The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 865

"I'm sorry, I won't kill you again, I want to I want to be friends with you like night light dye... " Leng Shao Zhuo lowered his head and whispered.

Cloud shallow moon breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "so it is! Can you just tell me? Where can I write? "

"I'm afraid you will ignore me. I can't say it in front of you." Leng Shao Zhuo raised his head and looked at Yun Qianyue. Seeing her smiling at him, he quickly dropped down, "after all, I used to..."

Cloud shallow moon wave hands to interrupt his words, "the past is past!"

"Then you..." Leng Shao Zhuo looks at the cloud and the moon with some uncertainty.

"As long as you don't do wrong again, it's a matter of doing evil, and you'll get rid of the evil and return to the right Cough, in fact, I'm still walking on the evil path, um Well, in the future, if you want to beat me, you can help me. I'll treat you as a friend. " Cloud shallow moon coughed twice, some pull break tunnel.

"Good!" Leng Shao Zhuo nodded with a smile.

Yunqianyue felt that Leng Shao Zhuo was a big wolf dog in front of her before, but now she is a little sheep. She sighed for a while, thinking of many friends, many roads, many enemies and many walls. It's better than killing her before. She yawned and closed her eyes. "I'll take a nap."

"Well, sleep! I'll call you when I get to the cloud palace. " Leng Shao Zhuo obviously knew what happened in the palace yesterday. He looked at the tired face of Yun Qianyue, and his expression was much more relaxed than that of his earlier embarrassment.

There was silence in the carriage, and the faint crowd from the street outside came into the car.

Yunqianyue thinks that no matter how the outside world is affected and suffered, Tiansheng capital will always be prosperous. No wonder senior officials do not know the hardships of the people. She listened to the crowd and soon fell asleep. When the carriage came to the most prosperous street in the capital, perhaps Leng Shao Zhuo's former unbridled power still existed, so people on the street gave way in fear when they saw the license plate of Prince Xiaoqin's mansion, and the carriage went smoothly.

After a long journey, a faint sound of breaking the air came from all sides. Because of the dense crowd in the street, the sound of breaking the sky was hidden, but it was still very sharp in the ear of yunqianyue. She opened her eyes and was about to jump out of the car. When Leng Shao Zhuo was sitting in the corner, she immediately stretched out her hand to hold him. Originally, she wanted to rise from the sky, but the sound of breaking the sky seemed to come from above, and hit the arrow rain Can pull Leng Shao Zhuo out of the car.

Leng Shao Zhuo was startled. He was dazzled and rolled off the carriage.

"Be careful, miss!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue naturally realized that they all flew up together, but there was too much arrow rain, so they only knocked down a few, and some penetrated the curtain of the carriage.

Yunqianyue stopped Leng Shao Zhuo rolling on the ground for several rolls, avoiding a wave of arrow rain, and then no arrow rain fell. She pulled Leng Shao Zhuo straight up, and the screams of people who saw this scene were heard around her.

At this time, a man suddenly jumped out of the crowd and stabbed out a sword, which was very fast.

If she hadn't consumed her true Qi for the queen yesterday, Yun Qianyue would not have been afraid of such a sword edge. However, she was wearing out too much yesterday, and her body had not recovered, and she could not lift her true Qi much. This sword is obviously a master similar to her martial arts. Although she is sensitive to know that the sword is coming, she can't escape quickly, not to mention pulling a Leng Shao Zhuo.

Obviously, the assassin knew her state and pressed her step by step.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue have just dropped a wave of sword rain. They have just fallen down. They are a little far away from the cloud and the moon. At this time, they see the sword stabbing at the moon. They are so shocked that they fly to her. But still can't rescue, two people in a hurry, will be in the hands of the sword together to throw out the sword.

The two swords were like two chilly awns. They poured their skills into each other. They all hit the sword which stabbed at the moon. However, the swordsman's martial arts were too high and their internal power was also very high. They could beat the swords back an inch, then they flew two swords, and continued to stab yunqianyue's heart accurately.

Cloud shallow moon has no strength, thinking that today's injury is inevitable.

At this time, Leng Shao Zhuo, who has been in a state of dizziness, suddenly wakes up, pushes aside the cloud and shallow moon and blocks his body. "Hiss" a sound, that sword stabbed in his body.

Cloud shallow month is pushed to a stagger, stop body to turn back, see Leng Shao Zhuo for him to block the sword, complexion a change.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue have arrived at this time. They are very angry and wave their palms together. One of them is evaded by the assassin, and the other slaps him. Although he has been slapped, he does not seem to be affected at all. He pulls out his sword and stabs at yunqianyue again.

Leng Shao Zhuo falls to the ground, and yunqianyue immediately reaches out to help him.

At this time, a touch of blue and white figure floats and falls, blocking the sword of the man in black stabbing cloud shallow moon again. This person is Rong Feng. Ling Lian and Yi Xue at this time also again used a vicious move to the assassin Qi Qi.

The assassin obviously saw that he could not be killed again. He tried two illusory moves to avoid the wind of Ling Lian and Yi Xue. In an instant, he flew into the air and went up to the roofs on both sides of the street. In a flash, he disappeared.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue just want to go after, Rong Feng withdraws his hand, looks at that person to leave the direction warm voice way: "don't chase! This man's martial arts are too high to catch up with. "Ling Lian and Yi Xue immediately stop their bodies and turn back to see the moon.

Cloud shallow moon is caressing Leng Shao Zhuo, that sword just stabbed in his chest, his chest at this time blood straight out. She immediately put her hand to point the two acupoints in his chest, and saw Leng Shao Zhuo looking at her with wide eyes, her lips tightly closed, and did not speak.

Leng Shao Zhuo laughed at her, "fortunately, I didn't hurt you..."

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow frown, "why block sword for me?" This is a little superfluous. The sword is blocked, and then everything is unnecessary. But the person who blocks the sword is Leng Shao Zhuo, so she has to ask.

"You just said we were friends Who wants to hit you? Let me help you... " Leng Shao Zhuo said hoarsely.

Yun Qianyue was speechless for a moment. What she had just said to him was just nonsense. She didn't want to let Leng Shao Zhuo help her, but she didn't want it to come true so soon.

"Besides, if you don't pull me out of the car, those arrows I can't avoid it either... " Leng Shao Zhuo said again.

Cloud shallow moon nods, calculate to understand, complexion warms down, say to him: "don't talk, your wound needs to be treated quickly."

"If I could block the sword for you I don't regret it... " Leng Shao Zhuo lowered his eyelids and his voice was very low.

"It's not so easy to die. Your sword doesn't go deep into your chest. Don't worry, you can't die." Yunqianyue thinks that thanks to Ling Lian and Yi Xue, they have just thrown out their swords to block the assassin's sword. Otherwise, it's hard to guarantee that Leng Shao Zhuo will not be pierced by a cold heart. Now, although she was hurt, she noticed the size and strength of the sword. No one died. Maybe the assassin's martial arts skills are too high, so he doesn't need to use poison at all, so there is no poison on his sword. , the fastest update of the webnovel!