The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 860

In the palace of the Lord of ronghua, the empress was lying on the bed with her stomach in her arms. After only a month's absence, she was already too thin to be human.

Yun Qianyue walked quickly to the bed. The two maids in front of the bed immediately got out of the way. She saw a pool of blood on the bed. The queen covered her stomach with her hands and trembled all over her body. Her clothes and bedding were covered with blood. Seeing her come in, her eyes gathered a light, "moon, moon You save the child... "

"Don't worry, aunt. If you can help me, you will." Yun Qianyue immediately reached out and pressed the Queen's wrist to feel her pulse.

The queen nodded, her eyes fixed on the moon.

As soon as yunqianyue touched the empress's wrist, she felt a bone chilling cold coming from her wrist. It's no wonder that she kept shivering. It's not all painful, but cold. According to the law, even if the queen ate the fruit, her body would not be so cold, which was like a cold poison pill. Only when the cold poison pill is resisted by the fruit in the abdomen, will it be so. She pursed her lips tightly and looked closely.

"Moon How about Is the child out of control? " The queen saw that the cloud was shallow and the moon was half loud and did not speak, and her heart was sinking.

Cloud light moon raised her eyes and saw that the Queen's eyes were no longer glorious and gray. Just as she was about to open her mouth, she heard the footsteps coming in. Turning her head, she saw the old emperor come in. She swallowed what she had meant to say.

The old emperor came to the bed, looked at the cloud shallow moon, urgent voice asked, "moon girl, can the child keep?"

"Does the emperor's uncle want the child to keep, or doesn't want the child to keep?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Nonsense! Naturally, I hope that my children will be kept! " The old emperor flew into a rage.

"Don't forget, uncle, that he is both your child and your prince. Do you want the prince to keep it? " Cloud shallow moon ignores the old emperor's anger, and pick eyebrows.

The old emperor was stunned.

"You You go out... " The queen suddenly closed her eyes and made a noise to drive people away. Naturally, the person she drove away was the old emperor.

The old emperor was furious, "I naturally hope that my crown prince will keep it! Moon girl, what do you want to say? Can the child be saved? "

"I let you Go out... " The queen aggravated the reason and drove the old emperor away again.

"Queen, don't make a fool of yourself! What you have in your stomach is my child. I'm worried when I look at you. Don't be angry with me. It's important to find a way to keep the child. " The old emperor softened in the face of the queen.

The queen closed her eyes and said, "you go out..."

"You..." The old emperor has been very angry. When did he keep his breath to whom? Now that such words have been said, the queen did not buy it. He wanted to be angry, but the anger could only be suppressed. He held his breath in his chest and looked at the queen.

"Go out..." It seems that the queen can only say these two words.

The old emperor's eyes were filled with anger, but he still forced himself to bear it down. He stopped looking at the queen and said to Yun Qianyue, "moon girl, what is the situation? You know your aunt wants this child, and I also want it. As long as there is a first-line way, you can keep this child for me."

"This time, what about next time?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

The queen closed her eyes and immediately opened her eyes. Looking forward to the moon, she said, "moon Kids can Keep it

Cloud shallow moon does not answer, just look at the old emperor.

"Keep it next time! What do you want, son of heaven? How can we not keep a child? " The old emperor said in a deep voice, "as long as you can keep the child, I will not be responsible for your driving away the prince and Princess of Donghai."

Cloud shallow moon ha ground a smile, "emperor uncle! I must solemnly say to you that the prince and Princess of Donghai left Valley County and returned to the East China Sea because the king of Donghai had an old disease, which was so serious that they had no choice but to return. It's none of my business. I went to Valley County just to see the scenery. "

"You can only make a fool of a yellow mouth child, but not me." The old emperor had a sharp eye.

"Believe it or not, that's it. If you don't believe it, you can show me the evidence of my expulsion. Otherwise, although you are the son of heaven, you will not be able to commit crimes at will. " Cloud shallow moon face sinks down, "emperor uncle still goes out! The person lying in bed is my aunt. The child in her belly is my brother. But there is a little hope that I will keep him. It's not necessary for you to make any exchange with me. "

"You..." The old emperor was furious.

"You are here to affect my aunt's mood and my mood. If the child really can't keep it, it's up to you." At this time, yunqianyue not only looks bad, but also has a bad tone.

"Emperor, you Go out I don't want to see you... " At this time, the queen was tough again.

"It's said that the daughter of King Yun's house is tough. I finally understand now." The old emperor could not stop his anger and said to the moon, "I can go out, but you'd better keep the baby for me. Otherwise, I'll have to ask you. " Words fall, he strides to go out, the footstep is some ancient and rare old person's decadence staggers.

"Mammy, close the door! From now on, no one is allowed in! " Cloud shallow moon to that mammy command. She knew that this Mammy was the one who Rongjing arranged for the empress. Since mother sun died of a hidden weapon at the old emperor's birthday party, and later became pregnant, Rongjing sent someone. She has a high level of martial arts, otherwise it would be impossible for her to stop the old emperor outside before she came."Yes The mother immediately answered, closed the door, and dropped the doorknob.

Yun Qianyue's hand has been pressing the Queen's pulse, but in fact, she has been conveying genuine Qi into the Queen's body when talking to the old emperor. Because she took the fruit twice, she had a special constitution, so when she had any abnormality, her body would react immediately. That is to say, it was not long ago that she took the cold poison pill, which lasted only half an hour. So as long as the cold poison is removed immediately, the fetus can be saved.

"Moon..." The queen looked at the moon. There was hope in his eyes.

"Auntie, I can keep my child. Don't worry." Cloud shallow month to Queen a smile, another hand in her abdomen place lightly two times, "I give you hemostasis first, you relax some, believe me."

"Well, my aunt believes you..." The queen hears cloud shallow moon's assurance, reluctantly smiles to her, nods weakly.

Yun Qianyue no longer talks, and continuously conveys the true Qi to the queen. She is a kind of fire because she studies the Phoenix Sutra, but because her mother injected a cold Qi into her during the Phoenix robbery. Later, she was attracted to the underground Buddha Hall of Lingtai temple to help her integrate the two kinds of true Qi. Now her true Qi is warm after a cold and a fire blend. Because of his experience in helping Rongjing get rid of cold and poisonous diseases, he easily found a way to get rid of cold poison pills this time. In addition, the empress took the cold poison pill for a short time, and there were fruits in her body that repelled the cold poison. Therefore, her Qi input was very smooth, and she drove away the cold poison that hovered on the edge of the Queen's abdomen one by one. , the fastest update of the webnovel!