The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 897

"I said don't cry..." Rongjing's manual action.

Cloud shallow month's hand clenches tightly, hears such sound, the tear not only not only, but flows fiercer.

"You Ah... " Rong Jing sighed softly, and the tone seemed to have infinite helplessness and doting, "cloud shallow moon, how could I not know you loved crying so much before! It's like a crying ghost. "

Cloud light moon suddenly raised her head, her eyes were covered with tears, such as the fine rain in the south of the Yangtze River, covered a layer of rain curtain in front of her eyes, she pulled the corner of her mouth, did not make a sound. He pulled it twice and finally made a sound, but his voice was very hoarse, "I am a crying ghost! So what? "

Rong Jing looked at the small face raised by Yun Qianyue with tears on his face. He was tight in his heart. He broke away from her and held his hand tightly to wipe her tears. However, he found that both his hands were tears. He reluctantly dropped his hands and said, "yes, you are a crying ghost. I'm going to be flooded!"

"What's wrong with crying ghosts?" Yunqianyue wiped her eyes with her hand, and her hands were also tears.

"It's no good crying ghosts!" Rong Jing looks at her, some can't laugh or cry.

"You have the ability to scare me. Why don't you make me cry?" Cloud shallow moon red eyes looking at the scene, such words a mouth, eyes flow out again, "so frighten me, you are very happy?"

Rong Jing raised his head to touch the face of Yun Qianyue and said with heartache, "it's my fault. Don't cry!"

"What's wrong with you? You're not bad. It's all about me. " Cloud shallow moon down eyelashes, tears such as broken line beads.

Let Jing put down his hands, support to sit up, a cloud shallow moon in his arms, tone of love, "I am not good, I should not be angry with you, should not be..."

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, reaches out to cover his mouth, originally silent tears suddenly can't help crying out. For so many days, missing is rampant. She thinks of the portraits that Rongjing wrote to her, and the two clay figurines he pinched with his own hands

Rongjing stopped and hugged yunxiaoyue tightly. After a moment, her cry was still more than ever. He took her hand away and said helplessly, "yunqianyue, don't you need money for tears? Stop crying, will you? "

"Who said no money? My tears are precious! " Cloud shallow moon choked tunnel.

"Since Jin Gui, don't cry! It's a waste of crying Rongjing reached out and patted her. Yun Qianyue didn't seem to hear her. It seemed that she was going to drain all the tears in these days. He said helplessly: "although I always thought you should not be so strong, everything will be broken off and blood and tears will be swallowed into my stomach. One day you will cry in my arms. I will hold you and make you cry enough. But now you cry like this, I really love you very much. You still do Stop crying

"Just cry and let your heart ache to death." The cloud shallow moon hears speech is crying fiercely.

"You I can't do anything about you. " Rong Jing sighed helplessly and said, "I will do everything for you in the future. Just don't cry. How about that? "

"Not good!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, exhale a way: "everything should be me, you are not Rong Jing!"

Rongjing chuckled at the speech and reached out his hand to scrape the cloud and the moon's nose. Laughing and teasing, he said, "yuzishu is very good. Although you have lived two lives, you are still a child. But I think I'm older than anyone else. In fact, I still need people to take care of you everywhere. "

Thinking of Xiao Qi, Yun Xiaoyue stopped crying immediately and asked, "have you paid for his clothes?"

"I'll pay for it! He not only paid for his clothes, but also gave him a jade Ruyi carved by Rong Wang, the ancestor of the cloud palace. " Yung King Road.

"He made it!" Cloud shallow month thinks small seven does not do the business that loses money as expected.

"Yes, so your tears are precious! Don't cry Rongjing reached into his arms and took out Juan PA to wipe her tears. He raised his hand very slowly, obviously without much strength.

Cloud shallow month saw, a pull his hand Juan PA, to the face of two random wipe, to his way: "you quickly lie down. Don't know how much you hurt? Still tossing around like this? Do you want me to cry to death

Rong Jing lay down and nodded his head and said, "it's true that you can't make trouble any more, or you won't have the strength to wipe your tears."

"I wish you knew that!" Yunqianyue snorted. Seeing that there were dry blood stains on his chest, he threw Juan PA and reached out to untie his clothes. Seeing the bloodstain, he pricked his eyes, reddened his eyes and said, "how much good food do you have to eat to make up for so much blood? Do you think there is too much money in Lord Rong's house to spend? "

Rong Jing took a look at the bloodstain on his body and didn't care, "if you don't leave me, the blood will not flow in vain. It's worth paying how much money to make up for it."

Cloud shallow month hears speech hand a meal, indignant one, "do not speak again! I don't want to hear from you again. "

"Well, then don't say it!" Rong Jing closed his eyes and was very clever.

Cloud shallow moon raises an eye to see him, see his jade face is bright and moist, white almost clear, under the eye circle two wipe deep shadow, obviously extremely tired. In this way, he was in a coma, and then he woke up. How much uneasiness and some emotion in his heart urged him to wake up as soon as possible? Her heart ached so much that she could hardly breathe. Moving away from sight, the action of undocking button was much lighter. He said to him, "you should sleep for a while. Rongfeng opened the prescription. Ling Lian and Yi Xue went to decoct the medicine. I'll call you when the medicine comes.""Well!" The scene seemed to have no ground to answer.

Yunqianyue stripped Rongjing's clothes and robes which were stained with blood, pulled the quilt to cover him, wiped his face and hands with Juan PA, then sat in front of the bed and looked at him without blinking. This man, no, did not reach the crown, or should be said to be a teenager, his joy or anger are all due to her, there is such a person in the world, with full love for her, why is she afraid that love is too much to bear? It should be happiness.

"Here comes the medicine, miss!" Ling Lian comes in with the medicine.

"Give it to me!" Yun Xiaoyue turned around, reached for the medicine bowl and stirred it gently with a spoon. When the medicine turned from hot to warm, she called Rongjing softly, "Rongjing, drink the medicine!"

Rong Jing's long eyelashes moved gently, and his eyes seemed to be open to the moon. "You feed me!"

"Well, I'll feed you!" Cloud shallow moon nods, with a spoon scoop a spoon of medicine put in Rong Jing mouth.

Rong Jing turned his head and raised his finger to the lips of the cloud.

Yun Xiaoyue's face suddenly turned red. She looked back and saw that Ling Lian and Yi Xue had retreated out. There were only two of them in the room. She was angry with Rongjing and said in a low voice: "it's not normal to be sick!"

"Who says you have to behave when you are sick?" Rongjing turns to look at her.

Cloud shallow moon red face embarrassed, "this medicine is very bitter!"

"I know!" Allow the scenery Mou light to stare at cloud shallow moon's lip, "you feed me, I don't suffer."

"But I'm bitter!" Cloud shallow moon bitter face way. She has been drinking bitter medicine soup for more than ten days since last time to save the queen. Now see this kind of soup medicine, began to nausea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!