The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 904

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, "have you learned a lesson this time? Long memory? You know, even if it's like me, it's not me. At any time, it may become a sword and poke a hole in you, but will I be willing to poke a hole in you? "

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, can't help but sigh, reach out to embrace Rong Jing, the head rubbed in his chest, "Rong Jing, you are so good!"

"Sleep! I'll be on my way tomorrow. " Rong Jing patted the head of the moon, smiling gently.

Cloud shallow month a Leng, buried head raised, staring at Rong Jing, "you want to rush? Leave Beijing? To Valley County? "

"Well! The flood is not over. I will leave naturally. " Rong Jing said: "it's a luxury to come back to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with you. How can I stay in Beijing more? "

"But your body needs rest." Cloud light moon frown.

"You can rest as well from Beijing!" Yung King Road.

"No! I won't let you go! You can't even die for the sake of the old emperor The moon shakes her head. "Besides, did you encounter a killer when you returned to Beijing? You were seriously injured and didn't recuperate. You started with cangting again. How many lives do you have to deal with like this? And ye Tianyi is back. You are not alone in Beijing. "

"The seventh prince will certainly leave Beijing tomorrow!" Rong Jing took a look at the residence of the West courtyard.

Yunqianyue also took a look at the West courtyard, which is also bright tonight. She thought of cangting saying that she would become an aide to the seventh prince, and that she would live in the seventh Prince's mansion in the future. He's the one who shakes his head. Who do you work hard for? You broke down, others do not care, love is me, OK? If I don't agree, I will ask the old emperor to send someone else to control the water. In any case, the disaster situation has stabilized, and the follow-up work remains. If you had no one else to use the heavenly capital? "

"That's not the same!" Rong Jing shook his head. "I'm not so weak. You can't do things by halves, can you? How about you! Are you going to do what I haven't done as well as I do? I've spent so much effort in front of me. Do you want people to take my credit for nothing? What's more, the emperor's land is true, but the common people are innocent. "

Cloud shallow month purses the corner of the mouth, stuffy tunnel: "so you must go?"

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"I'll go with you!" Cloud shallow moon in the heart is not willing to give up.

"My aunt needs care. Now that Miss Qin of the prime minister's mansion has lost her child, the second prince will not give up. Even if he doesn't like Miss Qin, the child is his. Moreover, he is denied by the emperor, and he won't even have the chance to fight with the seventh prince. Do you think he will be reconciled? Therefore, the capital will be in chaos after a short time. The future will not be calm for some time. You must stay and protect your aunt. " Rong Jing bowed his head and gently kisses him on the face of yunqianyue, "darling, this time I leave Beijing for more than 20 days, or at least half a month, I can come back."

"All right." Cloud shallow moon helpless response.

Rongjing stands up and pulls yunqianyue back to his room. Yunqianyue follows him in a melancholy way.

The curtain in the room fell, but could not block the moonlight. Rongjing and yunqianyue lie on the bed and nestle in each other. Yunqianyue can't bear to sleep, so they look at Rongjing with their eyes open. After a long time, Rongjing is helpless and presses her head down on his chest and sighs: "darling, sleep!"

"We all love each other bitterly. I didn't know it before. Now I'm just like a woman in a boudoir." Cloud shallow moon stuffy tunnel.

Rong Jing chuckled, patted her body and said: "all the way acacia is bitter, who knows the sweet in the bitter? I will come back as soon as I know you are waiting for me in Beijing

"Well!" Cloud light moon does not murmur, close eyes.

Rongjing looked at her with her head tilted. The people in her arms have become thinner and thinner these days. However, in a short time, some things seem to have grown a lot. He could feel the elasticity in front of her. He could not help but kiss her hair. After a moment, he sighed, "I wanted to be with you tonight Good thing, who knows Well, it looks like it's going to drag on again. "

Yunqianyue naturally didn't fall asleep so quickly. She turned red when she heard her face. She was a little hot. She didn't dare to move. She was overwhelmed by chagrin. She secretly complained that he wanted to surprise her. Later, the surprise turned into a fright. If he had told her earlier, where would she have been? Run out of town to meet him? He didn't get hurt all over.

I don't know how long I've been sleepy.

It is already three strokes of the sun to wake up again. She didn't open her eyes to touch her side for the first time. Her tentacles were the cold temperature of the quilt. She woke up immediately and sat up. There was no shadow of the scenery around her. She glanced at the room and called out, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue!"

"Miss!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue heard the cry, and quickly opened the door and ran in.

"What about Rongjing?" Cloud shallow moon asks urgently.

"Miss, jingshizi left at dawn! Tell the servants not to wake you up, saying that you went to bed too late last night Ling Lian immediately said.

Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to beat two beds, annoyed way: "how can I sleep so dead? Don't you know he's gone"King Shizi put a tranquilizing incense in the censer in the house, and you'll sleep soundly." Yi Xue explained.

The moon looked at the table, and sure enough, there was still smoke in the censer. It's really a soothing fragrance with a strong flavor. The dose was obviously large. She reached out and rubbed her forehead, "this man He didn't want me to send him. What's wrong with him? "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at each other without making a sound. Miss miss is so reluctant to give up Jing Shizi. It is estimated that she can't send her away when it is dark.

"It's all gone! It is estimated that they have arrived in qucheng by now. " Yunqianyue put down her hand and languidly went back to bed and waved to them, "in this case, I'll sleep for a while. Get out of here

They answered and retreated.

Cloud light moon wakes up so late, already had no sleepiness idea, but the curtain inside has the scenery flavor, she is reluctant to leave just. Then lying on the bed, holding the quilt, looking at the roof count. From one count to one thousand, and then back again.

The door was pushed open from the outside, Rong Feng walked in slowly, looked at the person who was lying upright on the bed and did not respond, and asked with a smile, "moon, what are you doing?"

"Count!" Cloud shallow moon spits out two words.

Rong Feng saw that Yun Qianyue was lying in bed and couldn't get up. His eyes flashed. He laughed and said in a warm voice: "originally, I wanted to ask the emperor to leave Beijing instead of Jing Shizi, but Jing Shizi said it was wrong. I finally got into the military department, so I can't just hand over the power. In addition, I am currently walking in the military department. Although I am free, I am still under the control of the emperor. What's more, all the 18 states and counties in the East regard King Shizi as a God. It's useless for me to go there. If we fail to control the water, I'm afraid it will backfire. Let alone others, the court is now so chaotic, factional, each has his own ideas. If King Shizi gave up halfway, his earlier work would be in vain. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!