The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 878

Seeing that the front gate of the ronghua palace was closed, Yun Qianyue knew that the empress had blocked the concubines of the imperial palace. Even if the imperial concubine now took full charge of the Imperial Palace, she would have to yield to the empress and eat such a closed door. Usually, she doesn't have to wait, but on such a day, the queen will naturally lead the imperial concubines to attend. Even if she is dissatisfied, she has to wait.

"Oh, isn't this miss shallow moon?" Cloud shallow moon has not come near, Princess Ming gently smile, said a word first.

"Princess Ming!" Cloud shallow moon light smile, she is not in front of the old emperor, naturally will not see the ceremony to the imperial concubine. A word of greeting.

"Yu Ning pays a visit to empress Mingfei and other ladies!" Qin Yuning bowed down and worshipped, the standard of a lady's ceremony.

"Miss Qin, don't be so polite. Just like Miss moon! She's never polite when she sees this palace. " Ming Fei smiles and waves her hand to Qin Yuning.

Qin Yuning stood up and said, "how can Yu Ning compare with sister Yue? Sister Yue doesn't have to see the emperor and the queen! "

"Yes. Miss Qin is knowledgeable and reasonable! Miss shallow moon has been a headache to the emperor for so many years. It would be nice if she didn't make trouble for the emperor. The emperor would not be surprised if she didn't see her Princess Ming laughs, her eyes fall on Leng Shao Zhuo and Rong Feng who are behind the cloud. She says with a smile, "Prince Feng has been coming to the Queen's palace these days to check the pulse of the Queen's sister. The cold little prince is a rare visitor!"

"How are you! Good day, ladies Rong Feng presents himself to imperial concubine Ming and Empress Dowager. Since he saw the Empress Dowager and the concubines, he couldn't leave without being polite.

Leng Shao Zhuo snorted, ignoring the Empress Dowager Mingfei. He turned around and said to Rong Feng, "fengshizi, what are you talking about here with a group of women? Let's go to the royal garden. "

When Princess Ming heard that Leng Shao Zhuo had changed her face, she suddenly lost face and said with a sneer: "when are you so affectionate? How could you block the sword for Miss shallow moon

"We've always been affectionate, lady Mingfei. I don't have much friendship with you. If you are assassinated one day, I will not save you. " Leng Shao Zhuo does not return to the tunnel.

Princess Ming's face was cold, and her forehead was faint blue, but she suddenly laughed, "Miss light moon is really capable! How can you let so many men like it? First the seventh prince, then the king son, and then the little prince, and the maple son. Now there is a cold little prince. I don't admire Miss Xiaoyue's skills in dealing with men. It's said that the prince Leng is recuperating in the palace of King Yun, and that Miss Xiaoyue will accompany her in her daily room. Is it possible that the king's son is not here, and the young lady of the moon and the cold little prince are in love? This palace feels really strange. "

Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly stopped walking and suddenly looked back at Princess Ming. Her eyes were full of anger. He suddenly took a step back, a few steps came to Mingfei in front of her hand, the target is Mingfei's face.

Cloud shallow month suddenly hands to stop him, smile to him, "how to say a word? If it is clear, it will clear itself, and if it is turbid, it will become turbid. Didn't you say it was just a bunch of women? What is a man, a man, and a group of women? What's more, the women in this palace, once the emperor's uncle dies and the new emperor ascends the throne, they are the imperial concubines in this palace! Maybe most of the emperors and uncles like to go to the funeral. The empress of Ming imperial concubine is the emperor's favorite in this palace. It is the first thing to bear the brunt of it. She's pathetic enough! It doesn't matter if you listen to a couple of unpleasant words. When you fart. Aren't you and Rongfeng going to imperial garden? Go now

Leng Shao Zhuo heard speech immediately happy, withdraw hand, "good, listen to you, when fart put!" Words fall, he said to Rong Feng: "go! My little prince has changed his mind and his hands are dirty and fishy. It is hard to avoid bad luck. I hope the air in the imperial garden will be fresher. "

Rong Feng nodded with a smile, "let's go."

They left the gate of ronghua palace and turned to the imperial garden.

Princess Mingfei's face was livid with anger, and her beautiful eyes were staring at Yun Qianyue. "Miss Qianyue, you'd better be careful when you say something. If your words are heard by the emperor, the emperor will be furious..."

"Empress Mingfei, how can you be so naive after living in the harem for so long Yunqianyue interrupted Princess Mingfei's words and pulled out the broken snow on her waist. The bright sword was shining cold in the sun, like a broken snowflake. She played with her sword at random and said with a smile, "do you forget how I got this broken snow from the emperor?"

Princess Ming's face changed slightly, and then she sneered, "dare to draw a sword to the emperor

"How old you are! Don't you understand that saying to me means not saying it? I remember that Ming Fei was not like this before. What a gentle woman! What makes you like this? Oh, I know. Every emperor of Tiansheng will choose some of his favorite concubines to be buried. You have been favored by the emperor and uncle for 20 years. Are you worried about being buried? After all, you are so young. " Cloud shallow moon's eyes fell on the face of the Ming imperial concubine Tieqing. Even though her face was ugly, it was still bright and beautiful. She tut sighed twice, "but there is no way! The emperor is not in good health. The prince is indeed an adult. Ah Unless there is a way, that is, you die ahead of time, so you don't have to worry. Oh, there is another way, that is, you hook up with which Prince, continue to be the imperial concubine, also need not worry. Oh, what's more, do you want to take the throne with outsiders? Maybe you will be the queen, and you don't have to worry about it. Oh, and... ""Cloud light moon!" Ming Fei finally couldn't help but roar. She raised her hand and called to the moon.

The cloud light moon light floats to dodge, to Ming imperial concubine can ran a smile, "see in seven princess is about to be my sister-in-law's share, I just gave you the idea, you do not appreciate also just, why hit me?"

If you can testify to the emperor's mansion, you can't kill the Royal concubine enough

"The cloud palace has been loyal to the heavenly king for more than 100 years, and has brought in countless daughters of the cloud palace. In fact, they have been tired of it for a long time. If you have the heart to help me in the cloud palace, then go and tell the emperor! I can't get it. But... " Cloud shallow month said here pause, meaningful way: "don't forget your daughter is also a member of cloud palace now."

Ming Fei seemed to be blocked for a while, her face was livid and speechless.

Cloud shallow moon no longer pay attention to her, go forward two steps, to guard guard at the gate of ronghua palace way: "open the door!"

That bodyguard is the person of Rong Jing, smell speech to bow to answer immediately, opened the door.

Cloud shallow moon lifted step to go in, she entered, the door immediately closed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!