The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 867

King Yun's face changed greatly and he said in a hurry: "shallow moon, how can this be good? Listen to Feng Shizi... "

Cloud shallow moon plays a bit of spirit, appoint the place to nod.

Rong Feng withdrew his hand and went back to the desk to write a prescription. He held the pen very firmly and held it firmly. Only the sound of his writing could be heard in the room. The writing on rice paper is flowing.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongfeng and thinks that she doesn't know what kind of woman can match him in the future, so beautiful

Ling Lian and Yi Xue go out with dirty water, thinking that we must supervise the young lady to take medicine and give her good health in the next month.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps coming in. The sound of footsteps was very familiar. The sound of such footsteps was heard by the empress Leng Shao Zhuo last time when he was hurt by Nan Lingrui's design night sky. It was obvious that Prince Xiao came in a hurry when he heard the news. She looked up and looked out of the window. Sure enough, the close follower of King Yun led the king of filial piety into the courtyard.

Prince Xiao's old face turned white and disappeared for a few days. It seemed that he was much older.

Seeing Prince Xiao coming, Wang Ye quickly welcomed him out, "brother Leng Wang, you Coming? "

"What about Shao Zhuo? How is he? " Prince Xiao kept walking, pushed aside the cloud Lord and rushed into the house. Before the words fell, the man had already entered the room. He saw Leng Shao Zhuo lying on the bed. He rushed to the front of the bed, looking at his body wrapped in white silk cloth. There were blood stains on the silk cloth. His legs were a little unstable. It seemed that he could not speak any more. He just stuttered and said, "Shao Shao Zhuo, you You... "

"Father, I'm fine, just a little hurt. Feng Shizi's medical skills are very good, and he has helped me to bandage it. " Leng Shao Zhuo looks at Prince Xiao and takes over his words, even busy way.

"Really Is it all right? " Prince Xiao asked uncertainly.

"That's fine. If you don't believe you ask fengshizi, you need to lie down for a few days. " Leng Shao Zhuo looks at Rongfeng.

The king of filial piety seemed to see the others in the room. The old eye fixed himself on the soft couch and looked at Rongfeng standing in front of the table.

"Although the wound suffered by Leng Xiaowang was a little deep, it was not fatal. I gave him the best wound healing medicine. After about ten days' rest in bed, you should be able to get out of bed and walk around. " Rong Feng is gentle and genuine.

After hearing the speech, the king of filial piety breathed a sigh of relief and realized that he had lost his temper. He quickly restrained some anxious looks and turned to Leng Shao Zhuo and asked, "how did you get hurt?"

"I sent Yun Xiaoyue back. We met the assassin and got hurt." Leng Shao Zhuo didn't say it was to save the moon.

"How could you meet an assassin? Where did you meet the assassin? Isn't being a father sent someone to protect you in secret? " Prince Xiao regained his composure and asked with a frown.

"The assassin's martial arts were too high. It was urgent at that time to summon the hidden guard." Leng Shao Zhuo road.

The filial piety King nodded, looked at the cloud shallow moon one eye, the facial expression is not too good, "how can you send the light month miss to come back? Miss moon is not hurt? "

"Uncle Leng Wang, do you want me to get hurt? I came out of the palace. Last night, I was too tired to save my aunt. It happened that the little prince's carriage was at the gate of the palace. I didn't have a carriage, so I took his car back to my house. " Cloud shallow moon looks to filial piety prince, "I lost half of my martial arts, can't use strength, otherwise cold little prince also won't be injured."

"So it is!" Prince Xiao's old face flashed a trace of unnatural, some embarrassed way: "I just doubt it! I know what happened in the Palace last night. Miss shallow moon can save the queen, very powerful. You are highly respected by the people outside today. "

Cloud shallow month pulled pull pull a corner of the mouth, "as long as do not scold me! It's OK to praise anything! "

The king of filial piety nodded and turned to Leng Shao Zhuo and said, "Shao Zhuo, be your father. This will take you back to the house."

Leng Shao Zhuo lowered his head and said in a low voice, "father, i..."

"What's the matter?" Prince Xiao looked at him nervously.

Leng Shao Zhuo seemed to bite his lips, looked up at the cloud shallow month, and then lowered his head, "I want to recuperate here."

"What?" The king of filial piety was surprised.

The cloud is light and the moon is blinking.

"Cloud light moon, I want to recuperate here." Leng Shao Zhuo seems to summon up courage and raise his head to look at cloud shallow moon seriously tunnel.

Yun Qianyue looks at him and feels that he can't refuse the request of a man who blocks the sword for you, especially with such a pair of serious eyes. She said with a smile, "OK, let's heal here! I also drink medicine, you also drink medicine, just together is not boring. "

Leng Shao Zhuo's eyes brightened.

"No! How can this work? " The king of filial piety objected immediately.

"Father, I want to recuperate here." Leng Shao Zhuo has a tough attitude.

"I said no!" The filial piety King's face and attitude were also very tough. To the long follower who followed him outside, he said, "come on, come in and carry the little prince back to the house."

"Father Shao Zhuo called out in anger.

"Be obedient!" Prince Xiao also scolded angrily.

"I won't go. If you have to let me go back to my house, I'll tear open the wound for you to see." Leng Shao Zhuo threatens Prince Xiao.

"You..." The king of filial piety looked at him angrily."Uncle Leng, the little prince has just been injured. Although it's not fatal, it's serious. It's better not to move it. I will live here for a period of time in the future to see Miss Gu XueYue taking medicine, and I also take care of the cold little prince dressing and changing clothes. He can stay here to heal Rong Feng opened his mouth at this time and spoke gently to Prince Xiao.

"Father Wang, the imperial doctors in the palace and the doctors in the mansion have no medical skills of fengshizi. I'm not going back to the house. " Leng Shao Zhuo said again.

The king of filial piety frowned when he heard the speech. Naturally, he knew that Rongfeng's medical skills were good, and that the old man's medical skills were famous in the world. Naturally, the imperial doctors in the palace and the doctors in the government could not compare with each other. His face softened down and waved to the long follower who came in. He walked out with understanding. He compromised with Leng Shao Zhuo and said, "OK! Then you can stay here and heal yourself! "

Leng Shao Zhuo looks happy.

Filial piety Prince and cloud shallow moon and Rong Feng helpless way: "shallow moon miss, maple son, please take care of the dog son!"

Rong Feng nodded, cloud shallow moon light smile, "good to say!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!