The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 891

Cloud shallow moon body a shudder, think secretly she dare not, dare also dare not!

Rongjing looks at her coldly. The wind in autumn is like the ice that broke the frost and snow, and blows across the face of the cloud and the moon. The Osmanthus fragrans in autumn is like the plum blossom in winter and December. The warm fragrance of Osmanthus also seems to have turned into the fragrance of plum blossom, which has a kind of cold and penetrating taste.

"Rongjing..." Cloud shallow month never knew this pair of eyes looked at her can be so cold, she commiserate aggrieved ground to shout.

Rong Jing suddenly turned away his face and beat the cloud light moon's hand with the same tone of gnashing teeth, "you've caught my weakness, haven't you? Let me come back to see that you are so close to others and have a good time. Ten years ago, I went to Tianxue mountain to let Feng go. Ten years later, I wanted to come back to surprise you, but you Cloud shallow moon, you really gave me a big surprise

"Rongjing, would you be reasonable? I'm not to blame for this. When I came back from the palace, I didn't know he was waiting in my room. " Cloud shallow month in the heart gas bitter, angry and angry, "I also miss you, every day think of you. No matter how good others are, they are always others. I can't be interested in what I do these days... "

"You can't be interested? When Leng Shao Zhuo tells you a story, you are not very happy. Can you laugh? Are you happy when you tell a story to Leng Shao Zhuo? Make cold Shao Zhuo look at you affectionately? " Let the scenery pick eyebrows, voice more and more cold.

"I..." Cloud shallow month for a moment dumb, doubt way: "Leng Shao Zhuo when affectionate looking at me?"

Rong Jing cast a cold glance at her, which is like a knife.

Yunqianyue is even more aggrieved. She shakes Rongjing's arm twice and flattens her mouth and says, "Rongjing, you can't lower yourself! Can Leng Shao Zhuo compare with you? He's a new man and a new man. I can't stretch out my hand and slap him in the face and let him abandon himself! "

"So you kept him close to you? By his love for you? " The scenery is cold and raises eyebrows.

"He has no affection!" Cloud shallow moon solemn tunnel. Think and this is a new feud old debt to her to save it! No wonder so many days, so many letters didn't mention Leng Shao Zhuo in one word, so he came to settle accounts personally.

"He helped you block the sword." Rong Jing said coldly.

"Am I the one you want to lie in bed and heal?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

"He said that you can give me whatever you like, including me. I was one of them. The little girl in those days had a bold and resolute way to kill on the chessboard, but I didn't expect that her mind was delicate and even." In the eyes of Rongjing, the iceberg cracked, and the voice was suddenly cold and silent.

Yunqianyue can't keep up with Rongjing's thinking. It's changing too fast. She just said Leng Shao Zhuo, and in a twinkling of an eye, she talked about cangting. She shook her head and said angrily, "he's talking nonsense. Who doesn't know me? You don't know me? I'm all for you. I wish I could pull out my heart and broke it to you. Do you believe in his nonsense and not in me? "

"Your mind is really delicate and even. You can't leave this one or that one. He's right. " Yung King Road.

"You..." Cloud shallow moon Teng ground rises angry, but to the upper Rong Jing cold eye, that eye ground is deeply injured, she presses down to be angry, turns to open a face, is angry not to want to explain again.

"He said that weak women still have such sharp claws that they want to bully. You should be his next game of chess, from today on, began! Does it mean that from now on, he will bully you and you should do it? " Rong Jing looked at Xiang Yun's hand grabbing his arm and said coldly, "how sharp are these claws? Well? "

Cloud shallow month feel her lung at this moment to explode, she turned her head and looked at the scene, "I can use this pair of sharp claws to scratch you, do you believe it?"

"Oh? Then try it! " Rongjing tone suddenly understated.

"You go! Go now! I don't think you ever came back! " Cloud light moon suddenly released his hand, suddenly pushed Rong Jing, turned and strode toward the house. She walked too fast, some of her feet staggered, stepping on the ground in the courtyard, the ground creaked, showing that she was very angry in her heart.

Rong Jing did not hold the cloud shallow moon, but watched her enter the room.

The door was slammed from the inside with great strength and loud noise. The swallows on the eaves were scared out of their warm nests and flew onto the roof. The door frame trembled violently.

Rong Jing takes back his eyes and takes a look at the swallow. Suddenly, he lightly points his toes and leaves the shallow moon Pavilion.

Yunqianyue suddenly opened the door, looked at the direction of Rongjing's departure, opened her mouth, and finally turned into hatred, "I let you go, you go, you If you have the ability, don't come back when you leave! "

Rongjing crescent white robe's figure left too fast, but in a flash things disappeared. There was only a slight wind in the air, and it was difficult to distinguish whether it was the wind he had taken away. Naturally, there was no sound coming back, and it was impossible to tell whether he had heard the words of cloud and moon.

Cloud shallow moon tears suddenly so flow out, one drop two drops, finally countless drops.

"Little Miss Ling Lian and Yi Xue had been hiding in the house. At this time, they saw Rong Jing and Yun Xiaoyue making so much trouble that they ran out of the house in a panic. See cloud shallow moon standing at the door crying, they immediately moved forward."Asshole! A total jerk Cloud shallow moon angrily stamped a foot threshold, tears like broken line of pearls.

When Ling Lian and Yi Xue have never seen Yun Qianyue, they are so flustered that they are at a loss. Ling Lian quickly persuades, "Miss, King Shizi has come all the way back to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival with you. You..."

"He came back all the way to be unreasonable to me..." Cloud shallow moon with her hand to wipe tears, aggrieved like a child.

"This Both of them are not good. They should follow the young lady into the house. They shouldn't let him stay with the young lady without malice, so that King Shizi ran across him... " Yi Xue blames herself.

"I didn't do anything sorry for him? What happened to him? " Yun Qianyue's one hand was stained with tears, and then she wiped it with another hand. She found that her other hand was still holding the Osmanthus fragrans which Rongjing had broken from the osmanthus tree. For a time, she was angry and bitter. She said, "fold a broken flower for me, or is it from my yard? Asshole

"Miss, Osmanthus fragrans fragrance all over the world, which represents a beautiful meaning, and also a symbol of good luck. The sweet scented osmanthus sent by jingshizi shows that you are beautiful in his heart, and he hopes you will have good luck. " Ling Lian's face turned white with fright, and she quickly explained.

"What a beautiful thing! He is satirizing me Cloud light moon shakes hands to throw that osmanthus branch to go out, hate hateful way: "who can face cold and ice like to give people flowers? On behalf of beauty? What I like is purple bamboo. Why doesn't he send me a purple bamboo? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!