The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 894

Outside the four cities in the East, West, North and south, there is only a purple maple forest outside the east city.

Rong Feng went out of the east city smoothly with cloud and light moon. The soldiers guarding the city didn't even see a shadow. They only felt a slight wind blowing through their eyes. Then they saw the flow of people coming and going. There was nothing abnormal.

When we came to the purple maple forest mentioned by Xiange, we didn't see any people outside. Rong Feng stopped and listened for a moment. He said to the cloud and the moon: "inside, there is a smell of blood."

Cloud shallow month in the heart a tight, "we quickly go in!"

"Well!" Rong Feng with cloud light moon again fly up, into the branches of the lush purple maple forest.

This piece of purple maple forest is very large, with luxuriant branches and leaves. Each maple tree is not far away from the maple tree, which is very dense. Rong Feng can only step on the top of the maple leaf forest to exert his lightness skill. After walking for about a cup of tea, he reaches out to the front and says to the cloud and the moon, "where is it?"

Cloud shallow moon nodded, she smelled the strong smell of blood, urgent way: "go down quickly!"

Without delay, Rongfeng drifted down a few feet in front of him. This place was an open space. No, or at a certain moment in the past, it was not an open space. It was the same as the maple leaf forest in front of him. Each tree was dense and there was no open space.

At this time, only about dozens of trees in the square circle were razed to the ground, and the grass and wood on the ground were turned into ashes. A thick layer was spread on the ground, and the feet fell down, which immediately led to a deep impression. The breeze blows, and there is the faint Maple incense burned by the fire. It can be seen that Fangcai has been destroyed so badly here.

Rong Feng saw the situation in front of him, his face changed slightly.

Cloud shallow moon body a shudder, the first time glance over the ash charcoal on the ground to search for the shadow of Rong Jing. But there was no one here. She pushed aside Rongfeng and walked forward. As she walked, there was a deep impression on the ground.

Rong Feng immediately raised her step to keep up with the cloud and the moon.

They walked out of the land of coke and walked through several trees before they saw two people sitting under the trees. One is Rongjing, the other is cangting Pavilion.

What is rare is such a huge destruction. The two people are still well dressed. Their crescent white robes and light blue robes are as bright and gorgeous as ever. They are not stained with half of the vegetation or even blood. Even the green silk on their heads is not scattered and their hairpins are not falling off. The appearance of a poem like painting, a noble and elegant. From a distance, it seems that they are still two gentle childe.

"Rongjing!" Cloud shallow moon hastens to Rong Jing, stands in front of him, shouts, this one shouts out, is surprisingly calm. All the worries and anxieties along the way seem to have been sunk in the bottom of my heart.

Rong Jing had lowered his head and was playing with something. At this time, Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the cloud and the moon. He didn't speak.

Cloud shallow moon's eyes fall on his hand, see that he is holding in his hand is the jade pendant that Cang Ting took away from her. The jade pendant she wore since she was a child. The fingers in her sleeve curled up unconsciously.

"Son of a bitch!" The string song then came and ran forward anxiously, bending to help Rongjing, "Shizi, you..."

"String song! Go back to your house and think about it! One month. " The voice is cool and cool.

"Prince..." The string singer trembled, "poop Tong" knelt on the ground, "my subordinates know wrong! I'm afraid of you... "

"Go back to the house now!" Rongjing does not look at the string songs, and continues to play with the jade pendant in his hand. It is a piece of blue and blue jade with fine cloud patterns inside. It is crystal clear and of great value.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing's hand and finds that his hand bone is much whiter than usual. Especially with the jade pendant, his hands are too white, even almost transparent. Such white she most clearly, however, must have suffered a very heavy internal injury.

"My son, I have to go back with you When you come back, can I postpone my thoughts? " Xian GE's face is a little white. He knows what's wrong? The son of the world certainly did not want him to find Miss shallow moon, but the situation was too dangerous at that time. For the first time in these years, he met a man who was not inferior to his son in martial arts, and he did not let the hidden guards help him.

"Let Qingquan follow me." The tone of Rong Jing can't be refused.

"Yes Xiange bowed his head and knew that it was no good to say anything more. The son of the world obviously decided to punish him. He stood up and looked at the cloud and the moon. At that moment, he was a little sad. He walked away from the purple maple forest.

Cloud light moon lips close up, looking at the scene.

Rongjing does not look up. Except for the one look at her just after the arrival of yunqianyue, when there is no one in front of him, he still plays with the jade pendant. The green jade pendant keeps rubbing in his hand, as if to remove some trace.

Cloud shallow moon understands, that should be the mark that is touched by Cang Pavilion.

"Little Lord!" An old man's voice sounded, and then a few people floated down and rushed to cangting Pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon turns to turn head, see to come person is an old man and 4 black dress man. It's obviously from cangting. She took a look at the five people and looked at cangting, who was leaning against the tree trunk to look at her, holding a pure white pearl button in her hand. That bead buckle cloud shallow moon recognize, it is the bead buckle on Rong Jing's body. She turned around, and sure enough, there was a pearl button missing from Rongjing's cuff."How are you, little Lord?" He came to the pavilion and asked anxiously.

"Nothing Cang Pavilion shakes his head, eyes are still not away from the cloud shallow moon.

Rong Jing still did not look up, cloud shallow moon eye light shrunk, take back line of sight, continue to look at Cang Pavilion.

Cang Ting picks eyebrows to the cloud shallow moon, the vision is that kind of attention eye light, in a moment, he suddenly suddenly suddenly smile, to her serious way: "cloud shallow moon, I don't like blue Yi."

Cloud shallow moon thought move, do not answer.

The old man seemed to notice that there were other people besides his own young master. He saw Rongjing from Yun Qianyue, Rongfeng not far away, and his young master. Then he stood up with his squatting body and waved his hand. The four men stood beside the cangting pavilion with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!