The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 901

"Come back, miss!" Keep your head down.

"It's really a pity to have been around for so many years! As Rong Feng said, I'm a little arrogant. I may be used to relying on myself. I'm not used to relying on others. I always forget you. " Cloud shallow month reaches out to rub forehead, "Rong Jing and I were originally one heart, since he wants you, you follow him later, how?"

Don't leave your head down.

"I value his life more than my own." Cloud shallow moon road.

Mo Li suddenly knelt on one knee and said in a deep voice, "thank you for your favor! Don't leave the will

"Good! So that's it Rong Jing threw a jade card to Mo Li and said to him, "take this jade card and go to the Chu family of the top ten families. Someone will tell you what to do."

Mo Li reached out to take the jade plate. He saw a Chu character on the jade plate, which was the jade plate of the master of the Chu family. He was surprised and moved, "King Shizi, subordinate..."

"Just go!" Rong Jing doesn't want to say more. He waves his hand to Mo Li.

Mo Li swallowed the words he was going to say, nodded, put the jade card into his arms, and walked away from the shallow moon Pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon slants head to see Rong Jing, up and down looked at him, pick eyebrow way: "begin to pry the corner? How do you know I can't use Mo Li? I was going to assign him a task after he came back from southern Xinjiang to recover his injury. You have been prying away so quickly! What do you make up for me? "

"How about I give you the green shadow as a hidden guard?" Rong Jing looks down at the cloud and asks with a smile.

Cloud shallow moon immediately shakes his head, "forget it, can't use it!"

Rong Jing low smile, "Mo Li is really too wasteful in your hands. You have a red Pavilion. By contrast, Mo Li's use place is greatly reduced. And you read that he has followed you since he was a child, and you are reluctant to send him out. It is better to have him in my hands. "

"You can see clearly, I really can't bear it!" Cloud shallow month smiles to stare at him one eye, think of the injury of green shadow, received a smile: "green shadow just injured, don't let me see, do you want to call him to have a look, the injury should be very serious."

"If he says it's OK, it's OK. Don't worry about it!" Rong Jing shakes his head, and his brows and eyes are tired.

"Go back to your room and have a rest." Cloud shallow moon see the scene show tired, pull him back to the room.

Rongjing is pulled by yunqianyue and gives her the whole weight of her body. She comes to the bedside. Yunqianyue opens her body and asks him to lie down. She covers him with a quilt. Her voice is gentle, "honey, go to sleep. I'll prepare for you and make you something delicious that you haven't eaten. When it's ready, I'll call on you to enjoy the moon at night. "

Rong Jing originally wanted to pull cloud shallow moon to bed, smelling speech stopped, nodding with a smile.

Yunqianyue sits by the bed, waiting for Rongjing to fall asleep. He is too tired and tired. He is injured so much. If it was not for the arrival of night Tianyi to wake him up, he would still be asleep. After waiting for a moment, she got up and went to the door. She told Ling Lian and Yi Xue a few words. They went with her to the kitchen.

In addition to steaks and egg noodles, yunqianyue will do the same thing, that is, dumplings. Before Chinese New Year are small seven dumplings, she looked at the side, small seven dumplings wrapped very beautiful. Every time she wanted to help, she was refused by Xiao Qi. She said that the dumplings for the new year should be made by one person, so that she could be one-sided and would not be different. She was as like as two peas, but she was very happy at that time. But when she was a stranger, she secretly studied. It's just that he never knew. Later that year, she wanted to do all the work for the new year and give him a surprise. However, there was an accident and he did not come back. During the Spring Festival, the only year, she did not eat dumplings and did nothing. She sat by the light all night.

Think of the past, although now see Xiao Qi, but also some sad. It is destined that some things will settle in the bottom of my heart.

She suddenly wants to let Rongjing have a taste of dumplings.

It seems that people in this world can't make dumplings. She has never seen dumplings for so many years. Whether it is the royal banquet, or the banquet of the Royal Palace, or the table of the common people. She has gone through many places, seen many places, and has eaten different meals, but she has never seen this. This is something we must eat every new year in that world.

Three people came to the small kitchen, see Zhao mother and listen to snow, listen to the rain has been preparing.

Cloud shallow month and three people said simply, Zhao mother, listen to snow, listen to rain and hear miss said new things, a time more excited, quickly according to her said preparation materials.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are also curious to follow hands.

Several people work together, under the guidance of cloud shallow moon to do. For a moment, the kitchen was very busy.

Not long ago, there was a footstep into the shallow moon Pavilion. Ling Lian poked out her head and took a look at it. She said to the cloud Moon: "Miss, it's cloud from the son of the world!"

Cloud shallow moon clapped hands, also pointed out his head, see cloud from the room to go, she gently called out, "brother, you look for me."

Yunli's step stopped. Through the bead curtain, she only saw a person lying on the bed. She thought it was yunqianyue. When she saw her, she was a little stunned. She looked into the room again. The man was lying inside, covered with quilts. He couldn't see the appearance. He walked to yunqianyue. He was also smart. When he came to yunqianyue, he figured out the reason. Who could lie in her bed except one person? He asked in a low voice, "has king Shizi come back to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with you?""Well!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"I wanted to come over and ask about your family dinner, but I don't think I'll take part in it?" Yunli asked with a smile.

"No more! I didn't take part in it ten years ago! " The moon shakes her head.

According to the Convention, from the palace to participate in a banquet back to the house, the palace also has a family banquet in the evening. But ten years ago, yunqianyue didn't attend the family banquet of the palace because she didn't want to see feng side imperial concubine and others. This year, Feng side imperial concubine and Yun Xianghe's mother and daughter went to the palace, and she was in charge of the palace. But she was a shopkeeper who threw away her hands and gave everything to green twigs and jade bracelets. This year, the clouds are cold, and there are more clouds. However, there were still women and common women in the palace, and she didn't think it was interesting. Moreover, Rongjing came back, and naturally she was preparing in her own shallow moon Pavilion.

"Now that King Shizi is back, there is no need to attend! You've been gone for days. " Cloud from smile, "I just saw dye Little Wang Ye and Feng Shizi! The people from Prince Deqin's residence came to see little prince ran to attend the family banquet in the mansion. He sent the people away. It seems that he will follow the scene here. "

"Well, forget them. It seems that I want to make more dumplings for two people. " Cloud light moon this just think of Rong Feng and night light dye.

"Dumplings?" Cloud from doubt.

Cloud shallow moon to him mysterious smile, "is a kind of more delicious food, do you want to eat?"

Cloud from some embarrassment, "seven princesses come, want to join me in the family dinner. What's more, I just came to the mansion this year, so it's not good not to attend the family dinner. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!