The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 879

"Sister Yue, I..." Qin Yuning originally said that he would meet the empress with Yun Qianyue. Unexpectedly, Yun Qianyue walked in and threw her here. She immediately called out. After shouting out, she felt that it was not right, so she stopped.

The imperial concubine led a group of concubines to wait here all morning. However, the guards at the gate of ronghua palace were cold faced and refused to let them go. They didn't pay any attention to her. Now cloud shallow moon a word to open the door for her to enter. Even though she didn't have to be angry with the empress Tong Bing, she twisted her handkerchief into a twist and glared at the palace gate. For more than ten days, she couldn't get in and said angrily, "let's go to see the emperor! Just now, what Yun Xiaoyue has done has been reported to the emperor. You can testify. "

The words fall, the imperial concubine should leave the gate of ronghua Palace first and rush to the Shengyang hall.

After the empress had the crown prince, she no longer paid attention to the affairs of the imperial palace. Now the actual power of the empress is in the hands of the imperial concubine. The concubines dare not refuse to follow each other. They all follow the Empress Dowager and head for the Shengyang hall.

Only Qin Yuning stands alone at the gate of ronghua palace.

Yun Qianyue walked to the main hall of ronghua palace. When she heard the voice of Ming Fei's anger and leaving, she couldn't help laughing. The older the man was, the more suspicious he was. What's more, the old emperor, who was now critically ill, was in a mess. He was upset. I'm afraid this kind of rizikou can't make him feel much comfortable, but it's just a barely supported one. When people are at their weakest, their atrium is also the weakest. When the wind blows and the grass moves, he becomes suspicious. Ming Fei told the old emperor all her words at this time Death, burial, etc. are stimulating his eardrum. It is conceivable that the effects can be infinitely enlarged. It's not good for her, it's not good for that woman.

Oh Princess Ming is just a woman in the back palace!

Mother Guan opened the door of the main hall, met her and saluted the cloud and the moon! Your mother is waiting for you

Yunqianyue nodded and walked in along the curtain opened by mother Guan. At a glance, she saw that the empress was really as Rong Feng said. She looked good. At this time, she was sitting in front of the mirror to make up. She came to smile from the mirror, and her tone was gentle, "yue'er, you will leave the imperial concubine like this. The emperor will kill ronghua palace in a moment. There is no peace today! "

"Or I will not be at peace today! Auntie, which banquet have you ever seen peaceful Yunqianyue came to the queen and took the comb in her hand and began to comb her hair.

"You're right, too!" The queen smiles and looks at the moon from the mirror, "the moon looks better than that day! Have you recovered your martial arts? "

"No, not nearly!" The moon shakes her head.

"Since there is no peace today, you should be more careful. I didn't worry when you were good at martial arts. Now it's another matter because I have caused you a lot of losses in your martial arts! " The queen sighed, "the palace is now full of murders, and the palace is not so good. The people who attack you may be looking for opportunities today! My aunt is really worried. "

"It's no use worrying. Don't worry! Rong Feng and I made arrangements before entering the palace. If you don't have the strength to bind a chicken, you can kill anyone who kills me. " Cloud light moon a faint smile, do not think.

The queen heard the speech and broadened her heart, "that's good!"

Yun Qianyue stopped talking, and her fingers were skillfully interspersed between the hair of the queen. She was sensitive to the fact that the Queen's hair had been missing for a long time. As expected, when she let go of her hand, she brought out two pieces of green silk. Her eyes were dim, thinking that the fruit really consumed the essence of the human body and made a good person so vulnerable.

"How long will it take for King Shizi to return to Beijing?" The queen asked again.

"One month is enough!" Cloud light moon road.

The queen nodded, "if King Shizi is in the capital and he can protect you, I'll be at ease. Now that he's not here, I'm always worried that you can't sleep well."

Cloud shallow moon suddenly funny, "aunt, I am not so weak. Some things should or will happen if he is here. Now although he is not in, but Rong Feng is. Rongfeng is very good to me and has been protecting me. Nothing will go wrong. You can be relieved! Don't worry too much. It's the right thing to do

"Fengshizi is really good! It's also very good to dye Wang Ye. Yueer, you are lucky to have so many people treat you well! " The queen sighed and whispered.

Cloud shallow moon nods, "yes, I am lucky!"

"It's been a long time since my aunt and nephew talked! I had an accident the last time you came back, and then you were assassinated. I've always wanted to ask you. I don't have a chance to ask. Now I ask you, the emperor said that you drove away the prince and princess Luoyao of Donghai, but is it true? Is the prince of Donghai and princess Luoyao so easy to pass away? " The queen asked suspiciously.

Yun Qianyue puts down her comb and inserts a golden step to the queen. She remembers yuzishu and warms her eyebrows and eyes. "Princess Luoyao is not easy to send away, but I am old friends with Prince Yu of Donghai. He helped me. I didn't want him to come to Tiansheng, so he went back to the East China Sea. "

"The jade Prince is your old friend? I thought... " The queen was a little surprised. She seemed to want to say something. Suddenly she stopped.

Yunqianyue looked at the queen with high cloud temples in the mirror. She was shaking her feet and shining with gold. She said with a smile, "does my aunt want to say that she thought it was my father and mother who helped me?"When the queen heard the speech, she stood up in surprise and looked at the cloud and the moon in disbelief.

Cloud light moon looks at the queen, her face full of shock look at a glance, a faint smile.

"Yueer, you..." The queen also looked at the cloud and the moon and wanted to say something. It seemed that the only thing left was shock.

"Why is aunt so surprised? Do you think I shouldn't know? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows, smile at the queen.

"You..." The queen calmed down and shook her head. The surprise on her face faded away and turned into helplessness. "You are so smart. How can you not know! It's normal to know. "

"Yes, it's normal to know!" Cloud shallow moon does not care, stretch out his hand to hold the queen, "Auntie, let's go to the imperial garden! The princes of the four palaces are discussing art in the imperial garden! We're going to join in the fun. "

The queen nodded and followed Yun Qianyue to the temple. She took two steps and asked, "how do you know? Did you see them? "

"No! On the day of the adoption ceremony, my grandfather told the story of his father and mother. Father loves his mother so much. If his mother dies, how can he live alone? So I knew they must be alive. " Cloud light moon road.

The queen nodded and sighed, "I didn't know it earlier, but I didn't know it until recently."

"It should be the national master of Nanliang who came here to see you?" Cloud shallow moon slants head to look at empress, tone affirmative.

"Well! My brother came to see me, but did not say a few words, so he left in a hurry. I knew they were alive. As long as you live! " The queen lovingly touched the head of the moon and said, "the moon has parents." , the fastest update of the webnovel!