The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 890

Yunqianyue's body was stiff, and she turned her head abruptly. She saw a figure standing in the shadow of a osmanthus tree in the courtyard outside the window. The crescent moon was white, and her posture was elegant and her appearance was picturesque. He stood beside the tree, like a green bamboo growing beside the osmanthus tree. She blinked and blinked again and again. The man was still standing there. She got up and ran out. She stepped on her skirt and fell to the ground.

Rong Feng woke up with a start and immediately helped her, "slow down!"

Yunxiaoyue stood still, nodded, and Rongfeng withdrew her hand. Suddenly, she was not in a hurry. She walked to the door step by step and walked out of the door. The people in the courtyard could see clearly. She went down the steps and went to the sweet scented osmanthus tree.

The fragrance of osmanthus trees covered the smell of snow and lotus.

Cloud shallow moon step by step closer to see this man is really a scene. He was supposed to be in Valley County, but now he appears quietly in front of her, which makes her almost suspect that it is a dream. The branches and leaves of osmanthus trees meet the sun and cast deep and shallow shadows on his face, which makes his face more picturesque. Suddenly, she can't wait to get up again. She quickly walks two steps, grabs Rongjing's sleeve and looks up at him with her face up, "Rongjing!"

There was no expression on Rong Jing's face. He looked at the cloud and the moon lightly and did not speak.

Yunqianyue suddenly felt the cold breath on Rongjing's body, and even his sleeves were a little cold. He was soaked by the rich fragrance of osmanthus, and the snow lotus fragrance became very light and light. Her heart suddenly tightened, and her hand clasping his sleeve was also tight, "Rongjing!"

"It's me!" he said

"When did you come back?" Cloud shallow month sees him to reply, the voice can't help but lighten.

"When he comes near you!" Rong Jing Mou Guang closed a layer of cloud, unable to see the color, tone and light a point.

Yunqianyue knows who he is talking about. So he came when cangting approached the soft couch? She was suddenly upset and said angrily, "since you have come at that time, why don't you do it? Watching him bully me? "

Rong Jing Mou son suddenly broke out a cold light, his eyes narrowed, "cloud shallow moon, did you get bullied by him?" Cloud shallow month purses a mouth to look at him, "did you not see? Do you know if I was bullied by him or not

"I don't know! It's not clear what's going on in the house here! " Rong Jing indifferently shook off the cloud, and the moon held his sleeve hand.

Yunqianyue's body was thrown back involuntarily. She lifted her eyes and saw that the breath around Rongjing was colder. She slowly turned back to look at the window of the main room. From this angle, she looked at the soft couch. Because half of the curtain in front of the window was covered, it was not clear, but not completely. The lattice window of the Huansha could see some shallow images. She remembered that Cang Pavilion suddenly came to her at that time, and was so close to her. Did she know that Rongjing came at that time? He has a high level of martial arts. Now she has lost her martial arts. When she has not lost her martial arts, she can't detect it as long as she deliberately conceals her breath, let alone half of her martial arts. "Rong Jing, are you a fool?"

"I am a fool! Stupid people will come back from afar only to reunite with you in the Mid Autumn Festival Rong Jing said coldly.

Cloud shallow moon a choke, suddenly lost voice.

"The fool will give you a surprise and not tell in advance, the fool will come to see you and others in the interpretation of affectionate drama, and have a lot of fun." Rong Jing's voice seems to squeeze out from the teeth, such as broken frost and snow.

Cloud shallow month opened mouth, was frozen by his cold voice, unable to speak.

Rong Jing looked at his eyes, "fool will clean up, not let any woman close three feet, just to leave her innocence. The fool will only have her in the center of the eye and let her spoil repeatedly. The fool will endure the diversion of her feelings. I don't understand why love is so different. I can only have you in my eyes. And you can have countless people in your eyes. I'm just a part of it. "

"It's not like that!" Cloud light moon face a change, suddenly cry out. It was so urgent.

"What's that like? Cloud light moon, tell me, what is that like Rongjing's voice was suddenly very light. There seemed to be no place in his eyes, eyebrows, body, words and even fingertips. It seemed that the snow of the snow capped mountains was freezing. It was so cold and cool that it seemed to overflow from my heart. The cold breath froze the osmanthus trees.

Yunqianyue also had a chill on her body. She bit her lip and went forward to grab Rongjing's sleeve. Word by word, she said, "we agreed not to fight any more. In the future, we should be good. I'll explain it to you!"

"Explain?" Rong Jing dodged the hand of cloud shallow moon, suddenly cool thin smile, "cloud shallow moon, since we knew each other, your explanation seems to be too much! I can't count it

Cloud shallow moon body a shudder.

"What you see, what you hear. What else do you want to explain to me? " Rong Jing's voice was cold and without any ups and downs. Yuyan seemed to be soaked in ice. He suddenly reached out and folded a osmanthus flower and put it into Yun Xiaoyue's hand. He turned around and did not have a trace of nostalgia, "just as I didn't come back today!"

Yunqianyue reached out to take the Osmanthus fragrans and grabbed Rongjing's arm. She was dead, tight, and her voice trembled. "Rongjing, you came back to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with me, just to fight with me, and then ran away in a rage. Did you go back to torture yourself?"Let Jing not speak, shake off the arm of cloud shallow moon.

Yun Qianyue tightly clasped his arm and did not let go. She took a step forward and held his waist in the hand of Osmanthus fragrans. Her tone was somewhat angry, some wronged, some stubborn, and some helpless: "ten years ago, because of me, cangting's grandfather committed suicide. Ten years later he came to trouble me. Rongjing, you can't be so angry with me. It will make me feel that I didn't take him seriously, but you want me to take him seriously. You are so smart, how can you do something stupid His grandfather told him to marry me In case you push me away, I accidentally promised him... "

Rong Jing suddenly turned back, his voice was cold and gnashing his teeth, "you dare!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!