The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 906

When Yunli and yunwangye come back from the next Dynasty, they can see that yunqianyue is busy with the people in the cloud palace.

Cloud from hurriedly went to the cloud shallow moon side, frown at her, "sister, you need to take care of your body, these command people to do it! Why did you come out by yourself? Go back and keep it

"Nothing! I'm not that weak! It's been more than ten days! If you raise them again, you will get sick. " The moon waved her hand.

"You don't have to do it yourself. The seventh Princess and I don't care about these things. We can do it simply or simply. " Cloud from looking at the list on the desk, one should use, none is not the best thing. He frowned and said, "people's suffering, we can save some."

"Oh, my brother is really good at living. No need to save. This flood, our palace privately donated a lot to the people. Although you and the seventh Princess think Jane is well managed, the seventh princess is after all the princess of the royal family, and you are also the son of the cloud palace. Some scenes still need to be done, otherwise people will feel that the cloud palace is too shabby. " Cloud shallow moon smile way.

"But these expenses must be a lot. I heard from my father that the cloud palace can't make ends meet these years..." Cloud from looked at one side of the cloud King ye, see he is also looking at the bill, low voice way.

Yunqianyue also took a look at Prince Yun and shook his head with a smile, "since I took over the palace of Lord Yun, it's not too much to make a daily advance to fight for gold with jade bracelets and green branches. Brother's wedding ceremony, how can it be bad? Don't worry about it! You just need to see where you are not satisfied and point it out! Then wait for the seven princesses to be the bridegroom

Cloud from hastily shakes his head, "how can have dissatisfied place? I look good everywhere. I never thought about it before... " After the words pause, no voice, face some moving.

Yun Xiaoyue hugs Yunli's arm with a smile, and says languidly and childishly, "my brother is the son of the cloud palace. After the big marriage, my father will retire. You will be the cloud king of the cloud palace, and you will be the head of the cloud palace. What is a small big marriage? You are my brother, naturally want the best. Although the show can not be too big, but also can not be small! Otherwise, the reputation of the Rongwang mansion will be in vain

Cloud from doting to see cloud shallow moon one eye, really like a elder brother appearance, smile to nod, "that all listen to you!"

"Well!" Yun Xiaoyue releases his arm.

"Shallow moon, isn't it too showy. Although Li'er married the seventh princess, on the same day, there was a second prince who married Miss Qin from the prime minister's residence! The second prince's mansion was not as good as before after being raided. Isn't this extravagance going to overshadow the prince's marriage to his concubine King Yun looked at the bill for a moment and asked anxiously.

"Father Wang, you are really a soft persimmon that night? He has been a prince for so many years, but there is only one prince's house? Then you look down on him Cloud shallow moon does not care.

Cloud Wang Ye suddenly, nodded, "is father confused!"

Yun Qianyue wants to say when you were smart, but remembering that this man was his uncle and called his father for so many years, it was not easy to replace his father to support the cloud palace for so many years, so he stopped talking. "Father, please be at ease! You'll be waiting for your daughter-in-law's tea. Don't worry about anything else! There is me

"Good! Don't worry about your father! You Your brother is blessed to have you prepare him. " Cloud Lord nodded, thinking of the cold cloud evening, sighed, reached out to pat cloud from the shoulder, turned to the study.

"My father is right. I am indeed blessed." Cloud from looking at cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon smile, ask a way: "elder brother tired? Work with me if you're not tired? It's also fun to prepare for the wedding. "

"Not tired! Together Yunli nods with a smile.

In the next few days, yunqianyue is busy with Yunli's wedding, and the palace of cloud is in full swing. Everything that should be happy goes in and out. At the same time, the second prince's house, the prime minister's house and the imperial palace were all busy with these two happy events. For a time, it diluted the pain of Miss Qin, the prime minister's residence, on the Mid Autumn Festival.

Rongjing arrived in the Valley County three days later. The letter came back, and everything was OK. Yunqianyue was relieved. However, he still couldn't help answering the letter, asking him not to go to bed late and get up early. He must do what he can, and check his health after he comes back. If it is worse, ignore him.

Rong Jing soon replied to the letter, saying that he would promise to listen to the "madam" instruction.

When Yun Qianyue saw his wife's two words, her heart was sweet and sad. When could she really become his wife? Now she is preparing for other people's wedding and when can she prepare for her own? Thinking like this, my heart is a little heavy, even the light letter in my hand seems to be unable to support the weight.

More than ten days passed by in a hurry. This day came the big wedding day of Yunli and the seventh princess, the second prince yetianqing and Qin Yuning, miss of the prime minister's mansion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!