The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 874

Night light dye follows cloud shallow moon to also enter a room behind, ask uncertainly: "what is south Ling Rui really that blue Yi?"

Cloud shallow moon stops pace, turn back to squint at him, "do you believe?"

"Nan Lingrui has one thing in common with me, the weak beauty and you. I dare to do anything! Where is it to believe or not? It's a matter of whether it is or not. " Night light dye way: "I get the news is that he took a fancy to blue Yi, intending to be impolite, now caused this kind of consequence, also not strange, isn't it?"

"If you believe it, then everyone in the world will believe it!" Cloud shallow moon does not agree to throw a word.

"That's not true?" Night light dye a Leng.

"Are you here to prove it to me?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Night light dye how clever, from the cloud light moon these two words have clear, shaking his head, "not really, I think this is a matter of uncertainty, can be true, can be false. But I'm here to tell you that uncle Huang is going to intervene in this matter. It's no small matter that the top ten families join the WTO together. "

"Oh? How does he get in touch? " Asked the moon. The old emperor couldn't sit still because of the flood. Is he more flustered now?

"It's not clear how to intervene, but it's certain. Now he is waiting for Nanliang's explanation. " Night light dye road.

Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Little girl, if the top ten families are really against Nanliang. Uncle Huang also wanted to take advantage of Nanliang. Will you help nanlingrui? " The night light dye stares at the cloud shallow moon's eye.

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not Cloud light moon road.

Night light dye pick eyebrows, low voice way: "little girl, with the relationship between you and Nanling Rui, will you not help?"

Hearing this sentence, Yun Qianyue felt that the meaning of this sentence was very ambiguous. You know he's her brother? Or because nanlingrui and her friendship and help? She looked at night light dye with a smile and asked, "what's the relationship between us?"

"Sure enough, the little girl is still on guard against me when there are things with comparative interests." Night light dye smell speech face a dark.

"Night light dye, I am not to guard against you, but the benefit returns the benefit, the friend returns the friend." Yun Qianyue looks at the night light dye, and a touch of deep color condenses between her eyebrows and eyes. "Even if the emperor knows that you are not in love poison, and I have the same good relationship with me, he still hasn't taken back the 400000 soldiers and horses in your hand even though he has carried out a move to hide from the sky and the sea, yin and Yang. Why? "

The night is silent.

"That's because he knows that once there is a comparison of interests, when I threaten the Tiansheng River and mountains, you will also remember your surname Ye. You are the little prince of Deqin palace, and you have the blood of Royal descendants. You and I, friends and friends, should not be soft hearted." Cloud shallow moon road.

Night light dye has no words to refute.

"Look! It's just that you can't see through us Yunqianyue really doesn't want to talk about such a thing, and doesn't want to talk about such a heavy topic with night light dye. But it has to be such a topic between the two people. It's like a piece of cake. It looks good in color, but actually it has changed its flavor.

Night light dye suddenly a little bored to put his hand, a buttock sat on the soft couch, depressed way: "I want to listen to music."

Cloud shallow month see Ling Lian and Yi snow has moved to the seven string instrument, she nodded, sitting in front of the Qin case. After debugging the notes, although I haven't played it for a long time, I don't think it's a simple qingpingdiao spilling over my fingertips.

This is a piece of music that makes people's heart clear and washes out troubles.

Night light dye face on the face of depression gradually fade, and change back to the same as before. He looked at the cloud light moon for a moment, that deep helpless and blood clamp fixed destiny serration was deeply buried in his heart.

A song falls, night light dye suddenly way: "little girl, you always stare at the weak beauty when you enter the palace at the age of five. Did you want to marry him then

Cloud shallow month "Puff Chi" a smile, shake his head, "I thought this kid looks really good-looking, can't help but see a few more eyes."

"But at that time, Rongjing wanted to marry you already!" Night light dye road.

Cloud shallow month thinks of that kiss, smile to nod, "seem to be!"

Night light dye mind for a while trance, seem to recall the past, murmured: "in fact, I also want to..."

"Dye prince, please enter the palace immediately!" At this time, there was a cry of anxiety outside, accompanied by a hasty pace.

Ye qingran was stopped half of what he had said. He was stunned and pulled back. He stood up from the soft couch. He did not continue what he had just said. He walked out until he got out of the door, out of the shallow moon Pavilion, and never looked back.

Yunqianyue's hand covering the strings involuntarily pinched the strings. The lyre made a clear and pleasant sound. She also pulled back her mind, and saw only a corner of her dress left behind.

"Young lady, will you have breakfast and medicine?" Ling Lian sees the moon sitting in front of the Qin case for a long time and asks in a low voice.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon should a, facial expression can't see mood.

After breakfast, yunqianyue still went to the guest room where Leng Shao Zhuo lived. Leng Shao Zhuo's face is not so pale, people also spirit a little bit. Although the cloud moon is still the same as yesterday, he sensitively feels that she is in a bad mood. So she asked if she still listened to the story? Cloud shallow moon nods, Leng Shao Zhuo continues to talk.Yunqianyue is in a better mood. She finds that in front of Leng Shao Zhuo, she can be very relaxed.

It's been a long day.

At noon, yunqianyue wrote him a ten piece letter according to the requirements of Rongjing, and did nothing more. This time, most of the ten pieces of paper are still from Leng Shao Zhuo.

In the evening, Rong Feng brought back a message that the emperor, who had been cultivating himself in Shengyang hall, made an exception to the early court today. The court openly asked the civil and military officials about the ten aristocratic families joining the WTO to denounce Prince Rui of Nanliang. There are various opinions from the officials, but most of them still hope to find comfort. After all, the heavenly sage is seriously affected by floods, and the people and troops are all in short supply. Until the next Dynasty, the emperor did not make a statement.

Cloud shallow moon smiles, the official of heavenly saint is at ease for too long.

Early in the morning of the next day, yunqianyue received a letter from nanlingrui sent back by Huasheng. "I was only interested in that woman, but now She must not marry! Girl, I've got the sewage. You need to help me

Cloud shallow moon looks at the letter paper some funny, knew that will be this kind of answer.

As expected, Linglian received the news from the outside that the prince of Nanliang sent an official document to tell the world: "he fell in love with LAN Yi, the leader of the top ten aristocratic families, at first sight. He couldn't extricate himself from his love affair. He wanted to go to the blue family to promote marriage, but now he doesn't want to be known to all. It is true that people are not sages, who can be faultless? In order to show his sincerity, he made a proposal to dismiss three thousand beauties from the prince's house of Nanliang, and plead guilty to the blue family. LAN Yi would not marry in this life! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!