The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 877

Apart from the four palaces, two people made an exception to attend the banquet. One is Miss Qin of the prime minister's house, the other is Rong Feng, the son of Wenbo Marquis's house. Miss Qin has royal heirs, and such a banquet should not be tolerated. And Rong Feng is because Wenbo Hou's house is a branch of Rong Wang's mansion in general. The Marquis is is hereditary and eligible.

Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival early, cloud shallow moon and Rong Feng together into the palace.

The carriage of the cloud palace stopped at the gate of the palace. Rong Feng got out of the car first, and the cloud light moon also slowly jumped out of the car. At the gate of the palace, there were many vehicles of the four palaces. Among them, two carriages are most conspicuous, one of which is naturally the carriage of the prime minister's residence, and the other is the carriage of the prince of filial piety's residence.

Maybe it's not the car that stands out, it's the people. In front of the prime minister's house, Qin Yuning changed her simple and elegant dress. Today, she is dressed in pink and gorgeous clothes. Her skin is like snow, her face is delicate, and her beauty is like peach and plum. In a moment, she covers the ladies of the four royal houses outside the Palace. The other was the little prince of Xiaoqin's mansion. He was dressed in royal robes. However, when he saw him in the sun today, he had a gentle taste. The word "gentle" describes Leng Shao Zhuo's body, which makes all people who see him feel surprised.

No doubt, they became two scenes at the gate of the palace.

Yunqianyue's eyes swept around, and finally settled on Qin Yuning for a moment, then turned to Leng Shao Zhuo.

Leng Shao Zhuo saw that the cloud shallow moon got off the car, and immediately walked over. Before he came near, Yun Qianyue made a sound to remind him, "the wound on your chest is cured from the outside, but it's still worse inside. Don't walk too fast. It's better not to have any violent actions in a short time, so as to avoid recurrence of the wound, causing swelling and pain."

Leng Shao Zhuo immediately slowed down his pace and nodded with a smile, "I know! Pay attention later. "

Cloud shallow month also smile to him, turn back to Rong Feng to ask, "I go to aunt's bedroom, you also go together or with the princes of each palace together? Now the early comers are probably in the imperial garden! There seems to be a discussion of art before the dinner

"The empress's pulse is steady these two days, so I will not pass. I'll go to the imperial garden with Leng Xiaowang. " Rong Feng thought about it for a while, and then went back.

"Good! I'll go to my aunt's bedroom. " Cloud shallow moon nods, lift step to go inside palace door.

"Sister Yue!" Qin Yuning's voice came from behind and called for the moon.

Cloud shallow moon stops, feel Qin Yuning's skin how so thick? How many times did she make it clear that she didn't want to talk to her, this woman was able to post it. She turned her head to see Qin Yuning.

"Is sister Yue going to the empress? Yu Ning also goes with sister Yue. " Qin Yuning comes with a dignified step and smiles at the moon. It seems that the unhappiness at the gate of the palace has never happened more than ten days ago.

"Miss Qin is not waiting for the second prince?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"The second prince has been in the palace for a long time. I'm waiting for the moon here. I haven't visited the empress for a long time." Qin Yuning said with a smile.

"It turns out that I have another honor to let Miss Qin wait! Then let's get together! " Cloud light moon a faint smile.

"Look what sister Yue said? Yu Ning knew that sister Yue was assassinated more than ten days ago. She originally wanted to visit the cloud palace. However, she knew that Leng Xiaowang was recuperating in the cloud palace. Sister Yue had been accompanying her all the time, so I didn't go because she didn't have time to pay attention to me. So I'm waiting for sister Yue here. " Qin Yuning takes a look at the cloud and the moon, and her voice is not low.

Cloud shallow moon eye light turns slightly, does she accompany cold Shao Zhuo to recuperate everyday? There's no mistake in arriving! But she didn't know what to do with it, didn't she? She was not cold with a smile, but she was warm. "It's rare that Miss Qin cares about me so much. It makes me feel that the second prince and the children in your stomach are not as important as me in your heart."

Qin Yuning has a stiff smile.

"Let's go! I'm kidding you. If you are happy, please go ahead! " Yunqianyue waved to Qin Yuning.

Qin Yuning pulled the corners of her mouth. For a moment, she seemed to have nothing to say. She walked forward.

"Fengshizi, anyway, it's OK for us to go to the imperial garden so early. It's better to send yunqianyue to the ronghua palace of the empress, and then we can go back to the imperial garden. What do you say? " Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly asked Rong Feng.

Rong Feng knew that Qin Yuning had martial arts skills, but she was also a little worried. Yun Qianyue and Qin Yuning went to ronghua palace all the way, so she nodded, "what the cold little prince said is very true. Let's give her a ride first."

The two men came into the room and talked together.

Yun Qianyue looks back at them and thinks that she knows that Leng Shao Zhuo has some kind of intelligence. Even if the cold little prince of the filial piety palace has been a waste, he doesn't know anything. It seems that Xiaoqin palace and Leng Shao Zhuo know something about Qin Yuning.

"Sister Yue, the cold little prince is very kind to you now, and he is willing to block your sword. It's really enviable." Qin Yuning looked back at Leng Shao Zhuo and Rong Feng, and said with a smile to Yun Qianyue: "fengshizi has been very good to you. Even if you didn't marry him at the first martial arts champion conference, he was still kind to you. "

"Is Miss Qin praising my popularity?" Cloud shallow moon looks at Qin Yuning with a smile and says lazily: "who and who cast their spleen is fate. In fact, Leng Xiaowang and I are also devoted to temperament. Otherwise, we will not fight and kill in these years. Rongfeng, as soon as we meet, we will throw our spleen into it. In all these years, it seems that I don't like a person. "Qin Yuning pretended to be puzzled and looked at the moon. "Sister Yue, who is that person?"

"You Cloud shallow moon is very simply spit out a word.

The doubt on Qin Yuning's face turned into surprise, and she couldn't believe it. She looked at the cloud and the moon. "Yu Ning thinks that she and Yue are very aggressive. How can sister Yue think so?"

"Miss Qin is knowledgeable, gentle and dignified. Where can I get a point? Some things are natural and cannot be forced. " Cloud light moon smile light, "although Miss Qin feel and I cast spleen, I don't feel with you at all."

Qin Yuning's smile on her face was somewhat reluctant, "sister Yue can really make a joke!"

Yunqianyue thinks this woman is really interesting! Smile no longer speak, some oral cheap take two. It doesn't have to be too much. It's boring. Up to now, she didn't know what this woman thought. She wanted to die immediately, but she had to get close to her everywhere.

The four came to ronghua palace two times in advance.

A large group of people, of course, were women standing at the gate of ronghua palace. Led by the empress of Ming Fei, everyone was dressed fresh and elegant. The women in the harem usually have very few things to enjoy. Most of them are fighting with each other behind their backs. Although this year's Mid Autumn Festival is simple, even if the royal banquet is simple, it will cost more than ordinary people for several years or even decades. Therefore, the women of the harem naturally want to have a good time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!