The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 889

"It seems to be!" Cang Ting nods again.

"If I don't agree to any of your three conditions?" Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, "what will you do?"

"Let me see..." Cang Ting bowed his head and looked at the cloud and the moon carefully. Thinking for a moment, he said, "I married you first, and then I will kill you! It's more cost-effective. "

Cloud shallow moon "hiss" ground to laugh to come out, suddenly finger move, do not know where to change a gold needle, the gold needle is aimed at cangting eyebrow heart, she sneered: "Cang Shao Lord, do you want to try is the speed of your fan falling down, or my gold needle into your eyebrow fast?"

"I know that you are a kitten with sharp claws even at your weakest. It can be seen from the game ten years ago. Obviously, you are dying, but you have buried a sharp sword and come back to life. " Cang Ting suddenly smiles. He doesn't care about the gold needle in his eyebrow. His tone is very gentle, like two people in love.

Cloud shallow moon immediately cold, heart suddenly rise a bit strange, she shook the goose bumps on the body way: "Cang Shao Lord, you can speak well. Otherwise, if you don't kill me, I will be shot by your tone. "

Cang Ting chuckled and said, "if you don't accept your opinion, let's try it."

"Try what?" Yun Qianyue couldn't keep up with his thoughts.

"Try my fan to your sky cover arc fast, or your gold needle to my eyebrow fast speed!" Cang Pavilion suddenly is very serious.

"That's how you want to die?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"A little bit!" Cangting road.

"Because of LAN Yi? I heard that you and LAN Yi had a deep love since childhood. Now she is determined by nanlingrui. Have you been hurt? So I came here to take the opportunity to die. It's all over? " Cloud shallow moon asks.

Cang Ting Leng for a moment, the voice suddenly some indifferent, "do you think so?"

"Otherwise?" Cloud shallow moon thinks this is a very reasonable reason.

"How do you know I'll die before you? Instead of you dying? " Cang Pavilion suddenly moved the fan.

The gold needle of cloud shallow moon also advanced an inch. I'm sure you'll die before me

"Oh?" Cang Ting smiles and suddenly leans down again. The material is close to the material of cloud moon's clothes. Shake your head. "I don't believe it!"

"Rong Feng, you let him believe it!" The moon sighed.

Her words fall, a sword with a cold light, light from behind to put on the Cang Pavilion shoulder. Cang Pavilion did not speak, nor the slightest surprise, only picked a eyebrow, as if had known that Rong Feng had come.

"Let go of her!" Rong Feng's voice is like the snow and ice on the snow mountain. His voice is very cold when he opens his mouth.

"Was it for him?" Cangting ignored Rong Feng.

"Well!" Cloud shallow month looked at Rong Feng, thinking that he came back from Rong Wang Fu really fast.

"Rong Feng, the son of Wenbo Marquis's mansion!" Cang Ting suddenly laughed and said to Yun Qianyue, "I always thought that the person you like is the son of Wenbo Marquis house, otherwise you won't go all the way to Tianxue mountain for him."

"I like Rongfeng!" Cloud shallow moon eyes warm, "Rong Feng is so good, why don't I like him?"

"Like in your eyes, who can give it?" Cang Pavilion smile at the cloud shallow moon, eyes light deep, "including King Shizi is one of them? At that time, the little girl had a bold way to kill on the chessboard, but her mind was delicate and even. "

What is the idea of meticulous and even? Does that mean she's fickle? Cloud shallow moon face suddenly cold, "Cang Shao Lord, if you die today, I doubt if anyone came to collect your corpse."

"It should not be!" Cang Ting shook his head, "I came by myself!"

"How dare you Yunqianyue suddenly lost her interest in playing. She withdrew her gold needle, waved off the twelve bone jade fan covered by cangting Pavilion on her head, and said in a cold voice, "I tell you, love and like are different. I don't regret what happened in those years. If I do it again, I will play that chess game with you instead of Xueshan old man. Life and death challenge two love each other, your dead grandfather can't blame me. Now that's a dust job for me. Ten years later, you asked me to play chess, and I refused. You can leave now. If you like LAN Yi, you can fight for it. Don't bother me

Cang Ting's face changed for a moment, and suddenly straightened up. His two fingers gently opened Rong Feng's sword. He slowly turned back, looked at Rong Feng carefully, and suddenly laughed, "fengshizi and jingshizi look alike."

Rong Feng's face was cold, "Cang Shao Lord should be a person who knows the etiquette. Now, for a weak woman, does it damage the reputation of the top ten families for hundreds of years? "

"Weak woman?" Cang Pavilion pick eyebrows, brush the sleeves, warm smile, "fengshizi is joking!"

"She is a weak woman now!" Rong Feng's cold voice.

"The weak woman still has such sharp claws, which makes people want to bully. No wonder Jing Shizi has always wanted to bully him! " Cang Ting looked out of the window and turned to the moon. He raised the jade pendant in his hand and said, "this is a gift for miss Qianyue and me. That game of chess, we start from todayCloud shallow month a Zheng, reach out to touch neck, neck empty, she looks at cangting, unexpectedly don't know when he will be her neck jade pendant picked away. If he had just tried to kill her, it would have been easy. Her face sank. "It's stealing if you don't ask. Is this your self-cultivation, master

"My self-restraint is actually very good, but meets you always to be exceptional!" Cang Ting laughed and walked out.

The sword in Rong Feng's hand was broken and sold, accompanied by a cold voice, "hand it in!"

"Does fengshizi want me to break the jade card just now? It's not mine, but I don't care Cangting does not turn back, and continues to walk to the door. Ignore the sword behind you.

Rong Feng's sword can be found in the Cang Pavilion. He looks back at the cloud and the moon.

"Let him go!" the moon waved her hand weakly

Rong Feng withdrew his sword, and Cang Ting paced slowly and went out.

Yun Qianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead and murmured, "ten aristocratic families have produced a powerful figure. He doesn't know his martial arts. How about Bi Rongjing? Is it at least as good as nightlife? "

"Well, I'm not his match!" Rongfeng must be a tunnel.

"It's been ten years of hard training." Yun Xiaoyue laughed and touched his empty neck: "fortunately, what I lost was the jade pendant I wore since I was a child, rather than his jade pendant snatched from Rongjing's hand. Otherwise he will not spare me. "

"If he lost his jade pendant, it would be OK. Now it's your own jade pendant that's the trouble. " Rong Feng sighed, took back the sword and looked out of the window. Suddenly, his body was stiff, and his tone was somewhat stiff, "King Shizi?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!