The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 873

Yunqianyue puts down the paper in her hand, nests on the soft couch, closes her eyes, and thinks about the connection. Nan Lingrui holds LAN Yi and kisses him all the way back to the post station. After that, he stays alone in the room for two hours. Even if he has not done anything, no one will believe it. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her forehead, thinking that now she had denounced Nanliang, she made it clear that she wanted Nanliang to give an attitude. So what kind of attitude can satisfy the blue family and the top ten families?

"Miss, just now you asked your servant to send a message to Prince Rui asking if he was rude to the master of the blue family. Sister Huasheng said that they had been protecting Prince Rui secretly, which was also a kind of surveillance. Prince Rui did not really do anything to the blue master. Later, they escorted Prince Rui from Yuncheng to Nanliang, and the blue master was taken away by the seventh prince. They never met again. The pregnancy of the blue master must be false. " Ling Lian whispered again.

"Well, I know. I just wanted to ask him what he thought." Cloud shallow month suddenly a smile, "now this kind of thing is announced the world, the engagement of wind family and blue family is destroyed naturally. The other meaning I want to ask is whether my brother really wants LAN Yi. If you want it, you can do it if you don't do it! Just take it down! Although the top ten families are powerful, Nanliang is not a soft vegetable leaf. "

Linglian suddenly, even busy way: "that slave maid now inform Hua Sheng elder sister to send a letter to Prince Rui."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Ling Lian ran down immediately.

Yun Xiaoyue yawned and didn't want to think about it again. She had too many things in her mind today. She was a little tired, so she got up and walked to the bed. She kicked off her shoes and lay down in front of the bed. After a while, she went to sleep.

Rong Feng sent a letter to Rong Jing, and later told Yun Xiaoyue that she had fallen asleep in bed. He laughed and shook his head. Go to the window and close the window. When I turn back, I see the information about LAN Yi and ye Tianyi on the soft couch. I take it up and read it. I look down for a moment. Then I put down the information, close the door and go out.

Cloud shallow moon sleep very ripe, to Rong Feng in and out of ignorance, this sleep on a day.

The next day dawn, cloud light moon wake up, the spirit is much better than the previous two days, she dressed properly, get up and get out of bed, open the window, outside the cool wind blowing in, she can not help but play a subtle shiver, only to see a light mist in the hospital, the trees fell a layer of frost, it is completely felt that has entered the autumn cool.

When the door of the next room opened, Rong Feng came out of the room in his royal robe. It seemed that he was going to the upper court. Yun Xiaoyue left the window and went to the door to open the door. He looked at Rong Feng and laughed at him, "good morning!"

Rong Feng was shaken by the smiling face of cloud shallow moon big morning for a moment, but soon received a word, also smile to her, "good morning! It looks good today. "

Cloud shallow moon touches a face, nod a head way: "well, the spirit is a little bit."

"You have to keep taking medicine." Rong Feng came over and handed a letter in his sleeve to Yun Qianyue. "The letter from King Shizi yesterday night, I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I didn't wake you up. I thought I would come back to you after the next morning. Now you wake up just in time."

Cloud shallow month reaches out to take over letter, weigh weigh weigh, satisfied tunnel: "very heavy!"

Rong Feng smile, no longer speak, turned to the hospital to walk.

Yunqianyue did not enter the room. She leaned against the door frame and opened the envelope, revealing a thick pile of paper. With a smile on her lips, she roughly went through all the papers. There were ten pieces of paper, but only one was a letter, and the other nine were her portraits. Sitting, lying, standing, sleeping, angry, laughing, angry On the nine pieces of paper, her every manner of expression is extremely lifelike and vivid, especially the painting method and skill, the ink is appropriate, the lines are elegant and delicate, and the picture is very beautiful.

Although the cloud shallow moon is looking at oneself, but also can't help some crazy ran.

Her appearance is natural, but under the outline of the scenery, her gentle beauty is added. Whether it's eyebrows, eyes, mouth, nose, or manner Everywhere is not her appearance, the self in the painting seems to jump out of the paper and exist with her. If it is not engraved in the heart, there is no such description.

Cloud light moon originally fresh mood, at this time chest abdomen moment by these several picture scroll full of tenderness. Although she had already known that this man had engraved himself into her heart, it was not as deep as this moment that made her mark him more deeply.

This man

This man is so lovely, how can she not love?

Rongjing Rongjing

Yunqianyue silently reads Rongjing's name in her heart. She only feels that she is full of tenderness.

"Little girl, what are you crying about in the morning? Who's bothering you again Familiar sound rings, strides forward.

Yun Xiaoyue wakes up and looks up with her voice. She sees that night qingran comes in from the outside with a yawn. She has come to her when she speaks. She reaches out and pulls the paper in her hand. She looks down at her eyes and curls her mouth, "I say what are you crying about in the morning! It turns out that this weak beauty is cajoling you again

The cloud shallow month one takes the letter paper that night light dye hands, stare at him one eye, "what is coax? This is love

Night light dye chided, see cloud shallow moon moved red eyes, he was a little jealous, "weak beauty can draw this, I can, but not worse than his painting. Little girl, is this moving to cry? Your eye socket is too shallowYunqianyue ignored him and looked down at the only letter. Obviously, when he wrote this letter, he had not received her letter. It said about the situation of Valley County after she left and ordered her to take good medicine. At the end of the letter, he wrote a poem. Extremely touching and elegant. The date of signing was late at night the day before yesterday. She thought of the letter she had written before noon yesterday. He should have received it today. The corner of his mouth could not help but smile. He folded the letter carefully and put it into his arms.

"Little girl, when I took you out of the city a few days ago, you could promise to play a song for me!" Night light dye suddenly again way.

Cloud shallow month looks up at him, "listen to piano in the morning?"

"Listen!" Night light dye nods.

"All right." Cloud shallow moon see Ling Lian and Yi Xue have come out of the room, to two people: "go to the treasure house and take out my lyre."

Ling Lian and Yi Xue answered.

"Little girl, don't you have your piano in the room? And put it in the treasure house? What treasures do you have in your treasure house? I'll see it too! " Night light dye speak between lift foot to want to follow Ling Lian and Yi snow.

"Cloud shallow month after death pulls him," disorderly just, what can see! You came to me in the morning, not to hear me play

Night light dye stops and stops exploring the treasure house of cloud and moon. She nods, "little girl, have you heard that the blue family and the ten aristocratic families jointly denounce Nanliang?"

"Well, I heard that!" Cloud shallow moon nods, turns to enter a room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!