The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 875

Cloud shallow month hears this imperial edict when laughing to make a sound, good south Ling Rui! What a good brother she is!

LAN Yi also covered his mouth and laughed, "Rui prince, this move is really amazing! It is full of emotion and emotion, with sincere confession and apology. All of a sudden, it blocked the mouth of the ten aristocratic families. This time, the blue master can't marry Prince Rui! "

"Lan Yi is brave enough! I don't mind being my sister-in-law even though she is a night girl. " Cloud shallow moon smile way.

"But the master of the blue family is not an ordinary woman. He is afraid that Prince Rui will not be successful in his marriage." Yi Xue laughs.

"Which marriage was successful? Need to run in, nanlingrui sometimes fox! LAN Yi meets him One killer. " Cloud shallow moon smile way. Thinking about this time, the blue family didn't know how to return. And the attitude of the top ten families is still what. Thinking of this, she said to Ling Lian: "pass on the book to the wind ember, ask his idea."

"Yes Ling Lian went down.

Yun Xiaoyue was in a good mood today, so she went to Leng Shao Zhuo's guest room. This time, she told Leng Shao Zhuo many stories. Of course, it's not the same story as Leng Shao Zhuo, but a fairy tale. Leng Shao Zhuo listened with relish.

In the evening, Rong Feng went back to the mansion and said that the old emperor had not made a statement.

Late at night, I received a letter from Feng Jin's Messenger, which said, "I'm not interested in LAN Yi. You can do whatever you want. The reason why the ten aristocratic families agreed to unite with the blue family to denounce Nanliang was to seek an opportunity to join the WTO. Each one has an abacus. "

Although yunqianyue knows that Fengjun has a negative attitude towards this kind of engagement, she is still relieved. If the wind ember also likes LAN Yi, her brother takes the woman of the wind ember, unavoidably makes her difficult to do. Now the wind is not happy, that's just right. So she immediately wrote back to Feng Jin, "the blue family doesn't make a statement, that is, she hasn't thought of the countermeasures. I didn't expect nanlingrui to accept the sewage. Therefore, as the Feng family who has a marriage contract, the Feng family can also announce the world, regret the marriage of the blue family, and complete Rui Prince's infatuation. "

After the letter was handed over to Ling Lian, Yun shallow moon nest was on the soft couch, thinking about finding a good girl for Feng Jin later!

On the second day after the letter was sent out, it was very early in the morning that news came out again. The leader of the Chu family, who was the first in the top ten aristocratic families, announced to the world that "Prince Rui is as deep as the sea, and the prince of a country is willing to plead guilty, and the Chu family is deeply moved. He withdrew from the attack and became Prince Rui and the master of the blue family

Yun Qianyue couldn't help laughing when she heard the news. Although she and Rongjing had not exchanged letters and exchanged ideas about it, they were so consistent that they still made her feel hot. The Chu family should take a stand first. Then if the wind family followed, would the rest of the aristocratic families follow the trend? Or continue to denounce Nanliang with the LAN family? It's time to think about it.

This statement of the Chu family was more effective than the joint accusation of the ten aristocratic families and the imperial edict of Nanliang. The Chu family was the most mysterious and the first of the ten aristocratic families. The news was a sensation all over the world. With this news came into being the mysterious veil of the master of Chu family. They speculated.

All of a sudden, the world became boisterous.

At 10:00 p.m., the news released by Fengjia came out from the world, saying: "the little master of Fengjia has inherited the seal of Fengjia master and become the master of Fengjia. The Feng family has a deep friendship with the blue family. He feels that Prince Rui of Nanliang and the master of the blue family are happy and willing to make a marriage. Destroy the engagement with the blue family. The people of the world testify. "

The news came out again.

After the wind family, the flower family, Feng family and Cang family should be the same as the Chu family and the wind family. Withdraw from the attack. Thus, in less than one day, five of the top ten families withdrew.

The world is changing all the time.

Cloud light moon stands in front of the window, listening to Ling Lian one by one to tell the news outside. Looking out of the window, the night is hazy and the smoke is like a gauze. Just like the current situation of the world, it is also shrouded with a thin layer of gauze, which can be blown by a gust of wind at any time to open the surface of the clouds, and the fog will be thick at any time.

She suddenly remembered Cang Ting, the young master of Cang's family, who used blindfolded tactics to her in Qicheng. It is said that he had a deep relationship with Lanyi in private, but now he has withdrawn from the attack against Nanliang with the Huajia, Fengjia, Fengjia and chujia, instead of standing in Lanyi's united front, which makes people feel that it means a lot.

So the cloud shallow month calls to Ling Lian, to her order, "check Cang ting from Qi City back to do what?"

"Yes Ling Lian retreated immediately.

Yunqianyue thinks of the man who has only seen him once. His posture is gentle and elegant, but he is obviously hidden.

The next day, there was no news coming out of the world. The LAN family did not reply to Nanliang's announcement, and the other four aristocratic families did not echo the news of the withdrawal of the five aristocratic families, including the Chu family. On this day, the world was at peace.

Yun Qianyue still went to Leng Shao Zhuo's place and continued to tell him fairy tales. She felt that she should have a way and a way to go. She could not bully Leng Shao Zhuo's honesty. She had to ask him to take out everything in his stomach when he was thirsty. So, it's quite human.

For the next three days in a row, no news came out of the world. The early news of the five aristocratic families, such as Nanliang and Chu family, is still not fading for the heat caused by the common people in the world. However, the discussion gradually changed from the relationship between nanlingrui and Lanyi to the head or young master of these five families. The successors of the new generation are said to be the most beautiful men in the world.Yunqianyue always pays close attention to the rumors outside. When she hears the rumors, she feels that the ancients say that beauty is confusing. She really does not deceive me. I don't know if the blue family doesn't take a stand again, will people who talk about beautiful men forget the original reason for this?

On the fifth day, the LAN family finally announced the news and responded to the imperial edict on Nanliang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!