The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 911

Yunli and the seventh princess heard the etiquette officer shouting, both facing the heaven and the earth.

"Two obeisances to the high hall!" The etiquette officer shouts again.

Yunli and seven princesses rise and kneel down to the old emperor, the old king and the king.

"Husband and wife worship each other!" The ceremonial officer called again.

Yunli and seven princesses turn around, face each other, head down, just want to worship. At this time, a figure suddenly darts into the auditorium and bumps into them.

Cloud shallow moon eye light a cold, the red brocade in the sleeve floats out, hit a circle, instantly entangled that person's waist. The man could stop. He seemed to want to break free, but he couldn't. He said in a loud voice: "emperor, villain has something important to report!"

The incident happened so quickly that everyone could see a man in his thirties with a goatee.

"Oh?" The old emperor asked the man.

"If you have something important to report, you have to wait. If you want to disturb others, you will go to 18 levels of hell. You can't live beyond life forever!" Cloud shallow moon cold look at that person, words fall, do not wait for that person to open mouth, a wisp of gas line float out, point to live that person's dumb acupoint. She has never been grateful for the unique acupoint pressing technique of Rongwang's mansion at this moment. She has never been grateful to Rongjing for teaching her how to point dumb acupoints.

The man opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound. He looked at the cold face of the cloud and the moon in horror.

"Miss Yue, this person has something important to report. If you delay..." The old emperor saw that the moon stopped the man from talking.

"Uncle, there's still one last bow! Your daughter and son-in-law are waiting for you! You don't want them to miss the auspicious time, do you? It's not a big thing to rush at this moment and a half. " Cloud shallow moon with red brocade entangled that man, motionless, her cold words like ice, to the old emperor.

Obviously, the old emperor had never seen such a cold side of Yun Qianyue. She had always been lazy and smiling in thousands of ways, but she had never been so cold in front of him. Her face was faintly murderous, and she was stunned for a time.

"Brother, sister-in-law! You go on Cloud shallow moon takes advantage of the old emperor's Zheng Kung Fu, to look at this side of the cloud from and seven princess clear voice mouth. She thought they should understand what she meant. In any case, the wedding ceremony should be finished. Finally, if this ceremony becomes, the seven princesses will be the people of the cloud palace! They will be husband and wife!

"Seven princesses?" Cloud from nature understand, turn to look at seven princess, quietly ask.

"Let's go on!" The seventh princess's voice is soft but firm.

"Miss moon! Where is the love between children and girls important in the world? If you obstruct the coming people to report something important, can you afford to delay something? " Princess Ming spoke at this time, her voice was a little harsh.

"If I say I can afford it?" Cloud shallow moon looks at Ming Fei and says coldly: "empress Ming Fei! You are the biological mother of the seventh princess. You can't see your daughter like this? I think it's time for you to reflect. You seem to have changed since your aunt got pregnant. Now even the big red clothes that only the queen can wear are put on. Do you want to sit in the position of the central palace and live in the ronghua palace

"Nonsense! I'm just afraid of delaying the event! " Ming Fei's face changed.

"It's just a farewell. How can we delay something?" With a cold smile, yunqianyue no longer paid attention to the imperial concubine and said to the etiquette officer, "shout again, the big things are not as important as the big marriage of my brother and sister-in-law. After you shout, who wants to stop again. Don't blame me, Sanchi Qingfeng sent him to Yan Wangye to have a wedding banquet first

Ming Fei's body trembled and she was silent immediately.

The old emperor's face was slightly blue, "moon girl, this is the day of great joy. What kind of asshole is that?"? There's no white luck

"Since the emperor's uncle knows bad luck, don't let people do anything bad in the end." Although yunqianyue is talking to the old emperor, she looks at the etiquette officer.

The ceremonial officer was so frightened that he could hardly hold the silk and silk, so he called out again, "husband and wife worship each other!"

This time, all the guests and the imperial concubine were silent. The old emperor was calm and did not speak.

Yun Li and seven princesses both bent over together. They both bowed down and met their heads. After a pause, they both stood up.

"Licheng! Into the bridal chamber The ceremonial officer seemed to hold his breath and call out the last sentence.

It was supposed to be the time for people to express their congratulations to the emperor, old lord Yun and Lord Yun. However, they were shocked by the scene and the chill of the moon. At this time, all the guests were silent.

"Not into the bridal chamber? Brother, you don't send your sister-in-law to the bridal chamber! " Cloud light moon smile.

Cloud left a red face, looked at the man, with red silk flower group traction seven princess out of the Xi Tang, to the West Maple Garden.

"Moon girl, this time you should let go of this person!" The old emperor looked at the man who was bound up with the red brocade by yunqianyue.

Cloud shallow moon cold eye looked at that man, slowly withdraw hand. She has already let Ling Lian and Yi Xue inform the Red Pavilion to take control of the cloud palace. She didn't expect that someone would come in. It's really all pervasive.

"Who are you? What can I do for you? " The old emperor asked the man in his thirties.

The man fell to his knees, kowtowed to the old emperor, opened his mouth, and made no sound."Moon girl, untie his dumb acupoint!" The old emperor looked at the cloud and ordered the moon.

Cloud shallow moon floats out a wisp of air line, untied that man's dumb acupoint.

At this time, Ling Lian approached Yun Qianyue quietly, lowered her voice, and said in secret: "Miss, this man is a relative of Yunwu, a branch of the cloud palace. The servants and others only pay attention to all the guests. They never thought that the local branch of Lord Yun's mansion was... "

"Well, I see!" Cloud shallow moon wave hands, interrupt Ling Lian's words.

Ling Lian immediately stopped and retreated to one side.

She searched her brain for information about the relatives in the cloud palace. I soon remembered the records about Yunwu. He was ignorant and lazy. He was the number one figure in the cloud palace. Sneaking around, but these years has been under the care of the patriarch, to no major event. She didn't care at that time. There were more people like this in the world, but she didn't expect that little people would be able to get on the hall of elegance one day.

"Emperor The Emperor I have something important to tell you. " Yunwu seems to have just been scared by cloud shallow moon, trembling voice mouth. Even the head also dare not lift, dare not look at the cloud shallow moon.

"Yunwu? Who is it? " The old emperor's tone was mild.

"The villain is a branch of the cloud palace, is It's Yunli's cousin... " Yunwulian is busy.

"Oh? Is it Yunli's cousin The old emperor looked at Yun Wu in surprise.

"Uncle of the emperor, Yunli is now the son of the cloud palace. He is my brother. All the people who belong to the cloud palace have to respect him. Where is the cousin from? Don't I remember that I had any other brothers? Uncle, are you old and confused? I haven't drunk the wedding wine yet. Am I really confused? " Cloud shallow moon smile, disdain to look at cloud Wu, words are needle like general aim at the old emperor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!