at Cang ting.

"Miss moon, don't look at me like this! This kind of look in my eyes will mistakenly think that Miss shallow moon likes me! " Cangting shook his wrist and opened the twelve bone feather fan with a smile. He only heard the sound of "pa". The feather fan covered half of his handsome face. His tone was gentle and smiling, and his elegance was even more romantic.

All the people heard and looked at him, and he became the focus of all the guests.

Since cangting entered Beijing for half a month, he has been living in the seventh Prince's mansion to recuperate. People in Beijing all know that a powerful figure from the top ten families has come to the seventh Prince's house, but none of them has seen a powerful figure. Only a few courtiers who support the seventh Prince go in and out of the seventh Prince's house every day. Now, seeing cangting for the first time, people can't help but marvel at his manner. He is a man of ten great families, who is elegant and gorgeous, and has courtesy and basis for his conduct. For a while, he secretly pondered that these characters had become the aides of the seventh prince, and the emperor was said to have sent Duke Wen's greetings in person. Obviously, he acquiesced in the status of the seventh Prince and elevated the existence of this man and attached great importance to him.

"I don't remember the gentleman was invited on the guest list!" Cloud light moon cold tunnel.

"The great joy of the cloud palace is really a prosperous time. I live in the seventh Prince's house, and cloud palace is also a neighbor friend. Come uninvited to congratulate you. The gift has already been presented, and the cloud palace has also received the gift from me. Miss Xiaoyue will not drive away when the wedding banquet is about to open, will she? This is not the way to treat guests in the cloud palace! " Cang Pavilion smile at the cloud shallow moon, gentle and elegant."This childe is not low-key!" Cloud shallow moon looked at the Cang Pavilion deeply, laughed a, secretly mocked.

"It's not as famous as Miss shallow moon." Cang Pavilion smile response, will satire back to the cloud shallow moon.

Yun Qianyue's face suddenly sank down. She pursed her lips and looked at Cang ting. She wondered whether Yunwu's affairs had anything to do with him? Cloud Wu came out, let her think of the cloud palace ancestral heirs that section of the secret. About her father.

Cangting gently shakes twelve bone fans, calm, see cloud shallow moon no longer speak, he no longer speak, that style is clearly waiting for a good play, but the smile on the corner of his mouth is cool.

"Yunwu! What's the matter with you? " The old emperor glanced at the Cang Pavilion and the cloud moon. Others may not realize it, but he naturally found the undercurrent between them. He looked at the cloud Wu Shen voice kneeling on the ground.

"Villain The villain... " Yunwu trembled for a moment. It seemed that something had finally conquered something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the old emperor's face with determination: "villain tells a secret story! The secret is... "

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, the hand in the sleeve clenched tightly.

"Uncle Huang, what can be believed in the words of a sneaky villain?" Night light dye suddenly stands up from the guest seat, strides forward, kicks Yunwu on the ground, cuts off his words, and says angrily: "a good wedding banquet, where can you roll out a piece of stinky meat and stir it up in a pot?"

Cloud Wu "ah" to the pain of a cry, was night light dye kicked a four pronged. , the fastest update of the webnovel!