The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 895

Cangting is playing with the Pearl clasp in his hand, just like Rongjing playing with the jade pendant in his hand, which is elegant and elegant. It's like sitting around drinking tea and enjoying the scenery. His face was a little white, but he was covered by the shadow of purple maple forest, and his handsome eyebrows were mottled.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly to Cang Ting hand, a wisp of air wind swept, silent, straight to his hands of bead buckle.

The old man noticed that he wanted to make a move. Cang Ting waved his hand behind him, and the old man stopped immediately. Cang Pavilion looked at the wind direction of the cloud and the moon, and his hands swept, and in an instant the beads in his hands turned to ashes. Sliding down his fingers, he picked his eyebrows and hid a smile in his eyes. His voice was low and pleasant, "yes?"

The moon turned back and said coldly, "you can go now."

"Good!" Cang Ting answered happily and handed his hand to the old man beside him. The old man immediately reached out to help him. He stood up slowly with the hand held by the old man. His posture was still noble, and he walked away.

The four men followed and left.

After making progress, Cang Ting suddenly turned back, smiling at Yun Qianyue and gently saying, "Oh, I want to tell you something. I came to Beijing at the invitation of the seventh Prince and was the guest of the seventh Prince's house. "

The moon suddenly turned back.

Cang Ting looked at her with a deepening smile, "well, I think you understand! There's a position that seems to be called an aide. "

Yunqianyue's face was suddenly cold, staring at the Cang Pavilion, he said coldly: "Cang Pavilion, you are the little master of the ten great families of Cang family. How many days have the ten families entered the world? You want to get involved so soon? Have you figured it out? "

"I didn't think about it clearly. I just wanted to visit the capital, but now..." Cang Pavilion seems to have looked at the scene, a faint smile, "think clearly! This holy capital is so interesting, especially you, that I can't bear to leave. So, don't leave! "

Cloud shallow moon squint eyes, warning way: "be careful not to come out of the mire!"

"You can't get out if you can't get out! If you are kind, you might as well read our old love in Tianxue mountain ten years ago and give me a hand. " Cang Pavilion does not care, the words fall, to the cloud shallow moon blink eyes, look some playful.

Cloud light moon face hair cold, suddenly fold a maple leaf branch on one side and throw it straight at cangting Pavilion.

The old man who supported cangting's face changed. In an instant, the maple leaf branch was destroyed by him and turned into ashes.

"Cang Bo, ah, today is the Mid Autumn Festival. She broke the branches and gave it to me. How did you destroy it?" Cang pavilion a sigh, looking at that destroyed maple leaf branch, tone some complain.

The old man named cangbo was stunned.

"Ling Lian, Yi Xue! Seven elders of Zhaohong Pavilion, seal his mouth for me Cloud shallow moon looks at cangting coldly.

"Yes, miss!" Yi Ling Qi seems to reach out for the signal.

"Take the young master away!" Cangbo's face changed greatly. He immediately protected cangting, and the four people behind him immediately came forward to protect cangting.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi block several people's way, the signal bomb in the hand flies to the sky.

"Rongfeng, cut it off!" Rongjing suddenly opened his mouth and his voice was shallow.

Rong Feng took a look at the cloud and the moon. His toes were light, and his body rose in the air in an instant. He followed the two signal bombs that Ling Lian and Yi Xue took out. In the twinkling of an eye, he cut off the signal bomb before it exploded, took it back in his hands, turned a circle, and floated down.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are stunned.

The old man named Cang Bo and the four men in black behind him were all stunned.

Cang Ting suddenly chuckled, "it seems that King Shizi is reluctant to seal my mouth." Words fall, he picked a good-looking eyebrow on cloud shallow moon, "it seems that you are not One-minded."

"Go, go! One step later, you don't even know how to die. " Cloud shallow moon looked at Cang Pavilion coldly, "Cang Pavilion, I tell you, the muddy water in Beijing is too deep. You'd better be careful before you make a decision. Don't get too deep and destroy the Cang family for hundreds of years."

"Good to say!" Cang Pavilion tone light as cloud smoke, turned to continue to walk forward.

Cang Bo and the four men in black were all together in their hearts and hurriedly guarded Cang ting to leave.

Rong Feng throws the two signal bombs back to Ling Lian and Yi Xue, makes a color to them and walks away from this place. Ling Lian and Yi Xue naturally know that Feng Shizi is for miss and Jing Shizi to get along with each other alone, and they also quickly follow him away.

The place was very quiet for a time.

Cloud shallow moon turns to look at Rong Jing, he is still drooping his head, playing with the jade pendant, do not know what is in mind. He pursed his lips and looked at him for a moment and calmly asked, "will you come back to the cloud palace or the Rong palace with me, or leave Beijing?"

The scene did not answer, as if he had not heard of it.

"What can I ask you?" The voice of the moon is still calm.

Rong Jing still does not answer, touching and playing with the rules of jade pendant do not stop or pause.

"Did you hear what I said?" Cloud light moon wave a hand, hit in Rong Jing against the maple tree trunk. The tree trunk swayed a few times, and the leaves on the trunk fell, hitting Rongjing's head, shoulders and body.

Rong Jing's body followed by a shake, looking at the maple leaf full of his crescent white robe, still indifferent."You're just going to have a hard time with me, aren't you? Good! Then don't be embarrassed Cloud light moon even if a palm, the mood is very calm, perhaps anger to the extreme and become calm. Suddenly she turned and walked away.

She just walked two steps, Rongjing suddenly opened her mouth, the voice was very low, "where do you want me to go?"

I want to say that I hope you go back to the cloud palace. You came back all the way to enjoy the mid autumn moon on August 15 with me? Now she was injured. She opened her mouth and suddenly felt that such a cycle was too tiring. How many times did she try to ask for benevolence and benevolence, but it just went against her wishes. Is it really time for both of you to be quiet today? She needs to be quiet, too. So she was silent.

"Cloud shallow moon, you say, where do you want me to go?" Rong Jing looks up and looks at the back of the moon.

"It's your freedom to go where you want to go." Cloud shallow moon take a deep breath, cold heart.

Rong Jing "ah" ground a sudden smile, smile a little sad, "where I want to go? Where do I want to go? Where do I want to go most? "

Cloud shallow moon heart suddenly tight.

"I will go to the cloud palace without you? There is nothing worthy of my concern in the Rong palace. Do you want to leave the capital? Maybe you shouldn't have come back at all. " Rong Jing suddenly closed his eyes, his face was dark, and his voice was a little difficult, "cloud shallow moon, I'm so tired of you? In fact, I'm also tired

Cloud light moon sleeve in the hand clenched.

"You go! I'll be here quietly. " Rong Jing seems to sigh, voice some faint tired. , the fastest update of the webnovel!