The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 910

Although Yunli doesn't know martial arts, he is still reluctant to shoot. The three arrows are all shot on the car door, and his action of kicking the car door is very light. After that, mother-in-law shiquanxi invited the bride out of the sedan chair and put the bright red brocade flower ball into her hand, and replaced the apple in her hand. At the other end, Yunli leads the big red flower group to the house. Step on the threshold, the fire pot. Even if the seven princesses were princesses, they were completely in accordance with the etiquette of the cloud palace. There was no privilege that the princess was not given by the bridegroom.

Cloud shallow month looks at a pair of new people, the corner of the mouth can't help but smile.

"Little girl, why do you like that weak beauty! If only you liked me! I must try my best to get married today Night light dye suddenly envies tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon partial head white, night light dye one eye, "who call your surname night come. Dare I look at it? "

"The weak beauty is a good man! In my next life, I will also entrust him to become a member of the Rong palace. " Night light dye hate tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon is funny, remind a way: "the next life does not mean that the Rong Wang Fu still has not! Don't dream and follow in! "

Night light dye hem, crowded through the crowd, to the inside.

Cloud shallow moon also followed into the house.

Compared with the few guests in the second prince's house and the prime minister's house, the cloud palace is really unprecedented today. Most of the officials in the imperial court chose to come to yunwangfu to celebrate their happiness before the second prince's house and the cloud palace. More than a few days ago, the number of Yunli adoptive Lilly is higher. It can be said that there are full of guests and friends, and even the pavilions and waterside pavilions in the mansion are filled with banquet. At a glance, it was full of heads.

Night light dye low voice sigh, "as expected, is the cloud palace, today's prosperity is the most of the four Wangfu!"

"How long can it be prosperous? It's just a matter of bowing to the high and stepping on the low. Today, if ye Tianqing is still the prince, the cloud Palace should have at least half of the guests. My aunt is pregnant with a prince. Although she has been given a title, the meaning is very different. " Cloud shallow moon sneers.

"That's human nature, little girl. When are you a little cynical?" Night light dye back to the cloud light moon smile.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, "long ago had! How long have you forgotten? "

Night light dye returns to turn a head, continue to walk forward, two two steps suddenly way: "little girl, uncle Huang unexpectedly when also came to watch ceremony! It is unprecedented for a married woman to come to watch the ceremony! "

Cloud shallow moon at this time also saw the old emperor, not only has the old emperor, unexpectedly also has the Ming imperial concubine, her footstep meal. Do you think that the prime minister's house has a play, and the cloud palace has a play today?

Ye qingran looks at the old emperor, and after a moment, she worries about yunqianyue and says, "little girl, you should be careful today! Uncle Huang never does things for no reason. "

"Well!" The moon answered.

Night light dye continues to go forward, cloud light moon turned to walk to the backyard, Ling Lian and Yi snow see cloud light moon come back, hurriedly follow, three people walk to the corner, there is no one here, cloud shallow moon mouth, "welcome can be smooth?"

"Miss Hui, everything goes well." Ling Lian and Yi Xue nod.

"Inform the Red Pavilion and let Huasheng and others come in disguised as guests and keep a full watch on the cloud palace. Don't let go of any suspicious people and suspicious places. In particular, the new house in xifengyuan is not allowed to do anything. Make sure today's wedding goes well. " Cloud shallow moon low voice command.

"Yes Ling Lian and Yi Xue see cloud light moon look solemn, also play up spirit, immediately answer.

Cloud shallow month orders to finish, wave to two people, take a deep breath, go to Xi Tang.

When she came to the Xi Tang, the auspicious time had not yet arrived, and the ceremony of three respects to heaven and earth had not yet been carried out. A couple of new people were waiting in the middle of the hall, and the etiquette officer held a pair of cloth and silk with the eight characters of the new couple's birthday. The old emperor sat at the head with his wife, smiling. Mr. Yun and Mr. Yun sit at the bottom. Several old princes who came to watch the ceremony, such as Prince de and Prince Xiao, were invited to watch the ceremony, which were regarded as media.

The joy hall is harmonious.

As soon as the moon appeared, the old emperor saw her first and said with a smile, "I've never seen the moon girl. Where have you been? Your brother is married, and you still have time to go

"Miss Xiaoyue is in charge of the cloud palace. No one says anything even if she is idle." Mingfei answered and said with a smile.

"Uncle, if I remember correctly, there is still a queen in your palace. I didn't hear you abolish the queen and replace her? Why does the Empress Dowager of Ming Fei wear the red dress that the imperial concubine can only wear today? When I saw her from afar, I almost regarded her as my aunt. I said, aunt is very big belly, even if such a day, also can't come. Now this one doesn't look like it. It turns out to be the empress of Ming Fei. " Cloud shallow moon does not answer two people's words, smile to ask.

Ming Fei's face was stiff.

The old prince looked sideways at the imperial concubine, and his expression flashed a trace of displeasure, but he still said with a smile: "the seven princesses are the Ming imperial concubine's own birth. Today, if you marry a daughter, you should be happy. Although there is such a rule, there can be an exception occasionally."

"So it is! I almost forgot that Mingfei's wife is the wife of his sister-in-law! But I don't blame my poor memory. This is the reason why Ming Fei's wife and sister-in-law are not very close. Now my sister-in-law is getting better at the beginning of her serious illness, and the mother is also kissing her. Ha ha... " The cloud is shallow and the moon looks like a charming smile. Seeing that Mingfei's face turns blue, she smiles more deeply.The imperial concubine was just about to speak. The old emperor coughed softly and asked the etiquette officer, "is the auspicious time coming?"

"Return to the emperor, the good time is coming!" The ceremonial officer replied in a hurry.

"Well, let's get started." The old emperor waved his hand.

The etiquette officer looks at the cloud shallow moon, the cloud shallow month nods to him, he shouts to the cloud to leave and seven princesses, "a worship heaven and earth!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!