The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 866

"This is the closest to the cloud palace. Take the cold Lord back to the cloud Palace first." Rong Feng comes over and takes Leng Shao Zhuo from Yun Qianyue's hand. He is surprised that Leng Shao Zhuo is willing to block the sword for the moon.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon thought, fortunately, Rong Feng came, otherwise today and inconceivable. It seems that the people behind her really want to get rid of her and then quickly. This can be seen how much the people behind her want her to die.

The carriage can't take any more, but fortunately, this street turns to another street, which is not far away. Several people walked to the cloud Palace on foot.

"Fortunately, only a wave of sword rain was shot." Ling Lian murmured.

"Those people have learned from the experience, and the assassination is becoming more and more accurate. What's more, in this busy main street, we just shot a wave of sword rain to evacuate quickly, which made us feel that the assassin had passed. In fact, this was just a cover up. After we were attracted by the sword rain, we could make the secret master successfully assassinate. " Cloud light moon road.

"The maidservant and I are not good at martial arts, so they can't protect the young lady. Fortunately, the son of maple arrived in time." Yi snow road.

Cloud shallow month looked at Rong Jing one eye, saw him holding Leng Shao Zhuo to walk quickly in front of her, she no longer spoke. Thinking of today is to take the car of Leng Shao Zhuo, if you take Qin Yuning's car, what will happen? Qin Yuning has martial arts skills. She can't be killed successfully in partnership with the assassin. It seems that she should be more careful in the future. She has no doubt about the heart that Qin Yuning wants her to die.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue see cloud light moon no longer speak, also no longer speak. Qi Qi didn't know if sister Huasheng had sent Prince Rui to Nanliang. If she and canglan Fengyan and others came back, the comfort of the young lady would be greatly guaranteed. They were really weak.

Several people soon came to the cloud palace, just in time for the cloud Lord to go out of the mansion. When he saw Leng Shao Zhuo, who was holding a large amount of blood on his chest in his arms, he was shocked and asked, "Leng Cold little prince This is... "

"He sent me back from the palace and helped me block my sword and hurt myself." Cloud shallow moon explains.

The cloud Lord hears the speech facial expression a change, "that quick Please, doctor! "

"No, Rongfeng knows art." The moon shakes her head.

"You don't have to ask for a doctor in Lord Yun's house. I can help you. It will keep him safe. " Rong Feng nodded to the cloud Lord, holding Leng Shao Zhuo around him and went to the house.

"The third room in the yard, the first room in the yard!" Cloud shallow month can't keep up with the pace of maple, walk in the back to him way.

"Good!" Rong Feng answers.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue rushed to the third yard to prepare water and bandage things.

"Shallow moon, this Do you want to inform Prince Xiao soon Cloud Wang ye asked with a white face. Prince Xiao's baby Leng Shao Zhuo is known to all people all over the world. Now Leng Shao Zhuo Gang is still alive and injured. Prince Xiao is not sure how anxious he is!

"You send someone to tell Prince Xiaoqin in his house." Cloud shallow moon head also does not return tunnel.

Lord Yun nodded and quickly gave an order to the long follower behind him, who immediately ran out of the mansion. He had planned to go out of the mansion to the Ministry of rites, but now he is following Yun Xiaoyue and rushing to the mansion.

When he comes to the third room in the courtyard, Rong Feng puts Leng Shao Zhuo on the bed. Leng Shao Zhuo doesn't know whether it's bleeding too much or because of pain. At this time, his face is pale, but he doesn't faint.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue get warm water. Rong Feng pulls up her sleeves and pulls off Leng Shao Zhuo's coat. I saw a deep hole in the chest. Although the acupoint was fixed by the cloud and the moon, there was still blood flowing out. He began to clean his wound. Although the action was not fast, it was orderly and convenient.

Seeing that Leng Shao Zhuo's wound was deep, but he didn't hurt his heart, he put down his heart, wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and fell on the soft couch in the house, watching Rong Feng bandage Leng Shao Zhuo. Ling Lian and Yi Xue give Rong Feng a hand and deliver what they need.

The cloud King ye entered the room, his legs still trembled, and asked Yun Qianyue with a white face, "shallow moon, how did you encounter the assassination again?"

"I also want to know, maybe I was born a disaster star." Yunqianyue reached out and rubbed her forehead, feeling very tired.

The king of cloud choked on Yun Qianyue's words. Seeing that her face was extremely bad, he also knew that she was too tired to enter the palace to save the queen last night. He sighed and said, "who on earth is going to kill you all the time? Are today's killers alive? "

"If you don't want to be killed by him, it's good." The moon shakes her head.

The old face of King Yun was still pale, "why don't you..." Before the words fell, he suddenly remembered that there was Leng Shao Zhuo in the room and immediately stopped. Each palace can only support one thousand hidden guards, but the cloud palace has three thousand hidden guards, which naturally cannot be publicized.

"The prince of filial piety has also raised Three thousand secret guards Uncle Yun Wang, don't worry. I won't tell you about it... " Cold Shao Zhuo hoarse voice seems to endure pain to cloud Lord Ye way.

Prince Yun nodded in a hurry, wondering why Leng Shao Zhuo blocked the sword and sword for Yun Qianyue. However, seeing Leng Shao Zhuo's attitude, he first said that the prince of filial piety also had 3000 hidden guards, and then he was relieved.

Rong Feng cleans the wound for Leng Shao Zhuo, applies medicine, bandages, cleans his hands, and goes to the table to write a prescription."You need to drink medicine, too?" Cold shaozhuo lying in bed dare not move, see Rong Feng write prescription, white face asked.

"You have been recovering from a serious illness, and you are extremely weak. Now you have lost too much blood. You must take medicine." Rong Feng went back.

Leng Shao Zhuo nodded in pain.

Cloud shallow month looks at Leng Shao Zhuo some funny, rare to see him so painful and lovely expression. May see a person after the eye, his expression also followed the eye! She thought like this and said with a smile, "if you are afraid of hardship, prepare a plate of preserved fruit when you drink medicine. It's bitter before sweet. It's a special taste. "

Leng Shao Zhuo's expression of pain is loose and nods.

Rong Feng gives Leng Shao Zhuo a prescription, puts down the pen, walks to the cloud shallow moon, walks to her side, takes her hand to give her pulse. Cloud shallow moon also does not refuse, think oneself this pair of body also want to drink medicine.

Rong Feng's hand just put on cloud shallow moon wrist, then eyebrow wriggle, good-looking thin lips also tightly close up.

"Fengshizi, shallow moon she Very serious? " Cloud Wang Ye looks at Rong Feng nervously.

Leng Shao Zhuo also raised his ears and seemed to stare at Rong Feng nervously.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue should have splashed blood and water out. At this time, they were also holding a water basin and looking at Rong Feng nervously.

"Excessive loss of essence and Qi, deficiency of body strength, weakness of Qi and blood, and serious loss of body." Rong Feng vomited out a sentence and looked at Yun Qianyue. As she guessed, she said, "I'll give you a prescription to drink the soup for a month."

Yun Qianyue's face is bitter.

"Otherwise, if you go on like this, it will not be easy for you to get pregnant." Rong Feng said again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!