The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 908

Night light dye hey hey a smile, "I am contaminated with joy! What's wrong with having a big marriage

Cloud shallow moon Mo, a moment said: "I also want to be happy! I'll marry myself one day earlier

Night light dye "cut" a, asked: "go or not? Don't mention how busy the streets are today! Two bridegroom officials, two sedan chairs, a sea of people. It's a pity not to see it! Anyway, you are a sister-in-law, and you have nothing to do in this house. "

"That's all right." Yunxiaoyue got up and stood up. It seemed that she had not been on the street for several days.

Night light dye see cloud shallow moon promise, the heart is happy, pulled her to go. They went out of the hall and went outside. When he came to the gate of the cloud palace, he saw that this long street was full of people, and he could not forget it at a glance. Everyone was looking forward to the bridal sedan chair.

"Can these two happy events be regarded as the great joys of so many years?" Cloud shallow moon sighed.

"Well! When Uncle Huang married his daughter-in-law and his daughter-in-law, he was overjoyed and naturally grand. Even the birthday party of Uncle Huang is not so lively in this heavenly capital. Now it's a lot of fun. " Night light dye nods. "Little girl, let's use our lightness skills," she said! There's nothing to see here. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Night light dye toe light, actually to the direction of the prime minister's house, cloud light moon blinked eyes, followed him.

There is a row of banyan trees in the back corner of the prime minister's mansion. The banyan trees are tall and luxuriant. Night light dye floats and falls, sitting on the banyan tree trunk. Cloud light moon tailed behind him, sitting on the trunk of another banyan tree. From this perspective, they can clearly see the situation of the prime minister's residence. The most obvious one is Miss Qin's boudoir.

I saw that the prime minister's house and the cloud palace were full of happy characters everywhere. Qin Yuning's boudoir is hung with red silk. At a glance, a dazzling red, extremely gorgeous.

Cloud shallow moon mumbles, "it's also great joy. Why do I feel happy when I look at the palace of Prince Yun, but I think it's all evil spirit when I look at the prime minister's mansion?"

"You are right, little girl! The prime minister's office is full of evil spirit. " Night light dye and echo.

"It should be murderous." Cloud light moon correction.

"You can say that! How else can I show you something interesting? " Night light dye is obviously a little excited.

Cloud light moon glimpses night light dye one eye, some have no language. This man is a little boy sometimes. However, despite his appearance, he has never been aimless. It seems that there is a good play in the prime minister's office today.

They waited for a moment. At this time, the sound of Suona gongs and drums sounded at the gate of the prime minister's residence. It was obvious that the wedding procession of the second prince's residence was coming. The door of Qin Yuning's boudoir was opened from inside, and a large number of servant girls poured out. In the middle is surrounded by a beautiful woman wearing a phoenix crown and a dragon and Phoenix covering her head.

The beautiful woman was graceful and graceful, and employed Tingting, supported by a perfect woman and servant girl, she stepped over the red silk on the ground and walked to the front yard. She said a lot of auspicious words in her mouth. The front and back courtyards of the prime minister's house were bustling for a time.

"Little girl, do you see anything?" The night light dye approaches the cloud and the moon asks in a low voice.

"That bride is not Qin Yuning." Cloud shallow moon stares at that bridal son way. It's very similar, but it's not.

"Yes! No Night light dye nods.

"What is the prime minister's office doing? When you're married, do you want to change soldiers Yun Qianyue takes back her eyes and looks at Qin Yuning's room. She is not clear from this angle. She wants to go in to see if Qin Yuning is in the room or where she is.

"Go, change places!" Night light dye does not allow the cloud shallow moon action, reaches out a hand to pull her, the body is light as a swallow to go forward.

Cloud light moon can only follow behind the night light dye, skimming over the high wall, two people came to a corner of the courtyard from the front door of the prime minister's house. Night light dye with clouds, light moon floating body fell on a cinnamon tree. This street is also a sea of people, no one paid attention to suddenly dropped two people quietly.

This time the distance is closer, the situation at the gate of the prime minister's residence can be seen clearly. The night sky inclines a body red joyful clothing, faded the crown prince of the past and gloomy unpredictable gas, appears extremely beautiful. He dismounted and waited at the gate. The bride was led by Prime Minister Qin and sent out from inside.

With the roar of gongs and drums, the Prime Minister of Qin handed the bride to Ye Tianqing. Night sky inclined to take her hand, personally support her on the sedan chair. The old lady in the back said a hundred sons and a thousand grandchildren.

Cloud shallow moon staring at the bride's action, always feel that what will happen, and what will happen. And it must be!

Sure enough, she was thinking like this, and saw the bride's big red dress, a cold light from the red silk sleeves, straight stabbed at the chest of the night sky tilt. It's too fast to crack the chest.

"Do you want to do it?" Cloud shallow moon partial head asks night light dye, after all, she is he brings, he can bring her, natural already knew that will have this scene!

"No!" Night light dye shakes her head.

Cloud shallow Moon continues to look, see night sky inclines on the face to show the look of disbelief, shout a "Yu Ning", then the body retreats, claps a palm to the bride. The bride does not retreat, but advances, ignoring the palm wind from night sky tilt, and stabs the dagger straight into the heart of night sky tilt.The dagger didn't go into the night sky tilt's chest, her body was also hit by night sky tilt to fly out.

"Protect the second prince!"

This incident was just a flash of events. The guards who followed the night and sky showed up one after another. Someone helped yetianqing, and several people put knives on the bride's neck.

"How could this be so This... " The Prime Minister of Qin seemed to be stupefied, paralyzed and murmured.

Night sky leans over his chest, blood streaming. He covers his chest, reaches out and points to the bride lying on the ground with a slap from her, and says in a trembling voice: "take her Lift the lid off

Someone immediately raised the bridal veil, under which was a face of Qin Yuning.

"Yuning How do you Am I not good to you? " Why do you want to kill a man like Qin Ning

"Second prince, she She is not Yu Ning... " At this time, the Prime Minister of Qin pointed to the way.

"No?" The night sky looks at the Prime Minister of Qin in doubt.

"Yi Rong, this is Yi Rong." The Prime Minister of Qin exclaimed, "there is no mole on Yu Ning's hand."

"Uncover her face, and I'll see who it is!" Night sky inclines to support body angry way.

Soon someone reached out to pull the woman's face. With a gentle pull from behind her ear, a mask as thin as a cicada wing was pulled off, revealing a very young woman's face. The woman looked pale at the night sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!