The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 896

Cloud shallow moon suddenly turned back, looking at Rong Jing angrily, "Rong Jing, we said we would not fight!"

"Yes, that's right. But I can't help but get angry. I'll fight with you and lose my temper with you. What can I do? You see, I'm so bad, do you want to give me up? Leave me alone? " Rongjing stretched out his hand against the tree trunk, and the jade pendant he was playing with slipped onto the grass beside him.

"I give up you, no matter you, you are satisfied? Happy, aren't you? " Cloud shallow moon lips close into a line, suddenly a word of the tunnel: "good! I give you up

Rong Jing's body trembled.

Cloud shallow moon does not look at him again, turn around to walk, the back is quite straight.

"Cloud light moon!" Rong Jing suddenly called out, and his sitting body stood up. As soon as he got up, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his body suddenly fell to the ground.

Cloud light moon was startled, suddenly turned back, and saw that the thin, straight and elegant figure in the past collapsed like a jade mountain. The bright red blood on his chest burned her eyes. Her pupil shrank suddenly and ran to him.

But no matter how fast she was, she couldn't fall as fast as he did.

With a bang, he fell on the grass.

Yunqianyue only felt that her heart had been cut a deep cut in this moment, which was like a mountain peak that had been abruptly split into a mountain stream, split in her heart. With a bang, she was dizzy and dizzy, and there were four stars in front of her. Suddenly, she could not see anything clearly at that moment. She was calm, and then she slowly squatted down and hugged Rongjing's body tremblingly. Her voice was so dumb that she could not be any more light, "Rongjing..."

Rongjing was still with his eyes closed, and he was obviously faint.

Cloud shallow moon trembled to reach out to Rongjing pulse, hand just touched his pulse, suddenly a contraction, she hoarse voice to Rong Feng called, "Rong Feng, come here quickly!"

Rong Feng heard the voice of cloud shallow moon, and hurriedly came to her side, saw the situation in front of her face changed.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue come together and see the situation in front of them. Their faces change greatly, "Miss, Jing Shizi..."

"Take him back to the house!" Rong Feng made a decision and bent over to pick up Rongjing.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, stood up, legs some soft, can not support the body, just stand up to fall to the ground, Ling Lian a hold her. Rong Feng looked back and said to Ling Lian, "take your lady with you!"

Ling Lian should a, Rong Feng toe light, with the Rong Jing Fei body left the purple maple forest. Ling Lian with cloud shallow moon follow after Rong Feng, Yi snow looked at the blood on the ground, picked up the jade pendant on the ground, and quickly left.

The speed of returning to the city was much faster than before. I came to the gate smoothly all the way.

At this time, night qingran has also come out of the palace, is patrolling the city, standing on the wall of the east city, watching the flow of people inside and outside the city gate. When he saw a few familiar voices entering the city one after another, such as a few clouds and smoke, he was stunned and looked thoughtfully at the direction of the departure of those figures for a moment. Suddenly, he lightly touched his toes and left the city wall and headed for the cloud palace.

Rong Feng takes Rongjing to the cloud palace, flies over the high wall, and goes straight back to the shallow moon Pavilion. Linglian with cloud shallow moon also later came back, a party into the room, Rong Feng will Rongjing on the bed.

Yunqianyue pushed Ling Lian away. She took Rongjing's hand and anxiously said to Rongfeng, "Rongfeng, you should give him a pulse prescription. He How could he have been hurt so badly? Can cangting's martial arts be as good as this? "

"Moon, don't worry about it!" Rong Feng looks calm, "I give Jing Shizi pulse first!"

Cloud shallow month flustered ground nods, the body half kneels at the bedside, grasps a hand of Rong Jing not to loosen.

Rong Feng can only take Rong Jing was not held by the cloud shallow moon hand pulse, fingers just touch the pulse, eyebrows will deeply frown.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing's face for a moment. When she lies on the bed, she sees that his face is extremely pale, and there are clotted blood stains on the corners of his lips. She remembers when she looked back and saw that he vomited out the blood and collapsed suddenly, her heart was torn up and couldn't help herself. At this time regret died, she should have just arrived at the purple maple forest to pull him back to the house, should not be their anger on his body. It's such a small thing. What's the big deal! Two people's love, there is always a party to step back, as long as he is good, gentle smile to her, affectionate cuddle, how about her step back? She has two generations of experience, let him give up what? What if you coax him? It's better for him to get angry at her than to lie here.

"He was physically weak and had blood loss. He had to work hard to get sick, so he could not rest. And about two days ago, he started to work, suffered heavy damage, did not recuperate and cultivated himself, ran around day and night, was too tired and could not bear the heavy burden. Today, I moved my hand again and fought for internal power. I hurt my heart. That's what happens when you add new injuries to old ones. " Rong Feng put down his hand, on the cloud shallow moon road.

Yunqianyue holds Rongjing's hand tightly. According to Xiange, he was caught cold and hot when he came out of the capital to control the water in the rain that day. Later, he did not have a good rest. In these days, he managed the water day and night and became ill. Hit hard two days ago? That's the way back from Valley County. Did you fight with people? Did not recuperate, unexpectedly and Cang Ting moved a hand, no wonder suffered so heavy injury. She looked at Rong Feng, her face was whiter than Rongjing's, "give him a prescription!"Rong Feng nodded and went to the table.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are terrified, and they go to Rong Feng to wait for pen and ink.

Yunqianyue holds Rongjing's other hand in her hand, thinking that he has traveled thousands of miles to return and has no time to recuperate after being injured. She wants to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with her, but she actually She lowered her head and buried her face in his hands. Her once warm hands were cool and even chilly. He couldn't imagine how he recaptured the jade pendant from cangting's hands when she was already injured and tired of running around

Tears slide down the corner of the eye, one drop two drops, silent.

Rong Feng handed the prescription to Ling Lian and Yi Xue, and they immediately went down with the prescription. He turned to look at the bed. Yun Qianyue's shoulder trembled slightly. He walked up and put his hand on her shoulder. He patted her twice and gently comforted him, "yue'er, Jing Shizi's injury is heavy, but it's tens of millions of times lighter than his previous cold and toxic diseases. Don't worry, just cultivate for a few days."

Cloud shallow moon nods, the face still buries in the Rong Jing hand not to get up, the tear soaked his palm.

Rong Feng looked at the cloud shallow moon, and looked at the comatose Rong Jing on the bed. He seemed to sigh and turned out of the door.

The room was still, and the tears of the moon were still silent.

I do not know how long, a hoarse voice sounded, very light, "don't cry!"

Cloud shallow moon body a stiff, this voice is like the sounds of nature, she wants to look up, buried face how can not lift up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!