The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 869

Rong Feng nodded, the worried color on the face retreated, and said with a smile: "you are right, I am pedantic!"

Cloud light moon smile, reach out to pick a maple leaf from the nearby maple tree, gently touch its texture with finger belly, and say: "this day is changing! Now the world is a game of chess. We are in the capital, which is the center of the game. We are open and secret, scheming, intriguing and fighting Everyone is a chess piece. Who can say that Leng Shao Zhuo can't play his light and heat? Everyone, we have to hold an unexpected attitude, waiting for him to surprise us

Rong Feng reached out to touch the head of the cloud shallow moon, chuckled, "moon, your big truth is a set of! Why can't we talk about jingshizi? Always bullied by him? "

Cloud shallow moon hums, "one thing falls one thing!"

Rong Feng nodded with a smile, "it seems so!"

Cloud shallow month smiles to look at him, lift a step to continue to walk forward. He walked two steps and said to him, "you live in the shallow moon pavilion with me! The room next door to me stayed a few days last night. "

"Good!" Rong Feng nodded.

Two people no longer speak, all the way back to the shallow moon Pavilion.

After returning to the room, yunqianyue kicked his shoes and went back to bed to sleep.

The next day, yunqianyue still had no spirit, but when she was thinking about the queen in the palace, she had to fight her spirit into the palace. Rong Feng was coming back from the early morning. Seeing that Yun Xiaoyue was going to go out, he said that he had asked the emperor for his will. After that, he went into the palace every day to check the Queen's pulse, and the emperor agreed. He came out of the emperor's imperial study and went to the ronghua palace. The queen was in good condition and knew about her assassination yesterday, so she didn't have to go into the palace these days. Hearing the speech, she put her heart down and went back to her room.

Rong Feng said that yesterday, Prince Xiao and King Yun went into the palace to ask the emperor to make a thorough investigation. The emperor has handed over the assassination of her and Leng Shao Zhuo to yeqingran. The capital is firmly guarded by night light dye, and it is difficult for outsiders to come in, which shows that the people in the capital must be behind the assassination. Therefore, all the houses were strictly investigated, including the residence of the victim, the Xiaoqin palace and the cloud palace.

In fact, the king of filial piety knew that Leng Shao Zhuo was implicated by Yun Qianyue, but his son was hurt. Naturally, he would not do so, and secretly he was sending someone to investigate thoroughly.

Hearing the news, yunqianyue thought that even if nothing could be found out, the palaces in the capital would be turned upside down. It is estimated that the man behind him will stop for two days.

Rong Feng now works in the imperial court. Naturally, he can't stay with him. Sooner or later, he goes to the military department.

Yun Qianyue came back from Leng Shao Zhuo's courtyard yesterday and began to sleep. In addition to waking up in the middle, she had been sleeping for a day and a night. Now she is still sleepy. The more she sleeps, the more sleepy she seems to be. As long as her body is crooked, she doesn't want to move, but she thinks she can't sleep any more. Think of promise cold Shao Zhuo to accompany him to talk, simply went to cold Shao Zhuo guest house yard.

Leng Shao Zhuo was lying on the bed, looking out from time to time. Naturally, he would not send someone to invite Yun Qianyue, so he could only wait. Seeing her coming, his eyebrows and eyes were dyed with joy.

When yunqianyue entered the room, she saw two maids in the dress of Prince Xiaoqin guarding Leng Shao Zhuo's bed, serving tea and water with great care. She laughs at Leng Shao Zhuo, teasingly says: "these two can't be your communication, right?"

Leng Shao Zhuo blushed and immediately shook his head, "no!"

The two maids blushed and shook their heads with Leng Shao Zhuo.

"It doesn't matter! If you don't like it, you can call two of your concubines to serve you Cloud shallow moon entered the house, lazily nest on the soft couch, sat down and laughed.

"I don't have concubines in my yard now, and I don't have a room." Leng Shao Zhuo has a solemn tone.

Cloud shallow moon a Leng, she can remember filial piety mansion has beautiful woman innumerable, where to go?

"If you don't believe it, ask them?" Leng Shao Zhuo reached out to his two maids.

"Back to miss shallow moon, my little prince woke up from a serious illness and drove away all the beauties in the mansion! Now there are no more women in the yard except the men who are close to the servants. " The two women immediately said.

Cloud light moon blinked and looked at Leng Shao Zhuo strangely, "Leng Shao Zhuo, are you going to stop lust? Are you ready to be a monk? "

Leng Shao Zhuo's face was red and white. After alternating red and white for a moment, he suddenly lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I used to indulge in profligacy. I'm not as good as a pig or a dog. Now I want to make a change. Those women are all forced back to the government by me, so I think it's better to let them go. I gave each of them a large settlement fee. If there is no accident in the future, we will be able to live and clothe without worry. It's also a way to make up for my old bullshit. "

"So your Epiphany has reached this level! Well done Cloud shallow moon open eyes, boast.

"Really? Do you think I did the right thing? " Leng Shao Zhuo raised his head and his eyes brightened.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded seriously, "you can realize that it was wrong before, and it's right to give them happiness again. Isn't it better to find a woman you love and love you in the future? It's better than a lot of YingYing and Yanyan who are against you

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded after hearing the speech.

The two maids filled the moon with tea and retired quietly."Leng Shao Zhuo, can you tell a story? Tell me. " Cloud shallow month sees that two maids go out, she asks.

"I'll tell you something." Leng Shao Zhuo nodded and hesitated and said, "but it's all bad jokes. When I was depressed, I asked someone to go into the mansion and tell me about it. You Do you want to listen? "

"Listen, speak!" Yunqianyue thinks that he can play, and Shao Zhuo is the only one in the new generation of Childe in Beijing.

Cold Shao Zhuo see cloud shallow moon listen, then think for a while, begin to tell him. The so-called "not into the stream" is naturally yellow. However, Leng Shao Zhuo's remarks to Yun Qianyue are not necessarily rigid and choosy. Naturally, he chooses the half yellow ones. He also cuts out the yellow ones, so the jokes in Yun Qianyue's ears are not yellow any more. They are just white water stories.

He said several times in a row. Yunqianyue finally couldn't stand it. He glared at him and said, "Leng Shao Zhuo, what's your story? I've seen all the top ten, but I'm afraid of you? Where is he still a big man? Which of us doesn't know who? Even if you're reformed, there's no need to spoil art like this? "

Leng Shao Zhuo was stunned by the cloud and asked, "what is art?"

Yun Qianyue was speechless for a moment, but she still told him about the concept of art. She also told him that she felt that every unique thing in the world could be called art. What happened to Huang Duanzi? Its value is to find pleasure in the yellow, you have lost his value? What are you listening to?

Leng Shao Zhuo was stunned by the cloud moon tiger, half ring did not make a sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!