The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 861

The Queen's trembling body gradually stopped shaking, and the pain on her face faded and gradually eased.

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow is firm and resolute, the first time thanks her mother to leave her Phoenix Scripture. To save Rongjing and auntie are the people she cares about most. Although she has experience and tries her best to minimize the loss of genuine Qi, she still feels that the loss of Qi in her body is fast.

That mammy has been guarding the cloud shallow moon side, from time to time with Juan PA to wipe her forehead sweat.

The queen looked at the cloud light moon gradually pale face ache, several times opened the mouth, finally was silent.

As time went by, the hall was quiet, and the sound of pacing back and forth from time to time came from outside the hall. It was obvious that the old emperor did not leave, but stayed outside the door. Although the doctors in the hospital are not useful, no one dares to leave.

The atmosphere inside and outside ronghua palace was tense.

At daybreak, yunqianyue finally withdrew her hand. As soon as she was soft, she fell to the ground. The mother immediately helped her and cried out, "Miss shallow moon!"

"Moon?" At this time, the queen was no longer unwell. When she saw the moon fall, she was anxious to make a sound.

Yun Xiaoyue pulled the corners of her mouth. Her breath was weak. She shook her head to the queen, "I'm ok, but I'm tired..."

"Mother Guan, help Yueer to rest on the couch..." Mother, tell the queen to hurry up.

Mother Guan nodded and supported the soft couch.

The cloud light moon slants to fall on the couch, feels even to raise the hand the strength to have no, but the face still shows the warm smile, "aunt, you don't feel bad? The baby is saved! It's not a shame. "

The queen looked at the cloud and the moon, and tears came out, "moon, you have worked hard..."

"It's hard work, but it's worth it to keep the child." Yun Xiaoyue shook her head and comforted: "Auntie, don't cry. Your mood has just stabilized. Crying is not good for your health. Although you have stabilized the fetus and saved the child, you should not be too emotional, otherwise it will be easy to slide the tire. "

The queen nodded and stopped her tears.

"Mammy, how did my aunt get cold poison pills? Didn't you stay with her all the time? " The cloud is shallow and the moon is rising.

Mother Guan showed a look of shame, "the old slave is always on the side of his mother, even the mother's diet is extremely cautious. Especially these two days, I dare not leave my mother for half a step. At night, I rest on the soft couch next to my mother. Yesterday, my mother went to bed early, and I also lay down. About midnight, I heard the sound of the door, so I got up quickly. As soon as I sat up, a man flew in from the window. The man slapped me in the face. As soon as I dodged, my mother screamed, With this scream, the man threw something into her mouth. I was in a great hurry to attack him, but worried about the safety of his wife, he escaped. "

"And then?" Asked the moon.

"When he escaped, the guards found out, but they still failed to catch him. After that, his mother began to have a stomachache, which disturbed the emperor. The emperor came with the doctor, but she said that she would wait for you Then you came to see the situation. It was the old slave's dereliction of duty... " Mother Guan blamed herself.

"It's not your fault. Inside and outside ronghua palace, there are not only the emperor's people, but also me and Rongjing's people. The fact that he was able to come in and harm his aunt and then escape safely can only show that he is very skilled in martial arts. He is very familiar not only with the Imperial Palace, but also with the ronghua palace. " Cloud light moon road.

"It's very familiar. So many hidden guards in Ronghua palace have been escaped by that man." Mother Guan nodded.

"What does that man look like? What are you wearing? Can you see it clearly? " Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"It looks like Second prince. " Mother Guan said.

Yun Qianyue's mind moved and immediately shook his head and denied, "it won't be him. He doesn't have such skills! Even if it was an emergency, the skills of yetianqing were not your opponent. "

"Is it possible that the second prince has been pretending to be bad at martial arts? That man's skill is really profound. " Mother Guan said.

Yun Xiaoyue shakes her head. "I have been following the night sky for ten years. If he says that he is deep in mind, he has never been able to disguise this. In fact, he is very sensitive to likes and dislikes. If you can camouflage in front of others, but in front of me, if he camouflages for ten years, he can't be found by me. It's definitely not him. "

"That's a fake second prince!" Mother Guan said.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Could it be The seven princes' school? " Mother Guan looked at Yun's face and said it carefully.

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "also is not him. Ye Tianyi can't easily get the throne, but it's almost the same. He won't touch my brow with this matter. Besides, he won't hurt a baby who has only been three months old, which is not harmful to him. His pride disdains him to do so

Mother Guan nodded and doubted, "can't it be the fourth prince?"

"Night day Yu is also unlikely, he can not control such a capable person." Cloud shallow moon shakes her head, light way: "this matter shows that someone wants to take advantage of this matter to drag night sky tilt, night day Yu, night Tianyi into the water. The child in the aunt's stomach is the prince, which is too sensitive. What's more, these two days and nights Tianqing and yetianyu have small movements behind their backs, which makes people suspect that what they did today is what they did to divert their attention. In addition, when I came to rescue my aunt, I met an ambush killer as soon as I got out of the cloud palace. The time was extremely accurate. Obviously, I knew that I would come to the palace immediately when I heard the news of my aunt's accident, which showed that the assassin in the ambush was either the same person or accomplice with the one who hurt the aunt. The purpose is to kill three things with one stone. One is to kill the child in the aunt's stomach; the other is to make night Tianqing and ye Tianyu carry a black pot, so as to eliminate the possibility that they may harm the aunt and involve Ye Tianyi; and thirdly, kill me. ""Yueer, did you meet the assassin before you came to me?" The queen was startled.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, to on empress startled look immediately way: "I am not injured! He ran away. "

The queen breathed a sigh of relief

"He didn't hurt me that easily." Cloud light moon thought of the old man in grey robe, and his face was cold and flashed away. Looking at the queen, she said, "Auntie, who is the most advantageous way to kill three birds with one stone?"

"The emperor?" The queen said immediately.

"Now Tiansheng is flooded. He should not want you to have an accident at this time, which will increase his trouble." Cloud light moon road.

"Is it not the emperor?" The queen frowned and looked out of the hall. Through the curtain gap, we could see clearly the figure of the old emperor still walking. She shook her head, "I only know that he doesn't want me to have this child, and then the second and fourth prince. Although the teaching is under my name, you know that if you don't kiss me, you are not born after all. Even if it's natural, there will be no humanity about the throne, but if you say it's not them, then I don't know. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!