The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 880

Cloud shallow moon smile, do not speak.

"Moon, you Do you blame them? They also have to, otherwise which parents are willing to leave their children alone? " The queen looked anxiously at the moon.

"No! I don't blame them. " Yun Xiaoyue shook her head. "I've had a good time these years, haven't I? There are grandfather, aunt, brother, and a lot of good friends to me. I'm content. What's more, parents have their own lives. They don't have to live for their children. I understand

The queen nodded with relief and some heartache, "you child, you are too strong. You should know that it is easy to break just after passing. Especially women, in front of men, don't be too tough. You're talking to King Shizi It's better to be astringent. "

Cloud shallow month suddenly smile, "Auntie, I and Rong Jing are a thing drop a thing just. You don't have to worry. "

"It's true!" The queen also felt that she was too nagging and said with a smile, "you are a girl who can cure you. I used to think that you and Jing Shizi were not suitable. Now it seems that you two are the most suitable

Cloud shallow moon smile no longer speak.

Two people talk to come to the gate of ronghua palace, the bodyguard opens the Palace door, and yunqianyue helps the queen out. The weather in August is no longer hot, the wind blowing with a trace of cool, the air with a faint fragrance of flowers, fragrant and joyful. My aunt and nephew chatted all the way to the imperial garden, followed by the eunuchs waiting in Ronghua palace.

When I came to the imperial garden, I saw that the princes of the four palaces had already begun to discuss art. The royal garden was full of excitement. The young ladies of the four princes' mansion were around watching the young masters discuss art, and they were as beautiful as flowers.

Yun Qianyue looks at all the people in the imperial garden one by one. I can see familiar figures, night light dye, night sky tilt, night day Yu, Rong Feng, Leng Shao Zhuo, as well as the princes who come out of the palace of honor. Start with light dyeing at night and have a good time. She looked at the night light dyed with sweat, a little funny.

When they saw the empress's Phoenix driving, they all saw the ceremony one after another. The empress waved her hands with a smile, and she was as noble as ever.

Cloud shallow moon supported the queen to sit in a pavilion, the queen waved to the people, motioned for them to continue. The princes and ladies of the four palaces were less restrained than the children of ordinary ministers. So soon, everyone went back to the discussion of art.

Yunqianyue sits beside the queen and looks at the crowd.

The so-called theory of art was a combination of wrestling, boxing, throwing, and horse fighting in the Tiansheng imperial dynasty, which was divided into two schools. Each faction can be large or small. The princes of the four palaces, together with the princes of the royal family, were no more than 230. Yunli and Leng shaozhuo have no martial arts skills, but they also play with them. However, compared with those who have martial arts, they suffer more losses. Time is still early, obviously just played not long, two people have been kicked either footprints or mud.

When Yunli was kicked out of the circle again, the seventh princess finally couldn't help running forward, grabbed the sleeve of Yunli and looked at him heartily, "don't play!"

"Ah My sister-in-law is in love with my brother! " Cloud shallow moon looks at seven princesses funny. From her arrival, she saw the seven princess's eyes have been nervously staring at the cloud from, the line of sight did not turn to Rong Feng's body, she completely put down the heart.

The queen also laughed, glanced at Rong Feng, looked at seven princesses and said: "this child, finally enlightened!"

"It's a good thing to be enlightened!" Cloud shallow month see seven princess take out the handkerchief to cloud from Pat body, smile way.

"Yunli is a lucky child." The queen said with a smile, "he would visit me every day when you were not in the capital. Compared with your two before That brother is much better. "

Yunqianyue knows that what she said should be much better than those two brothers. She nodded with a smile. "I think so!"

Two people talk, seven princess will cloud away from the scene, cloud from some helplessly looking at the seven princess, but the look is with a smile, obviously also happy. Came to the queen, cloud from see cloud shallow moon teasing smile, face some red, called a, "aunt!" Another cry, "sister!"

The queen laughed and waved to them, "sit down and have a rest! If you play with a group of them, you will suffer from no martial arts. It will be a mess! The seven princesses are heartbroken

The seventh princess was extremely shy and angry with the queen. Her voice was very low, "empress mother, you will tease me..."

"Ah, the seventh princess is shy! Well, I won't tell you! " With a smile, the queen pulled seven princesses and sat on her other side.

"Seven younger sister, you are also too distressed cloud leaves that boy!" Night light dye discontented to this side to see, "you pull him down, we can be one person less. What a loss

"What do you lose when you fight against ten people alone?" The seventh Princess glared at the night.

Night light dye touches the head, the vision sweeps to the cloud shallow moon, beckons to her, "little girl, you come to replace!"

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, a group of big men, she also squeeze in words is a unique show!

"Come here, pinch what? When you fight with Leng Shao Zhuo before, you haven't been reserved. Who of us doesn't know who is good? " Night light dye side say while toward cloud shallow moon come, see that posture wants to pull her."Little devil, what are you pulling me for?" Leng Shao Zhuo quit immediately.

Night qingran kicks Leng Shao Zhuo rudely. Leng Shao Zhuo can't avoid it. He's been kicked. He doesn't look at him. "The guy with no martial arts skills drags me back. You and Rongfeng are the same. You can take a rest. A little girl can take the place of you two."

"You don't look down on people!" Cold Shao Zhuo reluctantly stood up straight, his face was a little red, "I have no one to love me. No end

"Ha ha, do you want to be loved? What a novelty Night light dye does not politely sneer, "ask here, which woman looks up to you?"

"No one looks up to me, no one likes you." Leng Shao Zhuo glares at night light dye.

Night light dye suddenly chokes, looks back at Leng Shao Zhuo and looks at him strangely, "good boy, you have lived in the cloud palace for ten days, and you have not only recovered well, but also developed your skills, haven't you?"

Leng Shao Zhuo snorted and patted the soil on his body.

"Come down, little girl! Don't let the big guys wait for you Night light dye see cloud shallow moon sit still, wave again.

"I don't want to be like a loach for a while!" The moon waved lazily.

"What are you doing? I'm going to pull you. If you don't move your muscles and bones like this, I suspect you will rust Night light dye strides forward, regardless of cloud light moon happy or not, a pull her up, lift step to walk to the field.

Cloud shallow moon helpless, this little devil.

"Come on, keep playing!" Night light dye release cloud light moon's hand. Wave to the person who stops. , the fastest update of the webnovel!