The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 902

"Oh, the seventh princess has come to accompany you to the family dinner! My brother's love is so smooth. " Cloud shallow month elongated voice, see cloud from the face a red, she said with a smile: "it's OK, you eat less family dinner, I'll work harder, more package it, send someone to send you a Xifeng yuan in the evening. You can eat it, too

"That's the best, sister Cloud from also do not push off, smile should. "But grandfather's ears are very sensitive, you should also want to send him there."

"Bad old man!" The moon murmured.

Yunli shook his head in a funny way, "then I'll go first! By the way, tell grandfather. My grandfather originally asked me to come to you and asked you to attend a family dinner this year. But if he knows that King Shizi is here, he won't force you. "

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Cloud from no longer more words, smile around, the pace quickly out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

Yunqianyue leaned back and told her mother to do more. Zhao's mother said with a smile: "I've known for a long time that once miss has something new, there will be no less people. Don't worry! The old slave prepared a lot. "

Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

Several people are chatting, talking and busy at the same time. Listen to the snow, listen to the rain from Ling Lian and Yi snow, then and cloud shallow month to wait in front of less, at this time to find the opportunity, Jiji how how not to stop.

Zhao's mother spent most of her life in the kitchen, learning fast. Listen to the snow, rain often under the kitchen and Zhao mother fight, naturally learn quickly. Ling Lian and Yi Xue are not so good. They learn all kinds of Arts and skills in the Red Pavilion. Naturally, there are few kitchens. Compared with the dumplings made by several people in yunqianyue, they are not very good-looking, and some blush.

Cloud shallow moon laughingly looked at two people comfort, "I first package out is also like this, learned for a long time to pack well!"

Zhao's mother and listen to snow, listen to the rain also quickly said their first time under the kitchen things. It's normal to be a beginner. I'm used to it. Their faces were normal.

Several people are talking and laughing, the door suddenly poked in a head, curiously asked, "little girl, what are you doing?"

"Make dumplings!" Cloud shallow moon smiles to see night light dye one eye, tease way: "thief head thief brain, if don't know, still think I this shallow moon Pavilion entered a thief!"

Night light dye reaches out to scratch head, seem to be very surprised, "you still can cook? What are dumplings

"Here! That's it Yun Qianyue reached out and pointed to the bamboo woven cover, which was filled with rows of dumplings.

"Are such things dumplings? How do you eat? Can I eat it now? " Night light dye comes in curiously and reaches for it.

"No! It's raw. It hasn't been cooked yet Yunqianyue patted off his hand.

Night light dye was stained with the back of his hand, he shook, looking at the cloud shallow moon, even if he spoke with him, also neatly do the action in his hand. It was fresh and asked, "this is noodles. I know. What's in it?"

Cloud shallow moon speechless, modern people all know, the ancients did not see. She explained, "it's stuffing!"

Night light dye does not understand to look at cloud shallow moon.

Yun continued to explain, "it's the meat and vegetables chopped and mixed together, and added seasoning."

Night light dye understood as if nodding, looked at Zhao mother and others, said: "I also help you!"

"Will you?" Cloud light moon looks at night light dye suspiciously.

"Can't learn!" Night light dye white cloud, light moon one eye, words fall, outside shout, "Rong Feng, come in to make dumplings."

"Good!" Rong Feng seems to be coming to the small kitchen, smell speech in the outside should a, soon slowly walked in. After coming in, he took a look at the situation inside, fixed a moment on the cloud's hand, and then spontaneously went to wash his hands.

Night light dye see, also immediately wash hands.

Cloud shallow moon looks at two people, silent for a moment, but has the helper to be able to be quicker, she also does not care whether these two people can pack well. As long as you can put the stuffing inside, you can put it into the pot. She is not demanding either.

Rongfeng and yeqingran soon finished washing their hands and came to help. Tianfen was not covered. Cloud shallow month looks at two people according to her appearance to wrap out dumpling unexpectedly is better than Ling Lian and Yi snow, in the heart cannot help feeling. Why are the world's top chefs mostly men? This is not unreasonable! We can see from these two people. What's more, there is a man who can cook fish with lotus in the house. It can be imagined that if the scene is allowed to move, it will certainly be good, even better.

With two more people, the efficiency is naturally fast. The small kitchen is full of enthusiasm for a while, which has a special significance.

An hour later, several big lids were covered with wrapped dumplings. Night light dye volunteered to cook dumplings in the pot. In a hurry, Rong Feng helped. After robbing Zhao's mother's work, Zhao's mother prepared several dishes of light dishes, listening to the snow and rain.

Cloud light moon and Ling Lian, Yi snow out of the kitchen, at this time has been dark, a bright moon climbed into the sky. Silver shine down, the earth is very bright. The sweet scented osmanthus in the courtyard caters to the moonlight and emits a soft halo.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue set up tables, chairs and soft beds under the osmanthus trees in the courtyard, and put melons, fruits, wine and so on.Yunqianyue walked back to the room and saw that Rongjing had already woken up and was leaning against the couch to look out. There is no lamp in the room, and the moonlight shoots in from the lattice window of the silk washing cloth. Under the dim moonlight, his jade face is more like a picture scroll, which is particularly elegant and elegant. She was a little crazy for a moment.

"Ready?" Rong Jing smiles and looks at the cloud shallow moon. She asks in a low voice.

Cloud shallow moon wakes up God, a few steps to the bed, stretch out his hand, tone cheerfully ran, "go, eat dumplings!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!