The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 905

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, these she understands naturally.

Night Tianyi and Rongjing went out together to control the water in the capital city. How could he lose to night Tianyi? The 18 Western prefectures and counties are under the control of nightlife, and there are also Northern Xinjiang. If he takes the opportunity to take over the 18 Eastern States and counties with his people, then the heavenly capital will be completely in his hands. It's not good for Rongjing and her. At that time, there was heavy rain and heavy flood. On this day, in terms of prestige and skill, besides the scenery, it was night nature. Night light dye is in charge of the capital's military armour heavy ground. Night sky tilt and night sky Yu can't be used much. Water control has no such effect. The old emperor could not make fun of the mountains and rivers, so he had no choice but to use Rongjing. It's a burden, but it's also a piece of fat. How can Rongjing not swallow it? And give up halfway? So he was right to go back! We should take the overall situation into consideration.

"If only you understood!" Rong Feng, smiling and sitting at the table, said, "I have just come back from the palace. The second prince asked the emperor for an order this morning. Her marriage with Miss Qin, the prime minister's residence, was held as scheduled."

"Did the old emperor agree?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Yes, not only yes, but also said that in order to make the seventh Princess and Yun Li Shizi's big marriage together! It can also dilute his misfortune of losing his emperor and grandson. Half a month after the two happy events, the Ministry of Rites has already prepared for it! " Yung Fung Road.

"He's a real hypocrite. It's really the heart of the emperor. " Cloud shallow moon cold hum, "that Qin prime minister's attitude?"

"Prime Minister of Qin?" Rong Feng thought about it and said with a smile, "thank you for your Majesty's kindness and gratitude!"

"What a prime minister of Qin." Cloud shallow moon sneers.

"The prime ministers of the two dynasties of the Qin government are not incompetent." Rong Feng poured a cup of tea and tasted, "there is one thing today. The emperor inquired about the marriage of Prince Leng of Xiaoqin's mansion. "

"Oh?" Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow, "how?"

"Xu's Prince Han's advice is intended to be given to the prince Han by the emperor's Prince Rong Feng said slowly, "Prince Xiao said that Miss Zhao was very good, but Shao Zhuo's temperament and the emperor also knew that his past things were not very good. He is willing to do this, but it depends on whether the military servant is willing to marry his daughter into the prince's house of filial piety. At the same time, he should also ask the meaning of little prince Leng

Cloud shallow moon if have thought, "he this is will grind push to the Ministry of war Chamberlain. And then? "

"The Minister of the Ministry of war said that the prince Leng was said to have reformed and reformed, and the prodigal son turned back. Naturally, he congratulated the prince filial piety and the emperor. Naturally, the heart is willing to, but his daughter is a stubborn master, spoiled by him. What's more, the reputation of Leng Xiaowang was so bad that he didn't know whether his daughter could accept it. He had to go back to the mansion to ask, and then he would reply to the emperor and Prince Xiao. " Rong Feng said with a smile, "the Minister of the Ministry of war said so. Prince filial piety also had this intention. So the two people got together and integrated, and they completely pushed themselves away from their children. They went back to the emperor together and said that they would go back to the mansion to discuss with the dog and the little girl. "

"And the old emperor? Since ancient times, parents' orders and matchmaker's words. It seems that this sentence should be banned! " Cloud shallow moon asked with a smile.

"The emperor has accepted it! It's sort of a revelation. But after the next Dynasty, he called the fourth prince into the imperial study. " Yung Fung Road.

"Night sky Yu?" Cloud shallow moon raises eyebrow doubtfully.

Rong Feng dispelled his doubts and said with a faint smile: "Zhao Kehan of the Shilang mansion of the Ministry of war likes the fourth Prince's night sky Yu!"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, "no wonder the old emperor wants to arrange like this! The original night sky tilt after a blow, the seedling again aimed at night day Yu. The military department is an important position in the imperial court. The Minister of the Ministry of war has been an important official of the emperor these years. But the affairs of the children will inevitably have an impact on the Ministry of war. The old emperor was afraid that the soldiers would be mixed into the Bureau of night sky Yu. This is to pull people out! "

"It's better to say that the emperor is preparing to purge the Qing Dynasty than to pull people out." Yung Fung Road.

Cloud shallow moon sneers, "he has been in the Su Qing Dynasty Bureau for so many years, have no big action, now began to really cut the knife! But if the knife goes down, it will cut off loyalty or treachery. If you don't say whether you can keep a good land, you can say it

"It's really hard to say!" Rong Feng nodded with a smile, and then suddenly said, "what's more, the emperor sent Duke Wen to the seventh Prince's house to visit the young master of Cang's family who was ill only after he arrived in Beijing. Now people are in the West courtyard! "

Cloud shallow moon thought move, eyes narrowed.

"God is just the beginning! Sooner or later, the top ten families will be involved in the Korean situation. " Rong Feng sighed, "on the day of the founding of the emperor, the first ancestor of the emperor's reign, the ten aristocratic families came back together, and now they are back. How long can the prosperity last for a century? Moon, you're right. The world will change. It's not you or I who say it won't change if we don't let it change. How many hands push behind your back. I hope it will affect the people less. "

Cloud shallow moon nods, first is blue family, now is Cang family, next is which one? The more lively the capital, the better.

"Miss moon! The maidservant and the maid come to you to discuss the marriage between the son of the prince and the seventh princess. " The sound of the jade bracelet rings outside.

Cloud shallow month looks to the door, lie down the body to sit up, "come in!"

Green branch and jade bracelet came in before and after, to cloud shallow moon a ceremony, see Rong Feng also in, also hastily a gift. Rong Feng nodded to them, got up and went out. They put the account books in their hands on the desk, standing in front of the table and waiting for the cloud to get out of bed.Cloud shallow moon got out of bed, sat in front of the table and two people began to discuss. After yunmuhan and ye Qian were given marriage, ye Qian said that she was the princess of Southern Xinjiang and recruited her husband-in-law. The wedding ceremony should be held in southern Xinjiang according to the ceremony of Southern Xinjiang. The old emperor agreed, so she took Yun Muhan back to southern Xinjiang in a hurry. Therefore, it was not a happy event. Today, the wedding of Yunli is the first wedding event in the cloud palace in the past 20 years. It is natural to treat it cautiously if you marry a princess.

Now a heavy rain, Tiansheng around the disaster, big marriage should not be big, but also can not be simple.

A few days ago, when the seven princesses gave the wedding to Yunli, Prince Yun's mansion had already started to prepare in private. However, the grand wedding in ancient times was cumbersome. What's more, according to the double etiquette of Tianjia and Wangfu, there were too many things to prepare. Yunqianyue discussed with jade bracelet and Lvzhi all morning, and discussed the general affairs. The rest of the details were listed out and sent to the two people to inquire about the meaning of Yunli. After all, he is the protagonist.

After they left, she stretched herself, thinking that she must be very busy next, but it's better to be busy. If she is busy, she won't have so much time to miss people. She put the Osmanthus fragrans from Rongjing's desk into the vase, thinking that she could keep it for ten days and a half months, and then Rongjing should come back. I love you.

In the afternoon, the front yard of Prince Yun's mansion began to prepare for the grand wedding of his son.

Yun Qianyue is free in the pavilion of light moon and doesn't want to be a shopkeeper. Take Ling Lian and Yi Xue to the front yard. She looked at the bridegroom's robes, the crowns, the plumes, and the arrangements of the wedding hall. If it's not what you want, or if you can't do it properly, point it out one by one, or do it again. The next people of cloud palace see cloud shallow moon personally supervise, half a minute dare not neglect. Everyone knows that Miss shallow moon is very good to this new adopted son. , the fastest update of the webnovel!