The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 907

The night before the wedding, the lights of the palace of cloud were burning all night, and the candlelight of the light moon Pavilion had been burning until dawn.

At five o'clock, cloud light moon got up and changed her new clothes. Accompanied by Ling Lian and Yi Xue, she went out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

Today's cloud palace is very festive, everywhere hung with red silk ribbon, paste full of happy words. In particular, the road from the gate to the front hall and then to the West Maple Garden is paved with fine red silk. In addition, according to Yun Qianyue's command, the main street from the palace to the prince Yun's residence was also paved with ten li of brocade and red. On both sides of the street, people were equipped with flower baskets to wait for the wedding procession to come to scatter flowers.

When he came to the front hall, he saw that Yunli was dressed in the bridegroom's wedding dress. He was already graceful and handsome. At this time, he was wearing a red dress, which added to his beauty. I'm waiting for the auspicious time to meet the bride.

Mr. Yun and Mr. Yun are all dressed up and sitting in front of the hall.

"Sister!" Cloud from see cloud shallow moon to come, some stiff looking at him, seems to be a little nervous.

Cloud shallow moon looked at cloud from the tense feeling "Puff Chi" a smile, "brother, it is said that the first time do bridegroom officer are so nervous! You can learn from your father. He married the princess and met the side of the princess, and later carried in countless aunts. Very experienced. "

Cloud shallow moon words fall, cloud old lord cold hum a.

cloud King's old face is red, seems to be somewhat shamelessly, with a face and a drink, "shallow moon!"

"To the heart of my father!" Cloud shallow month smiles to see cloud King ye one eye, spit out tongue to cloud from playfully.

Yunli was very nervous. Seeing the playful look of the moon, he could not help but feel relaxed. He found that as long as she was there, he would reach out and lean against a wall, which was very down-to-earth. He said with a low smile, "I'm not going to marry anyone else. Only seven princesses are enough in this life! No matter how many women there are, it's better to be happy with each other. "

"Ah, brother, there is such a consciousness!" Yunqianyue looked at Yunli in surprise and patted him on the shoulder, "since you have this idea, you must let the seventh Princess know. You must tell her when you have a wedding tonight. I promise, she will be gentle to you, and she will be dead set in the future

Cloud left the face red, some shy, "..." Sister

"Ah..." Cloud shallow moon laughed. The best day of life is about such a day! Ten miles of red silk to marry a pretty woman, bridal chamber, night painting night. What better day than this?

"Stinky girl, what are you talking about there? When you marry yourself out, my old man will set off firecrackers Cloud old Lord looked at the cloud shallow moon smile, scolded a word.

"You don't want me at all, old man, when you haven't seen me for many days? You'll smell me when you meet. People marry daughter-in-law to set off firecrackers? Do you want to get away from me? " Yunqianyue glared at the old lord Yun, walked over, put out his hand to take his beard, and said in a vicious way: "I must pull out your beard today, and wait for your granddaughter-in-law to offer you tea and make you lose face."

"Stinky girl! show no respect for elders! Grandfather didn't shout? Who's going to do for you Cloud old lord beat cloud shallow moon's hand.

Yunqianyue's action of withdrawing her hand was quick, but she was not hit by the old king. She snorted and leaned. She sat down on the chair beside her and said lazily, "you are my grandfather. If you don't teach me, it's my fault. What you gave me

Cloud old Wang Ye stares, reaches out to point to cloud shallow moon, half ring, gas scold way: "should let Jing Shizi cure you stinky girl."

It's OK not to mention Rongjing. When it comes to Rongjing, yunqianyue misses her very much. She also loses the interest of fighting with Mr. Yun. Her head droops down and says: "when will he come back! It's been half a month, and I haven't even written in recent days. Are you heading back to the capital? "

"Look at your success! Think of men every day! Where is my granddaughter? " Mr. Yun's beard was raised.

"I think it's normal for men, if I want women to be in trouble!" Cloud shallow month does not feel blush, indignant one.

Mr. cloud choked and lost his voice.

Yunli stood on one side and looked at it funny. The tension in his heart was cleared up by an old and a small quarrel. He calmed down and said to Yun Qianyue, "sister, are you going to follow me to the palace to meet the bride, or to entertain the guests in the mansion?"

"I won't go with you! Stay in the mansion The moon shakes her head. These days, her aunt yourong Feng went to the ronghua palace to take care of her every day. It was very peaceful all the time. She was also at ease busy with the happy events in the house. Now, she is not willing to see the old emperor.

"No problem!" Yunli nodded.

"Ling Lian, Yi Xue, you go with your brother to meet the bride! Take care of it on the way. Don't let anything happen Cloud shallow moon to stand behind her Ling Lian and Yi snow command.

"Yes, miss!" They answered immediately.

"Good time! Go out of the house The cloud Lord looked at the hourglass and left the road to the cloud.

Cloud should be a sound, out of the Xi hall, to the outside of the house. Ling Lian and Yi Xue get the command of cloud shallow moon, follow him behind. There are also maids and maids who are married in the government. A group of people went out of the cloud palace.As soon as the wedding team left, the rest of the cloud palace had nothing else to do. They are waiting for the wedding procession to come back. During this period, guests come to visit one after another, which is to arrange the reception. There are jade bracelets and green branches, which are arranged in good order.

Cloud shallow moon slants on the chair, thought that takes advantage of receives the kiss to return this period of time to be able to have a sleep. Her martial arts recovery is very poor. After drinking bitter medicine for a month, she finally stopped drinking. Today is such a happy day that she can drink. After a while, she must drink a few more cups. She worked hard to prepare for more than half a month.

"Little girl!" The voice of night light dye suddenly rings in the ear.

Cloud light moon just closed eyes open, see night light dye standing beside him, about because of the relationship of Xi Tang, a face of red light. He was looking at her with a smile. She blinked. "Are you here?"

"Well!" Night light dye reaches out to pull cloud shallow moon's arm, the tone is joyful way: "what is nest here to do? Come on, let's go out and watch the fun

"Where to see the excitement?" Yun Xiaoyue shook off his hand and patted the pleats he had clenched. "Don't touch me. This dress is the most expensive one among all my clothes. It's just on today. "

Night light dye withdraws hand, speechless ground looks at cloud shallow moon, "little girl, is not you big marriage, you wear so beautiful to do what?"

"It's not your big marriage? Why are you still dressed so beautifully? Is this dress new, too? It's worth a lot of money, isn't it? " Cloud light moon refers to night light dye clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!