The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 909

"Who are you? Why kill the prince! " Night sky looks at the woman.

The woman gave a sneering smile to the night sky, with black blood flowing out of her mouth. After a moment, her head tilted, her eyes closed and her hands drooped. To death a word has not been said.

The night sky tilts one Zheng.

"Second prince, she killed herself by taking poison!" A bodyguard quickly broke off the woman's chin, reached out to explore the woman's breath, and reported: "there is no breath!"

Ye Tian nodded, looked at the Prime Minister of Qin and pursed his lips, "prime minister, I want you to explain this matter to you!"

The Prime Minister of Qin turned pale and said in a voice, "I don't know what's going on, old minister Somebody! Go and have a look at the lady's boudoir. Is she still there? "

"Yes Someone immediately ran to the inner yard.

"Second prince, your injury Let's go to the imperial doctor's office! " The Prime Minister of Qin got up from the ground and walked towards the night sky.

At this time, the hand that covered his chest was already bleeding. The blood dripped and dyed the ground under his feet. He took up his hand and stopped the Prime Minister of Qin, "prime minister, please stop! How dare I enter your residence when I meet you at this time? I'm afraid I won't be able to get out after I go in! " Words down, he painfully to the humanity behind him: "help me back to the house!"

The man who supported him behind him was about his hidden guard. Hearing the words, he quickly picked up the night sky and inclined to the second prince's house.

The second prince's house was close to the prime minister's house. It was nothing more than a matter of several steps. The hidden guard took him to the nearby residence. The servant girl and other people in the procession rushed back to the prince's house with yetian.

At the gate of the prime minister's mansion, which was hot and noisy in the early days, the crowd turned pale. Originally, it was a happy event, but it turned out to be such an assassination. I still witnessed it with my own eyes. But the crowd did not disperse immediately, but waited to see how the Prime Minister of Qin dealt with it.

"Search the woman and see if there are traces! How could she sneak into the prime minister's mansion and pretend to be Yu Ning Prime Minister Qin seemed to be very angry and his voice was shaking.

On hearing this, the servant of the prime minister's mansion immediately went forward and searched the whole body of the woman once. He shook his head at the Prime Minister of Qin, "return to the prime minister, there is nothing."

"No? How did you get into the prime minister's residence? What about the perfect mother-in-law? What the hell is going on here? " The Prime Minister of Qin looked at those who had helped the bride out earlier and said angrily.

"I don't know it either!" Mother in law Shiquan and several servant girls knelt down and ordered to shake their heads.

"You don't know who knows?" The Prime Minister of Qin was obviously very angry.

"Mr. Hui Xiang, we heard that the young lady got up and quickly went in. After entering the room, she was already sitting in front of the dressing mirror. After that, I dressed up for the young lady, and never left miss again This The servants don't know what's going on here Mother-in-law Shiquan said with a white face.

"First joy?" The Prime Minister of Qin asked, looking at the servant girl on her knees.

The crowd took a look and shook their heads. Chuxi is Qin Yuning's maid.

"Isn't Chuxi there? Go back to your house The Prime Minister of Qin walked inside with trembling steps. Just two steps later, the people he had sent to Qin Yuning's boudoir rushed back. He immediately asked, "did you go to see the lady's boudoir? Where's Yuning

"Mr. Hui Xiang, in the lady's boudoir There is no young lady, only miss's maidservant just likes to lie unconscious under the bed... " The man said immediately.

"Look for Ben Xiang! Find out where Yu Ning is The Prime Minister of Qin seemed to be shaking and said in a hurry.

"Yes All the people in the prime minister's mansion rushed into the mansion.

Yunqianyue looks at this play and feels like a farce. However, she did not expect that night Tianqing and Qin Yuning would get married. She watched as someone dragged the dead woman's body into the mansion. Prime Minister Qin's shaking body commanded the people to search for it. All the onlookers guessed that they were gradually disappearing. She turned her head to see night light dye.

"Little girl, is this a good play?" Night light dye asks in a low voice.

"Not bad!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Do you see anything?" Night light dye asks again.

Yun Qianyue looked down for a moment and whispered: "the woman is obviously a killer. The dagger is so fast, can the killer still find the key point? How can you stab the key of night sky tilt? Since Prime Minister Qin could see such a tiny mole on the woman's hand in such a chaotic situation, he didn't find that his daughter had changed when he took her out earlier? "

"Ha ha, so I'll take you to the theatre! It's just a play. " Night light dye suddenly smiles.

"So you know the play like the back of your hand? Where did Qin Yuning go

"Uncle Huang's palace!" Night light dye received smile, facial expression some gloomy, "who dares to go to the palace to search?"

Cloud shallow moon thought move, in the brain innumerable thought flash. Suddenly a light way: "it seems that the Prime Minister of Qin sold the night sky! Sold to the emperor, it was still a good price. But why not just kill him? "

"Little girl, it's strange, isn't it? Uncle Huang will not kill yetianqing like this. After all, it's his son. " There seems to be something hidden in night light dye's words, which makes his voice sound dull."Yes! He would not have killed his son like that! It's just to make him desperate. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. " Cloud shallow moon sneers.

Night light dye silence, a moment way: "little girl, I used to respect uncle Huang very much!"

"No respect now?" Cloud shallow moon partial head smile to look at him. Guess not night light dye the mind. But he felt that although he was a little devil, his nature was kind. Although he didn't like the night sky tilt, he didn't want to see the old emperor calculating his own son like this, right?

"Now I just lament that life is the emperor, born in the heavenly family. " Night light dye deep voice.

The cloud shallow moon hears the speech to be silent. If the old emperor was an ordinary old man, he would not be so? These days, she is bent on preparing for the wedding for Yunli, so she is too lazy to ask about the outside world. In fact, I should have thought that there would be such a play today. I just need her to pay attention to the activities of some imperial palace, Prime Minister's house and second prince's house. But she didn't want to. This muddy water, she does not want to be too sober to see the dirty and dark human nature. She suddenly felt a little depressed. "It's really boring. I'd better go back to the mansion to see the big marriage between my brother and the seventh princess! Now the bride is about welcome into the house. "

"Well!" Night light dye nods, says to walk, reaches out to hold cloud shallow moon, tiptoe lightly, to cloud palace and go.

All the way, they went back to the cloud palace. At this time, they were just catching up with the bridegroom's three archery kicking the car door.

Night light dye pulls the cloud, the moon floats and falls, falls on the periphery of the crowd. At this time, all the people gathered to see the bustle of the palace. Obviously, what happened at the gate of the prime minister's mansion did not affect here. It's still jubilant here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!