The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 868

Prince Xiao broadened his heart when he got the acceptance from Yun Qianyue and Rongfeng. He also found that Yun Xiaoyue had a kind smile on Leng Shao Zhuo. Although he felt that it was not good to let Leng Shao Zhuo live in the palace of cloud king and Yun Qianyue, he loved his son very much. When he woke up from his son's misfortune, he thought of Yun Qianyue in his heart. Now he is so seriously injured, if he really does not agree, it may be that his son is really anxious to pull the wound, and it is he who is distressed. Therefore, we can only let him go.

Prince Yun didn't expect Leng Shao Zhuo to stay in the cloud palace to recuperate. He wanted to persuade him to leave, but when he saw Yun Qianyue agreed, he could only shut his mouth. After all, Leng Shao Zhuo didn't say that he was injured because of yunqianyue's sword blocking. If Prince Xiao knew about it, he would have some trouble.

Although the two princes have their own ideas in mind, they rarely reach an agreement to enter the palace. Please order the emperor to investigate the matter thoroughly. In broad daylight, the capital is so turbulent that people can't rest assured.

After the two princes left, the room was quiet.

Cloud shallow month looks at Rong Feng, pick eyebrow, "you also live in cloud palace?"

"Well! I have to protect you before jingshizi comes back. " Rong Feng nodded.

"He doesn't know when he'll be back." It will take at least 10 days and a half months to repair the Valley County, but there are other states and counties! Although it is not serious, it should be well settled. She was not sure of the date of his return.

"No matter when he comes back, all you have to do now is take care of yourself." Rong Feng said: "do you want him to come back and see your sick body?"

Cloud shallow month slants a glance at Rong Feng, "when did you become the housekeeper who looks at me?"

Rong Feng rubbed his forehead and turned around and handed the prescription to Ling Lian and Yi Xue. They immediately took the prescription and went down. He sighed and said to Yun Xiaoyue, "I received his letter on the day you returned from Valley County."

Cloud shallow moon ha ha smile, "that future will be hard for you!"

Rong Feng mouth hook, "as long as you take medicine on time, I won't be too hard."

"All right." Yun Qianyue broke down and couldn't feel happy when she remembered that she would drink bitter medicine soup for a month in the future. When she turned her head, she saw Leng Shao Zhuo lying upright on the bed, unable to move. She thought that fortunately he helped her block the sword, otherwise she would be lying on the bed. She would not wake up now if she was hurt by the sword. She took back her sight and said to Rongfeng: "you will Don't tell Rongjing about my injury. "

Rong Feng shook his head, "I have no details to tell him about your daily affairs. Even if I don't tell him, someone will tell him. I can't hide it! "

"People are thousands of miles away, but they also control me in the palm of their hands." The moon murmured.

Rong Feng smile, no longer speak, sitting on the chair poured a cup of tea, slowly tasting.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer speak, wearily close eyes.

Leng Shao Zhuo lies on the bed to look at the cloud and the moon, and to see the Rong Feng. There is a dim shadow on the bottom of his eyes.

Half an hour later, Ling Lian and Yi Xue came in with two bowls of medicine. Ling Lian took the medicine and went to Leng Shao Zhuo's bed. Yi Xue came to Yun Qianyue's side with the medicine. There was a strong smell of medicine in the room.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to hold nose, the eye does not open to Rong Feng way: "this medicine smells bitter."

"Good medicine tastes bitter!" Rong Feng took a look at her.

Yun Xiaoyue opened her eyes and took the medicine bowl. Seeing Leng Shao Zhuo frowning at the medicine bowl in Ling Lian's hand, she immediately felt that the medicine was not so bitter, and ordered Yi Xue: "go and get two dishes of preserved fruit. I have one dish for each person and I will take one dish after each drink. "

Yi snow answered and went down.

Yunqianyue pinched his nose and took the pill. He drank it clean.

Leng Shao Zhuo can't sit up and drink the medicine himself. She can only feed her with a spoon. When she hears this, she doesn't think the medicine is hard to drink. Drink one mouthful at a time, although frown, but the face does not see disgust.

A bowl of medicine saw the bottom, Yi snow carrying candied fruit came, cloud shallow moon and cold Shao Zhuo a person a plate.

Cold shaozhuo hurt his chest, so he can pinch the preserves to eat. In fact, the last thing he likes most is sweet food. Before taking medicine, a lot of people around him served him and changed ways to make him drink medicine. But now, because of Yun Qianyue's saying "bitter first and then sweet", he feels that the preserved fruit is not so bad, so he eats it with relish. After eating the candied fruit, yunqianyue wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and said to Ling Lian, "you tell people to go to the Xiaoqin palace and clean up the clothes and daily necessities of the cold little prince. By the way, let the people around him come to two."

Ling Lian breathed a sigh of relief. She was not a servant, let alone let her serve Leng Shao Zhuo. She immediately answered and went out. Yi snow also followed to go out.

Yunqianyue stood up and said to Leng Shao Zhuo: "you have a rest! I've ordered two people to be arranged in the yard. If you have anything to do, please call out. When the people who serve you come, just say what you want, and they will help you to meet them. Don't mention it

Leng Shao Zhuo nods.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to greet Rong Feng, "go!"Rong Feng stood up and went out with the cloud.

As soon as they arrived at the door, Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly called for Yun Qianyue. Yun Xiaoyue looked back at him and said in a low voice, "I can't move, you Can you come and talk to me every day? "

"Yes! I come to talk to you every day Yunqianyue agreed happily.

Leng Shao Zhuo immediately laughed, like a child, nodded with satisfaction.

Cloud shallow moon smiles and shakes his head, if it is not for him from Leng Shao Zhuo body can not find any strange breath, she would have thought he was replaced. This change is too big, until now he is still a little confused.

Two people out of the courtyard of the guest house, Rong Feng looked back and said in a low voice, "although the cold little prince is getting better, it's not good to walk too close to you. He seems to you... "

"You say he has a mind for me?" Cloud shallow moon asks with a smile.

Rong Feng nodded, "you are so smart that you can't see. If you connive at him, will there be any trouble?"

"I don't know why Leng Shao Zhuo suddenly changed his attitude towards me. It's about these years that Leng Shao Zhuo either fights or kills me. It's me that makes him remember me deeply when he steps into the ghost door. So now he wakes up and changes his attitude towards me. In fact, Leng Shao Zhuo was not not not smart, but was spoiled by the king of filial piety in the honeypot since he was a child. All he heard was good words and flattery. Now he suddenly realized that it was not a good thing. Don't worry. He knows what happened to Rong Jing and me, and naturally he knows his own weight. " Cloud light moon road.

Rong Feng nodded, but there was still some sadness between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Rongfeng, I know that you are afraid that Rongjing will not be happy, and that Leng Shao Zhuo has a mind for me that will affect the current situation. I think there is no need to worry about it. We can't refuse a person's heart to make a new start. If a person can save his heart, he will really live. In a small way, how much less bullying and oppression will the people in Tiansheng capital be? Maybe he will save people, just like saving me today, and will save others later. It's not in vain for my big return pill Yunqianyue stopped, looked at Rongfeng's eyes, and said earnestly: "I don't think his mind has any influence. I can let him gradually eliminate his mind, rather than refuse his reform, deny his change, and push him astray again. Therefore, I do not refuse to make friends with such Leng Shao Zhuo. A person is not looking at his past, but we want to see his future. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!