The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 903

This night, the cloud palace was full of lights, and there was a banquet in front of the house. The number of people was large, but the atmosphere was dull.

In a small-scale dinner party, there is no distinction between master and servant. Dumplings are put on the table. Yun Qianyue greets all the people in the pavilion to have a meal together. Zhao's mother, listen to snow, listen to the rain and so on began to shake their heads in fear. Later, under the strong command of yunqianyue and Rongjing Xiaoxiao, they all sat on the table with fear. At first, everyone was very formal, and then slowly let go, the atmosphere was relaxed, and for a time there was constant laughter and laughter, which was extremely lively.

Night light dye during the dinner naturally despised Rongjing from head to toe, saying nothing more than three sentences without a weak word.

The dinner party will not end until the middle of the month. After drinking a lot of wine, yeqingran staggers out of the shallow moon Pavilion. Rongfeng doesn't drink much more than yeqingran. He doesn't trust yeqingran to go back to his house, so he follows him and sends him back to Deqin palace.

Rongjing is seriously injured and can't drink naturally. Yunqianyue has been drinking medicine. Rongfeng's one month prescription for decoction is only half over. Naturally, he can't drink. Therefore, after the two people were dispersed, they were not drunk or sleepy, and they nestled in the couch in the courtyard to enjoy the moon.

The courtyard is quiet, the breeze blows, the sweet osmanthus fragrance, two people's bodies are stained with the fragrance of osmanthus, refreshing.

Cloud shallow moon looked up at the sky, looked for a long time, asked Rongjing, "have you heard the story of Chang'e flying to the moon?"

Rong Jing shook his head, "no!"

"What about the ten ancient legends? Have you ever heard of it? " Cloud shallow moon asks suspiciously.

Rong Jing shook his head again, "no!"

"I'll tell you something about it." Cloud shallow moon from the mid air to take back the line of sight to see the scenery.

"Well!" Rong Jing answered.

Yunqianyue thought for a moment and said, "speaking of this story, you should listen to a poem first. The author of this poem is called Li Shangyin. The shadow of mica screen candle is deep, the river is gradually falling, and the morning star is sinking. Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir. Her heart is blue and blue at night. "

"Li Shangyin?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Li Shangyin, whose name is Yishan, is named yuxisheng and fannanshang. Poets of the late Tang Dynasty. " A brief introduction to the cloud moon.

Let the scenic spot nod, no longer ask.

"It's said that a long time ago, when Hou Yi went hunting in the mountains, he met Chang'e under a laurel tree, and they married with the laurel tree. In the age of Emperor Yao, ten suns appeared in the sky, which scorched the crops, killed the plants and plants, and the people had no food. At the same time, the common people began to be harmed by the bamboo, chiseling teeth, nine babies, strong wind, sealing the snake, etc. So Emperor Yao ordered Hou Yi to kill Gouchi in the field of Chou Hua, kill jiuying on the fierce water, defeat the gale in Qingqiu, shoot ten days, kill the snake, cut the snake in Dongting, and catch FengChen in mulberry forest. All the people were happy and supported Yao as the son of heaven. Later, Hou Yi got the elixir from the queen mother of the West and gave it to Chang'e for safekeeping. Feng Meng went to steal after hearing about it. If he didn't steal, he would hurt Chang'e. In a hurry, Chang'e swallowed the elixir and flew to the sky. Because she couldn't bear to leave Hou Yi, Chang'e stayed in Guanghan palace of the moon. It was lonely in Guanghan palace, so he urged Wu Gang to cut down the cinnamon tree and let the jade rabbit pound medicine. He wanted to make it into a medicine for flying, so that he could return to the world and reunite with Hou Yi as soon as possible. Hou Yi heard that Chang'e was on her way to the moon, but he was very sad. The moon mother was moved by the sincerity of the two people, so she allowed Chang'e to meet Yi under the laurel tree every year at the lower boundary of the full moon

"Isn't Chang'e sorry to steal the elixir?" Rong Jing is puzzled.

"This is one version, there is another! It's not about stealing in front of Meng, but being eaten by Chang'e secretly! They flew to Guanghan palace. " "I'd rather be the first version. How can one man steal the elixir of immortality and leave the other behind? "

Let the scenic spot nod, will cloud shallow moon to the bosom to embrace, "good. I think it's the first one

Cloud shallow moon turns a body, looking at the jade Yan of Rong Jing under the moonlight, says earnestly: "Rong Jing, let's talk about it!"

"What are you talking about?" Rongjing looks down at the cloud and the moon.

"Watching you fall in front of me today, I thought, no one is as important as you. You have taken root and sprouted in my heart. Others can't let me that moment heart with pain dead general. So if you don't like me walking too close to ye qingran, Rongfeng, Leng Shao Zhuo and others, I will try my best to... " Cloud shallow moon pursed lips, it seems that after a good time of deliberation before opening.

Rong Jing reaches out to cover the lips of cloud shallow moon and blocks her words below.

The moon looked up at him.

Rongjing let go of his hand and said in a low voice: "cloud shallow moon, we don't have to change for whom, and we don't have to compromise with each other, forcing ourselves to adapt to each other reluctantly. You are you. You are not the cloud moon that changed for me. On the contrary, I am not Rongjing who has changed for you. "

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

Rong Jing stroked her three feet of green silk and continued: "let's just do it. What's wrong with it? We fight, quarrel, make, the heart will be closer, closer again. One day, we can find the break in point without forcing others. You see, just like today, do I love you more and you love me more? What's wrong with that? It's much more interesting than the white water couples in the world who respect each other like guests and are insipid. "Cloud shallow moon frown, Du Qi mouth, some fear meaning way: "but you again so frighten me, my heart can't stand."

Rong Jing low smile, "I promise, in the future will not scare you like this."

"All right, then." Cloud shallow moon pretends to be perplexed to nod, but the corners of her mouth are crooked and hooked up, and she whispers: "I don't think it's bad like this! As you said, I am not the one who has changed for you. For me to change you, it is not you. The reason why we love each other is not that each other is full of advantages, but also shortcomings. It is the integrity of you and me. Without one advantage or disadvantage, it will be incomplete. "

"Well!" Rong Jing nodded with a smile.

"But today's cangting thing is really my fault, I should not be careless to him." Yunqianyue apologized in a low voice.

"Since you know it's wrong! I'll change it later. " Rong Jing fingertip winding cloud light moon a wisp of green silk, tone a little bit dark, "I am not angry vinegar, but your no defense. In your territory, it's so cramped. Cloud shallow moon, when did you not grow so much? "

"He's so much like you." Cloud shallow moon some stuffy, depressed way: "that I miss you too much! When I see someone who is close to you, I can't help loving me. Who knows that it's not a little white rabbit, but a big gray wolf. "

Rong Jing sighed, "my influence is so big? Can Fukuzawa affect the irrelevant? "

"Well, you have a great influence, especially on me." Cloud shallow moon nods. , the fastest update of the webnovel!